The room was in a mess, the walls were full of bullet holes, and the framed calligraphy and paintings were crooked.Tina approached step by step, wanting to confirm the life and death of the target.

Mu Geng hid under the desk and violently drew his knife.

"Drops of water into ice!"

The murderous sword Xueying slashed iron like mud, which is not an exaggerated description. It cut off the entire barrel of Gatling with just one knife.

The long hair is fluttering, and the heart is like still water.The day when Tiantongmu became a sword ghost was so beautiful that it was soul-stirring.The girl saw the murderer's appearance clearly, and her heart softened immediately.


Tina's eyes were red, she gritted her teeth and threw away the scrap iron in her hand, and fought close to her.The physique of the cursed son surpassed that of ordinary people, and a starter like Tina, who ranked among the top [-], was even more of a monster among monsters.Mu Geng's weakness in physical strength was exposed, and Tina kicked him to the corner of the wall, and strangled his neck fiercely.

"Cough cough!"

The girl struggled desperately, and her strength was rapidly draining.At this moment, who is the person I most want to see in my heart?She finally confirmed her mind.

Mu struggled to come up with a name: "Asabi..."

"What did you say?" Tina froze for a moment.

If you die here, neither love nor revenge can do it!

The girl with long and straight black eyes widened her almonds, her face was frosty, suddenly a force surged out, and she forcibly opened Tina's hand.

Tina was shocked and said, "Obviously an ordinary person, how could it be possible..."

Yes, obviously without kidneys, can you still secrete adrenaline?That idiot seemed to have given me some injections, saying it was good for my body.Even if I am crippled in life, I still cannot die here.

"Don't underestimate girls in love, just like women's revenge." Mu Geng smiled, "You don't understand at your age, little sister killer."

Mu Geng suppressed his smile, turned over and jumped, dancing more beautifully than Miori in a kimono, slashed Tina's chest with a knife, and uttered cold words.

"I'm an evil ghost crawled out of hell."

Tendoki also has the potential to be attracted to evil—pure evil.

"Hey, big sister, Hiruko Hina is here to save the scene!"

With two knives on his back, little Binai ran in from the door like a gust of wind and said, "Brother sent me to protect you."

"That rascal……"

Mu Geng's heart warmed, and he put on a bad face, but he was very friendly to children, and said with a smile, "I'll leave my sister to you, little Binet."

Little Binet looked at Tina with bloodthirsty eyes, and said, "Excuse me, can I cut it?"

Tina's face was pale, not because of the bleeding from the wound, but she could recover quickly with her self-healing ability.My mind was in a mess: Brother Qianyu, how is it possible... Who is the person I want to kill?

Tina drew her pistol and shot with precision.I saw Xiao Binai wielding the double knives, and the impenetrable wind of the knives stopped all the bullets.

"This is?!"

The sword technique of splitting bullets.

Tiny Binet tilted his head and said, "My brother taught my Tendo Liu the sword drawing technique."

Tina suddenly confirmed a conjecture, showing a rare fragile expression, and opened her mouth, only to murmur unconsciously: "Why is this happening? Why are you..."

At the height of the four-story building, Tina jumped out of the window and fled, disappearing into the crowd.Little Binet lay on the window sill and looked around, with a sullen expression on his face.

"Forget it, don't chase any more."

After Mu Geng finished speaking, his eyes darkened and he fainted.

"Big sister! Ah, I forgot to have a knife in my hand, and accidentally stabbed it..."

The date was at the entrance of the amusement park, and Hitomi Asaba waited boredly.There is an endless stream of couples who are together, and it seems out of place to be alone.Suddenly, I saw that the spring was bright, and the light-blond loli was clutching her chest, out of breath.

Tina stood up slowly and smiled slightly: "Sorry, I'm late."

Finally, caught up.

"The time is just right." Asahi stretched out her hand and said, "Let's go."


Tina's personality is very quiet, not as noisy as ordinary children at all, much better than the little ones at home.It is simply the dream of "other people's children".After asking Tina to wait for a while, she really sat on the bench peacefully, but her head was bit by bit, and she was about to fall asleep again.

Asaba handed her a takoyaki and said, "Here."

"Thank you."

Thank you for your lovely voice.

Asaba put her hands on the back of the chair and watched the little loli eat.Tina first took out the medicine bottle from her pocket, and sprinkled a dozen or so capsules of caffeine on the takoyaki.

"Hey!" Asahi had no time to stop.

Tina said, "Sorry, I'm so tired. I can't go on a date without caffeine during the day."

"It's fine anyway."

The girl said seriously: "It's very important to Tina."

Sometimes, an expectation can be someone's hope of survival.

"You..." Qian Yu was slightly taken aback.

"Since my parents died, my life has been full of pain. I only feel happy when I'm with Brother Asaba. It turns out that dating is such a happy thing."

Tina burst into a healing smile.

Don't show such a smile, otherwise... How can I be so determined to be your enemy? !

Tina was in a daze, and every time she forked the takoyaki, it dropped as soon as it was brought to her mouth.It's a pity that it fell to the ground.Asagi couldn't stand it anymore, took the toothpick and fed it to her.


Tina was caught off guard, her mouth was stuffed to the brim, she chewed contentedly, and swallowed in one gulp.Once again, she showed a faint and quiet smile, and then she opened her mouth obediently, and she uttered like a child: "Ah~"

"I really can't help you."

In the end, Asaba took a tissue and wiped the corners of Tina's mouth, feeling like taking care of Yenju when she was a child.

"Tina, if possible, I'll be your brother..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the rapid ringtone of the mobile phone.


"Brother, my eldest sister suffered a head injury. I sent her to Dr. Muroto."

Qian Yu's heart tightened, and she said in a deep voice, "Understood, I'll go back right away."

Just as he was about to take a step, Tina grabbed the hem of his clothes, took a deep look at her, and said, "Sorry, I'm in a hurry, next time I'll take you to ride the Ferris wheel."

"I want to see the Skytree again." Tina finally gave in.

"it is good."

Since they both know each other, the next time they meet they will be mortal enemies.

Qian Yutong was in a hurry, ignoring the surprised eyes of passers-by, and disappeared into the whirlpool.Then, Tina's chest was bleeding, she covered her chest, slowly lowered her head, and was in an amusement park where people came and went but no one cared.

The most unwanted cell phone rang.


"As far as I know, President Tendo who ordered you to kill is not dead."

"Sorry, I……"

"Do you really know your own value?" The other party said dissatisfiedly, "Don't make me embarrassing in front of the old people, my ability is not inferior to any scientist. The last order, kill Hitomi Asaba, and if you fail, you will kill yourself .”

The phone was hung up roughly.

"……Yes Master."

PS: Today is my sister's birthday. When I wanted to give something, I realized that I didn't know my sister's preferences at all.In the end, it can only end in year after year of non-nutritious pleasantries.Regular readers know how I became a sister-con.

For some things, it's really too late.

Chapter 182

It's time for kidney dialysis again.

In the hospital, Tendoki was lying on the hospital bed, pulling up his sailor suit, revealing his fragile skin.The girl was dripping with sweat, she bit her lip, her cheeks were flushed, and she said, "I don't want you to see your vulnerable side."

"But I'm a doctor, and I always see when people are vulnerable." Qian Yu smiled.

Mu Geng muttered: "This answer is too cunning, doesn't it not respond to my mood at all?"

For four long hours, Asagi stayed by the bed, watching Kisara's side face.

If you stop Tina early, you won't be hurt.When you were in pain and helpless, I was still talking and laughing with the murderer.It wasn't until this moment that I realized what a hopeless fool I was.

Hemodialysis is over.

Mu Geng felt that his body was about to rust, so he stood up and stretched his waist, looking defenseless, his plump breasts swayed slightly, and his seductive breasts swayed again.

The girl stood by the window, fiddled with her little hands nervously, and said, "Thank you, you are especially allowed to hold my hand."

"What is that, it's just a hand-holding fee?" Qian Yu complained.

"Hurry up, I'm ashamed too! Isn't this like a couple?"

Asagi stood behind Mu Geng, interlocking her fingers.She visibly trembled all over, then slowly relaxed, her palms were sweating, and she gently hooked her fingers.Asagi peeked at the girl's side face, with a warm smile rippling, as if the pain she suffered had paid off.

So cute.

Finally, Asagi couldn't bear it anymore, hugged Mu Geng from behind, and ravaged the big white rabbit with a pair of claws.Soft enough to hold in one hand, changing shape at the fingertips.

"Wait... what are you doing all of a sudden! This progress is too fast, obviously just holding hands." Mu Geng shouted shyly, "Asahi, are you really listening?"

"I've wanted to do this for a long time. Miss Muda, do you really know how charming you are?"

Asagi pulled Mu Geng's body and kissed him gently.Not counting the petty fights with children, this is kissing after ten years, falling in love with a woman again.

"Hmm..." Mu Geng opened his eyes wide.

After a long time, my lips parted.Asagi held the girl's cheeks, showing a gentle and handsome smile, just looking at it would fascinate people, and they were powerless to resist.

"Let's date. Maybe you can't see it, but I am actually much older. But, I will try my best to change back to a young heart, so that I can catch up with your mood."

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