
Asagi retracted her knife, stretched out her hand, and pulled Tongzi up.The girl rubbed Oupai, who was sore, and realized that it was an indecent gesture, and blushed.

The long black hair was scattered on her chest, and Tongzi was already dripping with sweat. The sweat simulated in the game drenched her shirt, reflecting her beautiful silhouette.Not just the degree of contour, very beautiful color.

Asagi turned her head, pretending not to see it.

"I always feel that I'm not in shape, and my breasts are a burden... If it's a male number, I won't lose."

How much do you carry?Ah, I seem to understand why Kuroyukihime is the agile number.

Asahi said, "I know."

"So perfunctory!"

In the game, Tongzi is a very competitive person.What an idiot who didn't even know it was gone.

After half a minute, the sweat was gone.From beginning to end, the girl was defenseless, as if she really regarded him as her family.This innocence is overwhelming.

The two lay on the grass, basking in the sun leisurely.

"If Xiaosha sees it, she will definitely be jealous again, right?"

Tongzi turned over, a strand of hair fell on Qianyu's face, itching.

She said seriously: "Apologize to the president."

"I will, but let's deal with your business first."

"What's the matter with me?" Tongzi looked blank.

"Underwear, idiot."


Asagi led Tongzi all the way to the commercial street on the 25th floor.Fortunately, he opened a women's clothing store, bringing good news to the female compatriots in the guild.

The girl couldn't resist him and was forcibly dragged in.


Fortunately, seeing the visitor clearly, he froze for a moment.

"We're here to see you."

Xing smiled in relief: "Yeah."

"How have you been lately?" Asahi asked.

"Thanks to everyone in the guild, I am doing well now."

Under Diabel's command, the strength of the [Moon Night Black Cat Group] has grown by leaps and bounds, and the number has grown to more than [-] people.Fortunately, he also lived a peaceful life.

"By the way, help my lovely sister choose some underwear."

Tongzi said angrily, "Really, Hitomi!"

"it is good."

Like a competent shopping guide, Xing took one after another and gestured at Tongzi's chest.

"I'm wearing this one now, and I recommend it to you."

"Ah, thank you, Yuki..."

Good luck tricks people, originally wanted to be a couple, but turned out to be best friends.

Asagi smiled and said, "Go and try."

Xing leaned into his ear and said something, which made Tongzi blush.

"This is too bold, I... I know..."

Tongzi took a set of blue and white stripes and entered the dressing room.After locking the door, there was a rustling sound, which made people imagine.

After a while, the door opened.

The girl was only wearing obscene clothes, covered her chest with one hand, and said shyly, "Why, how is it?"

The skin is like curdled fat, rosy inside.It's not as good as Hei Xueji's skin, but it's more expensive than having a good figure.Protruding forward and backward, and small blue and white stripes, it is simply cute.

Why do you want to wear it for me to see?

Qian Yu was very knowledgeable, and only said: "Ah, it suits you very well."

"That's good, I don't have much confidence in my vision..."

At this time, Qian Yu caught a glimpse of a familiar figure outside the glass window from the corner of her eye, and broke out in a cold sweat.He moved quickly, hugged Tongzi, and rolled into the locker room.


Tongzi was taken aback, she just felt that she was pressed in the locker room, and the masculinity came over her face.

Wall... wall thump?

She began to think wildly, could it be done in the locker room?Anyway, I've already been bullied... No way!You must resist, you cannot be sorry to the president...

There were conversations outside the door.

"President?" Xing asked in a panic.

"I happened to be passing by and came to see this store, didn't I encounter any trouble?"

"No no!"

"That's good……"

Kuroyukihime looked at the underwear aimlessly, and finally didn't know which one to choose.

"Hitomi, which one would you like..."

The atmosphere fell into silence.

Xing said cautiously: "President, what you asked me to design last time...has been done."

This set of hollow lace underwear, the translucent style makes people blush.Hei Xueji held it in her hand, her cheeks flushed slightly.She was going to try it on and came to the door of the dressing room.

Fortunately, I was horrified to see it.

Only a wall away, Asagi hugged Tongzi and leaned against the door.The girl raised her head, unable to see the expression under her bangs, she silently pressed against his chest.

Hei Xueji stopped in her tracks, showing a dejected expression.

"Maybe, it won't be used anymore. I'm always jealous, did I make him angry? I also know it was a misunderstanding. When I was bullying other girls, I was still saying my name."

"I'm just a little girl who likes to be coquettish, and occasionally wants to be coaxed..."

Kuroyukihime put away her underwear and turned around.

In fact, Asagi was able to activate the crystal and escape long ago.That way there won't be any awkward encounters, and you'll find ways to make her happy afterward.

Why did my Sword Art Online become Galgame?

The door opened suddenly, and Asaba grabbed the girl's hand from behind.

The dumb hair on the top of the head was shaking non-stop, and the alarm had been sounded long ago.Hei Xueji was stunned for a while, and when she looked back, she was dumbfounded.

Asaba and Kiriko huddled together in the locker room, the latter blushing.No matter how you look at it, it is very suspicious, and there is no way to fool it.

"I said I was just shopping for clothes with my sister, do you believe me?" Qian Yu said.

Hei Xueji pursed her lips and said, "I don't believe it."

"Then I'll convince you."

Asaba hugged Kuroyukihime, and kissed in the locker room.Xing Du was stunned, seeing the "adultery|love" between the president and the vice president, would he be murdered to silence him?

With a bang, the door closed.

Tongzi sat slumped on the ground, thinking of that time.She covered her eyes with her hands, but couldn't help peeking between her fingers.

It's too bold, isn't it?

Asaha smiled and said, "I want to see you in the winning underwear."

Hei Xueji spat, but still complied.

In the small space, the three of them were too crowded, bumping into each other was inevitable.Comparing them together, Hei Xueji and Tongzi look very similar, and they are also beautiful with long black hair, like a pair of twin sisters.

Kuroyukihime's petite body hung on Asagi's body like a koala.

The girl said in a low voice: "Help, help... I can't do it anymore, change Tongzi."


Tongzi blushed with a "bang".

Asahi joked: "This is also the responsibility of the vice president, to help the president solve problems."

"What kind of H guild is this!"

When Asaba and Kuroyukihime kissed, there was an empty space.Tongzi hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't help the rippling spring, and slowly crawled over.

It's really crazy.

It turned out to be the dual-sword style used jointly by Hei Xueji and Tongzi!

Xing blushed, and hung a sign "Our store is closed" at the door.

That night, they grew up a lot, and Asaba was directly relegated.

Chapter 525 The Jealous Chairman

Half a year later, a pitch-black castle was built in the main city of Algate on the 50th floor.From a distance, each spherical dome looks like a black hole.This is the residence of the [Dark Nebula] Guild, which was built with tens of millions of dollars.

In the central building, the highest meeting room, there is a long obsidian table.Hei Xueji folded her wings and sat upright on the main seat—the only chair with a satin cushion and backrest.

All the subordinates sat in two rows.

On Kuroyukihime's right is Asaba, and on her left is Kiriko, who serves as the vice president.Further down are the two legion commanders, Qi Tai from [Moon Night Black Cat Regiment] and Klein from [Fenglin Volcano].

That's right, it was the Klein I met a year ago.The down-and-out uncle at the time now has the spirit of a samurai, and formed a guild [Fenglin Huoshan] with his friends in real life.

At that time, in order to go to the second village as soon as possible, Kiriko left Klein, whom she met once, and couldn't let go.Under Asagi's operation, the entire [Fenglin Volcano] was swallowed up and became a companion again.

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