With the death of Aldebaran, the original intestine army seemed to have lost its backbone, and began to flee blindly and disorderly.Or go berserk and launch a suicide attack.

For three whole days and three nights, Hitomi Qian Yu did not drink or sleep, and was addicted to hunting.Without a weapon, he used the most primitive hand-to-hand combat, and the soft fist that contained chakra fell, and the gastrula like a hill burst from the body.

The corpses were all over the field, and the blood flowed into rivers.

His pupil strength was severely overdrawn, and he was extremely mentally exhausted.Blood and sweat blurred his vision, Qian Yutong was out of breath, his chest heaved violently, and for a while he thought he was going to die.This kind of death struggle that squeezed out the last bit of strength has not happened for many years.

After destroying the last monster, Qian Yutong's figure flickered, and he fell headlong into a pool of blood.The earth is so warm, like a mother's embrace.

Already... is the limit.

As he was dying, an ethereal voice sounded in his ear: "I don't understand why you did this, Alaya's scavenger."

This female voice is very charming and gentle, unlike anything in the world.

You are……

Qian Yutong had lost the strength to speak, but the other party seemed to be able to communicate through thoughts.

"My name is Gaia, and I am the earth itself! I am the common mother of all red eyes. I had a divine relationship with a human female and gave birth to a divine son who will destroy the world. Unfortunately, I was still hindered by you." The woman said with hatred.

Is Earth Conscious Gaia?

Qian Yutong's mind was like lightning, connecting all the clues together.Dead bodies, dangerous species, gastritis...every disaster is a masterpiece of earth consciousness.Every crossing is a competition between great gods, using planes as chessboards and sentient beings as chess pieces.

Three thousand worlds, endless wars.

If the apostle of Gaia is the god of destruction, then Alaya sent the savior.

It turns out that I'm just an excellent pawn...

Shall I laugh, laugh at the truth of the world?What a hunter, what saves the world, nothing more than a dirty scavenger.That black-bellied loli didn't tell the truth.Mere human beings cannot touch the will of the gods at all.

"Your spiritual vision is already slightly able to see the truth of the world." Gaia sighed, "Don't go any further, there is hell ahead."

I just... want to go back to my sister.

Qian Yutong seemed to have aroused infinite strength and crawled back from the sea of ​​blood.The wet bangs were pressed against the forehead, and underneath was an unshakable face.

In the Cthulhu mythology, the more you know, the easier it is to drive people crazy.The consciousness of a mortal cannot rise to the height of a great god.

Then, you can take this crazy brain, only the memories of my sister can't be lost.

——I witnessed her existence.

Gaia was slightly taken aback, and said, "I remember you, Asabi Hitomi. One day, my apostle will kill you. The end of this sad wish... nothing..."

The god has disappeared, and there is no sound to be heard again.

Qian Yutong regained some strength, raised her head, and saw countless paper lanterns floating in the night sky, illuminating the night of hunting.He moved his throat with difficulty, and made a dry voice: "Have you arrived at the Huanan Festival?"

Sorry, I promised you we'd spend it together.

The starlight was eclipsed, and the light paper lanterns fell on the palm of my hand.The candles burned out, leaving only a note full of wishes.

"The gastritis are scary, I hope the teacher is safe."

"No matter what others say, brother is the best hero!"

"When I grow up, I want to marry Qian Yu."

In an instant, Qian Yutong's eyes were wet.

I didn't cry, it's just that the color of Sharingan is too red.

From the dark and deep forest, countless scarlet eyes lit up again.

"Son of God? Are you kidding me! Whether it's a god or a monster, no one can take those children away from me... a unique life!"

Qian Yutong raised her head suddenly, a pair of red eyes crazily venting her pupil power.

The hunting night is still going on.

PS: [Spiral Sword]: The artifact of Uchiha Shisui Kaleidoscope, which can rotate at high speed and cooperate with the fire escape to enhance the lethality.

Chapter 200 The Bride's Practice

At sunrise in Tokyo, after seventy-two hours of perseverance.

The first twilight of the morning passed over the monument, and the helicopter carried the fragments of the assembled monument with a large net and flew to the site of No. 32 monument.The Pleiades star cluster has been wiped out, thus regaining the supremacy of the sky.The pilot overlooked the scenery with great interest, and saw a figure sitting in the middle of the sea of ​​corpses.

"Is that a human?"

"Ashba Hitomi..."

The pilot swallowed his saliva and reported to the headquarters: "The Aldebaran Army has been wiped out, and Asaba is alive, Over."

"What did you say! How many monsters did he kill?"

Looking around, the densely packed corpses are piled up like a mountain, which can almost reach the height of a huge stone monument.

"Visual inspection of more than [-] gastrulae."


Qian Yutong was covered in blood, mostly from the enemy.He bent one leg and put his arm limply on his knee.The gentle sunshine sprinkled on his face, squeezing out a lazy smile.

Little Binet was the first to arrive, shouting "Hey!" while climbing onto the monster's corpse.

"Good morning."

Binet habitually replied: "Good morning, Ernie-chan."

"Sorry, I can't move anymore." Asagi said softly.

This is the only chance to kill Hitomi Asaba.Only two thousand super monsters, including Aldebaran and Ang Su, can exhaust his physical strength.Little Binet couldn't imagine what kind of enemy could defeat this man.

"Brother, you are too strong."

Hiruko Hina's eyes suddenly turned red, he pulled out two katanas, and walked towards Asaba step by step.Finally, it's time for revenge.How many nights, the girl cried in her dream, calling "Dad".

Qian Yutong said calmly: "Are you coming?"

Little Binet's face contorted from the force, and then wept.

"How could it be possible to do it! I don't want to make Yanzhu sad."

Kobinai bit the sword and squatted down.The cursed son's physique is far superior to that of ordinary people, so he easily carries Qian Yutong on his back and walks like flying.The size gap looks ridiculous.Although she is sick and delicate, she is also a good sister who loves her brother very much.

Asagi yelled: "Ah, people will see it. It's too embarrassing, let me down."

"do not want!"

At the same moment, Tina, who was hiding in the distance, silently put away her sniper rifle, showing a warm smile.

Post-disaster reconstruction is in full swing.Because of the efficient evacuation measures of the Holy Son of Heaven, there were not too many casualties.More than half of the buildings in the outer area were destroyed, and it happened to be remodeled on a large scale to create a red-eyed paradise.The Holy Son of Heaven has been working hard in this direction.

Finally, it's coming true.

"Heavenly punishment? Heavenly punishment!"

Under the leadership of Yanzhu, the girls chanted slogans, actively rescued the disaster, and even changed into the cosplay clothes of Tianzhu Girls, which immediately won people's favor.The petite body picks up the collapsed stone pillars and rescues the refugees. The picture is very impactful.

Another comment online began to prevail: "Aren't these girls super cute?"

"It's almost like an angel."

"The world owes the Damned Son an apology."

"Sorry for hurting you."

Humans are not grateful to Hitomi Asaba.However, he never cared about the opinions of unrelated people, and had more important things to do.That is a more distant agreement.

In the laboratory, Qian Yutong stared at the two naked girls through the glass window.

"Are you ready?"

Sumire Muroto said: "This serum has not yet undergone clinical trials, and I am not sure how effective it will be."

"Let's begin." Asahi said in a deep voice.

To regain the lovely girl from the original enterovirus, the price is the blood of the ancient god and his own blood.

The freezing cabin slowly opened, and a gust of cold air filled the air.The icy skin gradually regained its blood color, and during this process, Sumire Muroto injected two mixed serums.Hitomi Asaba held the girl's hand and prayed silently.

Must succeed!

The one who woke up from hibernation might be a girl who had already been gastrulated, and the next moment her appearance collapsed.Fortunately, the worst-case scenario didn't materialize.

The eyelashes of the two girls trembled slightly, and they opened their eyes at the same time.

Computer screens fluoresce in the dark.

"The virus erosion rate has dropped below 10%!" Muroto Sumire excitedly said, "This value is too low, maybe I won't be 'animalized' for the rest of my life!"


Qian Yutong hugged the two naked lolis tightly, took a deep breath of deodorant, and kept saying, "That's great, really... great!"

"I didn't expect that the reunion would be such a bad scene." Qianju Natsushi said, "Asaba-san will be arrested by the police."

Busch Cui blushed and said, "It's really too bad!"

However, Hitomi Asayu hugged her too tightly.The skins of the two lolis touched each other, and they looked at each other with a feeling of sympathy.They looked at each other and smiled, blushing, enjoying the warm embrace.Because it is very cold to be naked, so there is no way to resist.

Suddenly, Cui shivered, and said in a crying voice: "Why... playing with my tail again, it's really too much!"

Asagi quickly raised her hands to show her innocence.

Xia Shi pinched his tail and said in three silent lines: "Ah, I'm sorry."

But, a lot of fun in the hands.

Hitomi Asagi took a loli home with one hand.

"Welcome back!"

"Hey, is there a new harem?" Little Bina said cutely.

Yanzhu pouted: "Obviously I already have a concubine, aren't you satisfied? Stealing is forbidden!"

"Am I a stealing cat?" Qian Yu said helplessly, "This is Qianju Natsushi, you know Yanzhu. And everyone knows Busch Cui."

From now on, there are two more family members.Every night when I take a bath, the five lolis run around with their bodies wet, making bubbles everywhere.Xia Shi and Cui were a little more reserved, wrapped in bath towels, and were also stripped naked in the process of playing around.

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