Kiriko's cuteness is her weapon.

Hei Xueji leaned on her face and said, "I like the name [Moon Night Black Cat Group], but [Feng Lin Huo] is too earthy. Sure enough, I should change the name."

"Xiaosha, you just like black, right?" Tongzi complained.

Keita said, "How about the Black Forest Volcano?"

"I think it's better to just call him the Black Mountain Old Demon."

"That's not allowed." Qian Yu said helplessly, "I promised. As a sub-guild, I reserve the right to be independent. Even if I am the president, I can't change my name."

"makes sense……"

Hei Xueji showed regret.

Klein broke into a cold sweat.If the name of the guild is changed, I don’t know how to explain to the brothers after returning.Don't look at him like this, there are more than two hundred people in his hand.

Asaba split the sub-guild into two.Qitai is in charge of managing the student party and attracting underage players to join the club; while Klein is an old fritter, managing a group of young people relying on his brother's loyalty.

This is the composition of [Dark Nebula], with a total strength of about [-] people.By the way, thanks to the promotion of "Rat Daily", the guild can grow and develop.

Kuroyukihime said, "Then, let's start today's meeting."

Opposite Diabel, there was an empty seat.A figure appeared out of thin air, with a petite figure, completely covered from head to toe.She took off her hood, revealing a small face with a painted beard.

"Hey, sorry, sorry, I'm late."

Qian Yu said with a smile: "There will be another time, and half of the bonus will be deducted."

"No!" Argo said anxiously.

Hei Xueji said lightly: "Have you got the information on the 50th floor boss?"

In front of the "Black King", Argo didn't dare to be presumptuous.If Her Majesty is offended, her "white cat" will open its red eyes and grab the mouse.

Sometimes, Argo is also envious.Why did Hei Xueji meet such a man, who planned everything for her and created a huge [Dark Nebula].

"Both [Sacred Dragon Alliance] and [Army] returned home without feathers, almost wiped out. This boss is too difficult. The emerging guild [Knights of the Blood League] has not moved for the time being, I don't know what they are planning..."

Argo made a fool of himself: "By the way, you must not have guessed that the vice president of the blood alliance is your old acquaintance."

"Asuna?" Kuroyukihime thought thoughtfully.

Argo exclaimed: "The president is so smart, can you guess this?!"

The acting is compelling.

In this way, the powerful solo players are all attracted by various forces.In the middle of the game, Aincrad is reduced to the guild's competition field, and there is no living space for casual players.

Argo took out a crystal ball, put it on the table, and projected a 3D image in the air.This thing is called "Phantom Celestial Sphere", it can record video, and it is very convenient to steal information.

In the picture, the mouse sneaked in the corner of the boss room, but no one found it.She witnessed the destruction of the [Sacred Dragon United] group, and the defeat started from the guards.

"[Sacred Dragon United] has also fallen, the main T has not mastered the shield counter. At this level, the strategy after the 50th floor no longer needs to appear."

Hei Xueji's evaluation hit the nail on the head.

Asaha said: "Speaking of shield counter, the strongest striker in the game..."

"Well, the blood alliance is an opponent that should not be underestimated."

Tongzi and Qitai cast strange gazes.They knew that Qian Yu was proficient in shield reversing half a year ago, but she never used it.

The title of "Strongest Shield" was snatched away by another person.

Today, shield flow is very popular.Those like Asagi and Tongzi who don't have a shield in their second hands are different. [Dark Nebula] has always been known for its violent output, and is not good at defense.

Diabel worked out the tactics.In addition to the Wang team, [Moon Night Black Cat Group] and [Fenglin Volcano] each formed 3 elite teams, with a total of 42 members.And the king team composed of Asaba, Kuroyukihime, Kiriko and Diabel, a total of 4 people.

A team of 46 people in total is the largest boss battle in the history of [Dark Nebula].

It was a brutal battle, and more than half of the members died.Even Hei Xueji walked through the gate of hell once, but fortunately Tongzi's two-sword style restrained the boss, and Asagi found a chance to save her.

50th floor breakthrough!

Everyone stepped into the portal and returned to the town of origin.This has become a tradition, and it seems to be telling the players in the starting town that the strategy team has achieved another great victory.

However, this victory came too hard.

Amid the cheers of the people, the streets were sprinkled with flowers.Hei Xueji was dressed in a gorgeous black swallowtail dress, and Asagi and Tongzi were guarding her with swords.

Popular titles such as "Water Lily of the Black" and "Blood Wheel Taishi" were vaguely heard in the crowd, but everyone only remembered the names of living people.

There are twenty-seven horizontal lines on the monument of life.

Diabel was disheveled, and he gritted his teeth and said, "President, please punish me. This time the boss battle is due to my poor command, and I messed up because of too many casualties..."

"No, you've done a good job." Hei Xueji said, "In the battle meeting, you said that the chance of winning is only 50%. Let me, the president, bear these lives."

In the backlight, everyone stared at Hei Xueji's back.Every step, spread beautiful wings.She is always calm and wise, mature beyond her age, and makes the most appropriate judgment at the most appropriate time.

Qian Yuxin said: Yes, you are what we are looking forward to...

"black king."

A vicissitudes of life sounded, and a group of red-clothed knights had been waiting here for a long time. It was the [Knights of the Blood Alliance].The head of the group is named "Heathcliff" and is known as the strongest sword and shield user.

This is a middle-aged man with a square face, not angry and arrogant.Silver hair with bangs.For some reason, it gave Asaba a sense of familiarity.

Kuroyukihime stopped and said, "Captain Heathcliff."

"It seems that you have already won the 50th floor, but you have suffered heavy losses. It is almost time to react. The next strategy, cooperation is the main theme. Competitive racing will not work."

"is it?"

Hei Xueji smiled lightly: "I agree with what you said. shouldn't be the time when the major guilds suffered heavy casualties, and then jumped out to speak the truth."

"My guild has gnawed hard bones, and my companions sacrificed for everyone trapped in the game. Qitai, Klein, this is not shameful."

Qitai and Klein's eyes were red, and they choked up and said, "Yes, President!"

Heathcliff was surprised and looked at it squarely.

"As expected of the Black King, [Dark Nebula]'s violent output has also shown me. My four deputy captains are all masters of shield defense. You are good at attacking, we are good at defending, let's cooperate."

"it is good."

The fifth deputy head of the 【Blood Knights】is none other than Asuna.Together with Diabel of [Dark Nebula] and Kibaou of [Army], they are also known as the three major commanders of SAO.

Asaba and Kiriko laughed at the same time.Asuna raised her hand, just about to say hello, but silently put it down.

After some negotiations, the two teams parted ways.In an instant, the shadows of Kiriko and Asuna cast in different directions, and Asaba and Heathcliff passed by.


Asahi's pupils shrank, and she looked back in horror.The game ID is "Hitomi", and few people know his full name.

Kayaba Akihiko!

After Heathcliff's figure disappeared, Asagi looked away.Not only the GM, but even the father of the game has to pretend to be a player?

With a swipe of her right hand, Kuroyukihime took out a weapon named "Interpreter" and handed it to Tongzi.

"Little Sha?"

"A straight sword is the best for you. I have always complained before that ordinary weapons can't stand the consumption of the two-sword style."

This is the best equipment dropped by the boss on the 50th floor, and the rest of the spoils are also distributed to the subordinates.Everyone is very convinced of the chairman's arrangement.

In the weapon spectrum compiled by the mouse, it should be ranked in the top three.Times have changed, and magical costumes have emerged one after another.Even though Asaha strengthened Ichidachi to +18, it has already dropped out of the list.

Hei Xueji said coldly: "Use the strengthening stones of the entire guild to help you strengthen [Interpreter], at least to +20 or more. Let them see what violence output is."

"Yes!" Tongzi was very happy.

The waywardness of this place is really like a child.

Hei Xueji seemed to sense it, and smiled playfully: "Vice President Hitomi, I leave the negotiation with the blood alliance to you. The person sent by the other party is the deputy head of the beauty, and the beauty trick may be useful."

"Ahem, I only have the president in my heart!"

"Hmph, didn't you flirt just now?"

Everyone tried their best to hold back their laughter.

The two started again, the jealous president and the playful vice president.

Chapter 526 Little Lolita Silica

Teleport from the 51st floor to the starting town on the 1st floor, and confirm that the teleportation array has been activated. 【Monument of Life】It is like a memorial monument, where we remember our dead companions.

Everyone is ready to return to the headquarters.There was a commotion in the crowd, and there was a man's howl.

Hei Xueji frowned and said, "This is the territory of [Army], how do they manage it?"

"I'll go take a look."

According to the mouse's information, Kibao's [Army] made a serious mistake when attacking the 50th floor, and almost wiped out the entire army.At that time, Asuna appeared as the deputy head of the blood alliance, leading the remaining players to break through.

After this battle, [the army] fell into a slump.They gave up the front line, shifted their focus to development, and controlled the lower buildings including the town of beginning, as if they were the police.

"You are [Dark Nebula]! I beg you, help me avenge..."

A man knelt on the ground, crying heartbreakingly.

"Don't worry, speak slowly."

Kuroyukihime had an elegant figure, and there seemed to be a reassuring magic in her words.The man raised his head and saw the black-winged angel in a daze.

The man choked up and said: "I was originally the president of [Silver Banner]. Ten days ago, when I was away, a woman sneaked into the guild to deceive everyone's trust. All four people except me were killed... ..."

Trembling, he took out an octagonal crystal.

"I can't get any compensation. I sold all my assets, and I can only buy one [Corridor Crystal]... I beg you, lock them up."

It turned out that this was the reason why the [army] ignored it.It is impossible for a bullying person like Kibao to do thankless things.

Diabel said angrily: "We worked so hard to conquer the boss, and sacrificed so many people. These scumbags are going to kill ordinary players, bastard!"

Hei Xueji gave Qian Yu a look, and the hearts were connected.

"it's me again?"

Tongzi said: "Who made you the most leisurely person in the guild?"

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