Asaba greeted the NPC, and served Silica her favorite dessert.The girl was eating sweets, but she had the urge to cry.

"[Dragon Envoy] Ms. Silica, can I invite you to join the Dark Nebula?"


Asagi said gently: "The current Pina looks a bit weak, but Warcraft can be advanced. I think you have great potential."

Bina, who was said to be "weak", was upset, and pecked Asaba's cheek.

"Hmm!" Silica cried excitedly.

Yuna took a sip of her drink and said enviously, "You two have such a good relationship."

"Of course, Silica is like a little sister." Asagi said with a smile, "Everyone in the guild will definitely like you very much."

Silica was a little shy, clenched the corner of her skirt, and said hesitantly: "But, Yuna-chan and I are both low-level, in case we can't keep up with everyone..."

"Don't worry, the guild is responsible for helping you make up your level."

Yuna asked expectantly: "Is there a way to gain a lot of experience in one go?"


Asahan thought wrongly.Looking at the two innocent girls, I feel a little ashamed.

He opened the guild window and initiated an invitation.Soon, Silica and Yuna had a guild logo on their blood bars, which made them very happy.

Mail lights up.

Hei Xueji: What's wrong?

Asahi: I got two kids with great potential.

Hei Xueji: Female?

Asaba:  …

Kuroyukihime: Speaking of which, a lot of mid-level equipment is missing.

After marriage, the husband and wife's inventory is common.

It is conceivable that the vinegar jar at home is about to be overturned again, and it is necessary to "sanction" together with Tongzi.

At the entrance of the restaurant, a group of NPCs are holding a concert, like a well-trained band.Yuna committed an occupational disease and couldn't resist joining the NPC team.

Sing the sounds of nature.

Yuna's singing voice is so beautiful.Even the NPC program is infected, catering to the "lead singer".

"This song is... "First Town"?"

"She is [Singer of Songs]!"

The so-called "First Town" means the town of the beginning.It is widely circulated among players, like the dreamy BGM on the login interface of the game.Yuna has become a little famous singer.

Silica also likes to sing very much and couldn't help shaking her head.

"Silica, come together."

Yuna smiled brightly and took Silica's hand.The two lovely girls are singing and dancing in the middle of the street, and they will debut as idols in no time.

The occasional sultry eyeballs made Qian Yu unable to resist.

At the end of the song, the applause was like thunder.

The crowd gradually dispersed.

"I feel full of strength all over my body, and I can break through a hundred floors in no time!"

"It's the BUFF given by Yuna!"

The chests of the two girls rose and fell violently, and they tried their best to calm down.

"It sounds good." Asahi admired.

At this time, a discordant voice sounded: "Xiaoyou? Why are you here? Didn't I let you stay in the hotel? The recent 'inside murder' has caused a lot of noise, and the main city is not safe..."

"Xiao Rui." Yuna was uneasy.

This is a handsome young man wearing a red and white knight's jersey.Game ID Nautilus, real name Gozawa Eiji, is also Yuna's childhood sweetheart in reality.

When Nautilus saw the [Dark Nebula] logo clearly, his face turned ashen.

"Why did you join the guild, what's going on with this man?!"

"Xiao Rui, listen to my explanation..."

Yuna actually didn't understand why she had to explain.It's true that Xiao Rui is a childhood sweetheart, why does he have to be under his control?

Chapter 531 Yuna's Song

Asaha felt the need to explain, so she stepped forward.

"Hello, I am……"

Nautilus said, "I don't need to know who you are, just leave Yuu!"

There was intense hostility from the very beginning.Qian Yu was not angry, and looked up and down.This brand-new official knight uniform should have just been promoted to the clearing group.

"Do not you know me?"

Nautilus sneered, "Why should I know you, are you Akihiko Kayaba?"

I am not, your president really is.

"You liar, how dare you pretend to be a cadre of [Dark Nebula]? The emblem is imitated. I guess, is there a way for girls to quickly level up, called going to bed?"

Asahi was speechless.

It turned out that he was regarded as a bastard who cheated money and sex.An adult with two girls is indeed suspicious.

Yuna said angrily: "Xiao Rui!"

"You stupid woman, you have to count the money after being sold!"

At this time, Asuna suddenly received an urgent email from Asuna.The first time they met, they made friends with each other, and there was almost no contact.

Asaha: What's the matter, Vice Captain?

Asuna: There are five players trapped in the dungeon on the 40th floor.I see you are nearby, contact your people to cooperate with the rescue, this is also within the cooperation agreement!

Qian Yu looked solemn, and quickly replied "Yes".Asuna sent a coordinate, and at the same time dispatched troops.

He contacted Kaita and Klein, and sent his coordinates to nearby members.

[Dark Nebula] has a top-down management system.Every cadre has the right to mobilize members of [Moonlight Black Cat Group] and [Fenglin Volcano].

Nautilus is still arguing with Yuna.The mail box shook, and he saw that it was his own vice president, so he didn't dare to neglect.

The order received was——"Hand over to Xingyun cadres to command."

Nautilus hurriedly asked: Officer, where are you?

Asuna: Look at the coordinates, isn't it in front of you?

"Vice president!"

"we are coming!"

Two young men dressed as samurai hurried over, they were members of [Fenglin Huoshan].They look adoring, probably thanks to Klein, and often boast that he is the "strongest swordsman".

"Time is limited, let's talk on the road. Join the group."

Asagi turned her head and said, "Although it's sudden, I'm going to perform the guild mission."

Silica hugged Bina, summoned up her courage and said, "Big brother, I want to fight too!"

"Me too," Yuna said.

"Okay, let's get used to it first."

Asagi was already on the same team as Silica, and pulled Yuna again.The latter hesitated for a while, and finally clicked decline, and joined Nautilus' team.

He didn't say anything, but looked at the boy.

"Are you all together?"

"All, all here..." Nautilus said with difficulty.

The vice president of [Dark Nebula] is at the same level as Asuna.God knows what kind of person he offended just now.

There were ten people in total, and it was the first time that the two guilds organized a joint rescue.

"Set off."

If you run long distances, you will tire quickly.The levels of Silica and Yuna couldn't hold up either.They insisted on following, so Asagi had no choice but to slow down.

"The dungeon is just ahead!"

A ruin-like dungeon, the entrance is hidden among the ruins.A herd of bison came oncoming, blocking the way in a mighty way.

Someone scolded: "Damn it, it's just this time!"

Hitomi Asaba took the lead, faster than the real world sprint champion.Alone, he rushed to the herd of cattle and opened Sharingan.

Scarlet fan!

Under the sunlight, a fan-shaped sword glow flashed.Draw the sword and draw it back, like flowing water.

Mad buffaloes fall like wheat waves.

Everyone was stunned and swallowed.

"Good... so strong!"

"This is the strength of the vice president!"

Qian Yu suddenly looked back, and Sharingan exuded coercion, and said lightly: "What are you still doing in a daze? Form a formation and enter the dungeon. You have practiced the basic formation."


Even the knights of the blood league were trained to be submissive, Nautilus felt uncomfortable.

Yuna and Silica were quite excited and eager to try.

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