When Aikawa Hayato came back to his senses, he was already besieged on all sides.Netizens revealed his real information and scolded him loudly.

"Anyone who hurt Red Eye in the past, die to me!"

"Apologize yourself."

"As long as we kill him, the police will be willing to protect us, right? Hurry up!"

This is a trial for all mankind, and the judge is the whole of Tokyo.In order to survive, they hope that the defendant will be executed as soon as possible.

"No...you obviously hate red eyes, don't you? I just did what you wanted to do but didn't dare to do, and I was applauding before..."

Hayato Aikawa was almost overwhelmed by despair, and hid in bed crying bitterly.

In the sunlight-bathed corridor, Qian Yutong came meanderingly, and the neighbors poked their heads out to watch.

There was a knock on the door.Aikawa didn't dare to open it.Qian Yutong easily broke through the door, revealing a handsome face, but like a ghost.

Someone shouted: "Kill him!"

Asagi scratched her head and said, "This is a legal society, so it's better to go through the process?"

"No need. This person blew up the school with a weapon of mass destruction. He is a terrorist! It's so scary, just shoot him dead." That's what the neighbor said.

Asahi asked, "Did you hear that?"

"No!" Aikawa cried bitterly, "Please let me go. We are the same kind, aren't we?"

Asagi said coldly: "Then have you heard my students groan|groaning in pain? Those children don't even have a chance to beg for mercy. Hundreds of holmium shrapnel burst on the body surface? Come and enjoy the mercury flowing all over your body feeling."

"Now, in the name of all of Tokyo, I implore you to die."

Evelyn's exquisite lines glistened in the sunlight, shooting out a quicksilver bullet|bullet.


Chapter 198 Heart of Taurus, Gun of Light

The flames of regression, the gunfire is spreading.The civilian police force could not hold out.

At this time, Sheng Tianzi issued a statement, agreeing to all the demands of Hitomi Asagi, and has brought the murderer of the bombing to justice.Later generations called it "the fuse of world change".Tokyo has completely become a country where human beings and red eyes coexist, making international humanitarianism just around the corner.

In the following years, red-eye revolutions broke out one after another around the world.The status of the cursed son and human beings began to change subtly.Those are things for later.

"Great, we won. Justice will be served!"

Five hundred red-eyed girls wept with joy.Maybe it's Aiwujiwu, they care about the students in District 39 very much.According to the latest news, the two children who were seriously injured by the explosion have basically recovered.

Dawn is coming.

Under the hospital, on the green forest path, Xiaomei and Shashali were wearing hospital clothes and walking hand in hand.Today, no doctor or nurse dares to discriminate against red eyes.

"The teacher helped us avenge."

Xiaomei smiled and said, "It's okay, I don't feel any pain anymore."

"I really want to see the teacher... Where is he?"

Sha Shali looked forward to: "You must fight like a hero, like protecting us, guarding something."

The petals fluttered with the wind and flew up into the sky.In the distance is the haze filled with gunpowder smoke, and the original intestine army is raging in the outlying area.Where people once spurned, now become their last line of defense.

Thirty percent of humanity squeezed into underground shelters.The Holy Emperor did not abandon her people, and took all the remaining people into the holy residence, vowing to live and die with Tokyo.

At the same moment, Asaba and Kisara said their final farewell.

Mu Geng said in a low voice: "Have you decided? The children are all looking forward to it. You will lead them to counterattack Tokyo."

"It's too much to drag them into the thief's boat because of selfishness. Using children's sacrifices in exchange for peace can only cover up the incompetence of adults." Qian Yu smiled slightly, "After I leave, let them participate in disaster relief. Can gain people's approval. This is the 'Tianchu girl'."

"But... what about you?"

"In order to save Lori, I betrayed human beings; as a human being, I must protect my own kind. For me, it is nothing more than self-salvation."

I am the scavenger of Alaya.

Another communication from Shengtianzi: "Lord Asaba, the fighter jets are ready. According to the plan, you will be airdropped to the site of the No. 32 stele, and you will be cut off by a single soldier. However, because of the unknown gun of light, the plane may no way……"

"No need, I'll airdrop myself over there."

Hitomi Asaba opened her eyes, forming a sickle-shaped kaleidoscope.As the Sharingan rotated, coherent ripples appeared in the air, sucking him in.Returning to the earth space again, it has appeared above the No. 32 megalithic monument.Hitomi Qianyu stepped into the void and fell due to gravity.

The ground is densely packed with Gastrea.Strictly speaking, the army that invaded this time is the remnants of Taurus.The body of Taurus has been eliminated by No.1, and Aldebaran will take over the legion.It emits different hormones to direct the actions of the intestine army, which can be called the art of nature.

The moment the tiny human appeared, he had already been captured by the "reconnaissance team"—a flying gastrula comparable to eagle eyes.The enemy's turrets began to turn.

Countless light guns burst out from the depths of the canyon, shooting towards the sky.


It wasn't very cold at the high place, Qian Yutong's coat was blown up by the wind, and then it was pierced by a light gun, making it tattered.Almost like shuttling through the hail of bullets, the light gun dangerously brushed against his cheek.Qian Yu was terribly calm, his eyes were fixed, he activated the blur, and landed directly facing the dense firepower.


Hitomi Asaba hit the Gastrea directly below with a punch, and the fat Stage IV's body exploded.The force was so great that even the ground cracked in all directions.He got up slowly, and the red-eyed monsters came like a tide.


Hitomi Qianyu drew his gun at the speed of light and blasted a two-headed hyena into the air.Turning around with a sword, the head of another hyena was cut off.Murasame's spell spread to the heart.No matter how ferocious and terrifying the monster is, it will be killed with one blow.Qian Yutong was bathed in pouring blood, green and purple liquid mixed.

"Start hunting!"

The real threat lies deep in the canyon, an unidentified monster that can shoot a light gun.The gun of light is like a shower of stars, drawing a beautiful parabola.

At the foot of Hitomi Asaba was the remains of stele No. 32.Like a hole in a wooden barrel, Gastrea invaded like a tide.What Asagi needs to do now is to plug this gap with her physical body.


Asaba's pupils transformed into the shape of four blades blooming.This is Uchiha Shisui's kaleidoscope.What he wants to release is another brand new Susanoo.The turquoise translucent giant rose from the ground, crushing the oncoming light gun with one hand.Hot mercury flowed from Susan's hand.

"So that's it. This is the true face of the Light Gun. Have you even learned the magic of mercury? You are also constantly evolving." Qian Yutong said in shock.

High-pressure mercury can even cut off tanks and aircraft. This is the culprit that wiped out the Self-Defense Forces.

The heart of Taurus, with the identification name "Pleiades", is a stage IV gastratus, like a round caterpillar crawling on the bottom of the valley, most of the body's organs have degenerated, and it can't even walk.However, it has seahorse-like mouthparts for ejecting high-pressure mercury.

Hitomi Qianyu manipulated Susan to raise his hand, and three huge hook jades appeared in his palm.It seems to be drawn by an invisible force, and it is like three stars surrounding each other.

"Yasaka's Gouyu!"

This is Susano's almost universal technique, a super powerful long-range strike.Hitomi Qianyu threw all her strength, Yasaka Gouyu directly blew up the entire canyon, and the Pleiades star cluster was killed in a flash.


"My firepower is above yours."

Qian Yutong condensed her pupil power to the extreme, and the perfect green Xu Zuo broke the cocoon and turned into a butterfly.When the breastplate was opened, each rib spread out, like a fully fired Gundam, densely packed arrows appeared impressively.

"Susanoo · Ninety-nine!"

Clear mode!

A total of ninety-nine chakra arrows were fired at the sea of ​​gastratus in a carpet-like manner, and the wasteland was completely refurbished.The "Arrow Rain" that once wiped out the human race is now doubled!

The most terrifying ability of Green Susano is fire suppression, with one enemy against many.

If you look down on the earth, Tokyo is surrounded by dozens of megalithic monuments.The only remaining gap was blocked by the huge Susanoo.The original intestine army was cut off at the waist, those inside couldn't get out, and those outside couldn't get in.

In this way, Hitomi Asagi faced thousands of gastratus alone, explaining what it means to be "one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it".

PS: Mang is done.By the way, Shisui's Susan uses the settings in the game.

Chapter 199 The War to Retake the Son of God

On the frontal battlefield, Aldebaran let out a long and powerful cry.The original intestine army seems to have received some kind of signal, giving up the storm of "Returning Flames" and turning around.Soon, the monsters invading Tokyo receded like a tide, leaving only a mess.

"They're starting to retreat."

"what happened?"

The civilian police force was at a loss, and seized the time to rest, treat the wounded and repair the fort to prevent another large-scale invasion by the enemy.What they didn't expect was that there would be no next time.Because, the backyard of the Taurus Legion caught fire and was defeated by a human being.

Evelyn's bullets | were shot out, lost their final value, and were thrown into the sea of ​​corpses.Qian Yutong held the village rain, wrapped in a raging fire.Uchiha-style ninjutsu, through the blessing of fire escape, fights with hundreds of gastroenterologists in close quarters.Every time the fire knife falls, it is filled with a strong aroma of barbecue.

These weird-looking guys can't be eaten.

A pitch-black tortoise raised its head from the army of monsters, its winding neck looked like a prehistoric long-necked dragon, or a monster crawling out of the deep sea.It is very large, about tens of meters high, far exceeding the average stage IV.All lower gastrulae gather around it.

This is Aldebaran who once destroyed several cities, the siege king of the Yuanchang Realm.

Asahi said, "I finally saw you."


Aldebaran's answer was a meaningless whimper.It let out a long sigh, and spewed out high-temperature mucus from its mouth, which was the super-strong corrosive liquid that eroded the huge stele made of holmium.Because the hitting surface was too big, even though Hitomi Asaba had pulled back and retreated, Murasame was accidentally stained with mucus.


Steaming.Hitomi Asaba watched as Murasame was corroded into a bare sword hilt.Can even the Teigu from another world be corrupted?It's no wonder that Aldebaran is no longer inferior to the super dangerous species in the world of beheading girls.

"You are smart and know that humans are best at using weapons."

Asahi threw away her beloved sword that had been with her for ten years, and went into battle with bare hands, a kaleidoscope appeared in her eyes.

"My real weapon, though, is the eyes."

Susano is almost open again!

It is not a small burden on his body to have Bakuzuo twice in a row in one day, and he is still in full body.Fortunately, since the fusion of the original enterovirus, the vitality has become more vigorous!The light green giant who was bigger than Aldebaran stood up and released the artifact of the kaleidoscope.

"Spiral Sword!"

Caladbolg, a magic sword from Celtic mythology, is said to have the powerful power of thunder, and is considered to be one of the prototype swords of King Arthur's holy sword Excalibur.

The spiral sword in Xu Zuo's right hand began to rotate at high speed, like a drill bit breaking through the sky, and it can be used with Fire Escape.Qian Yutong's gaze froze, and he switched to a six-pointed star, and the fire of Amaterasu was attached to the surface of the spiral sword.

"Yan Dun · Plus Earth Life!"

High-level gastritis have the ability to heal themselves, and it is speculated that Aldebaran's self-healing level is above Lv3.Hitomi Asaba will not waste energy, just do it with one hit!

Qian Yutong raised the spiral sword billowing with black flames, and pierced the tortoise's shell with one sword. Accompanied by the high temperature of Amaterasu, it spun and shattered Aldebaran's internal organs.In the end, it collapsed with a scream, and the black flame burned through the dead body, and finally disappeared.

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