The group encountered two attacks on the way, namely goblin-type monsters and slime-type monsters.Led by Qian Yu, they arrived at the central area without dragging their feet.

In the dungeon with the theme of "prison", there are often troublesome traps. Once triggered, monsters will emerge, and the mechanism cannot be operated unless it is defeated.

This is how the five-person team was trapped in the dungeon, and they could only use the mail to ask for help from the outside world.

A rusty iron fence blocked the passage, and there were roars of monsters and shouts of players, mixed with the sound of metal collisions.The dungeon is twenty meters square and about thirty meters high.The walls on the left and right are smooth, and it is impossible to climb up at all.

At this moment, the five players were forced into a corner, struggling to deal with the mobs.This is a BOSS area that spawns monsters infinitely, so it was held back.

In the other corner of the prison, the BOSS is still sleeping, and there is a handle like a mechanism behind it.

"It's reinforcements, they've finally arrived!"

Qian Yu glanced through the fence, and said calmly: "The mechanism is behind the boss. You separate to lure the mobs and the boss away, and open the iron gate. Let's rush in to respond."

Someone said in despair: "It can't be done, the blood volume has bottomed out... After being hit by the Silence Debuff, the healing crystal can't be used, and the potion is used up..."

Yuna operated the window with her right hand.Under the white cloak, the light effect of changing clothes flashed.She threw off her cloak abruptly, revealing a water-blue dress.Holding a white lute in his right hand and a sword at his waist, he looks like a bard.

Silica asked in surprise, "Yuna?"

"Don't give up. Although I can't wield a sword, I can support everyone with my song. I won't hold you back!"

The girl plucked the strings and sang a high-pitched song.It seems to resonate with the earth, making people arouse infinite courage.

Asaba noticed a yellow light note lit up on the HP gauge.The blood volume of the people present rose at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it turned out to be a large-scale continuous recovery skill!

Bless the earth!

Yuna shouted: "BUFF will last for one minute, quickly clear the trash fish and pull the switch!"

"it is good!"

Under the blessing of BUFF, the five people in the prison gave up their defenses, slashed desperately, and finally cut a bloody path.Four of them distracted the boss, and one took the opportunity to manipulate the switch.

The iron gate slowly rose.

Asahi said: "We'll go in and respond, we just need to cover and retreat. The boss will definitely not chase out of the cell..."

"I'll kill the boss!"

Nautilus moved even faster, and rolled in before the iron door was fully opened.

"Xiao Rui!"

Yuna quickly followed.

White light appeared in the cell, spawning more than a dozen mobs.For a while, everyone was caught in a fight and couldn't escape.

A monster named "Brutal Jailor", holding a machete in the shape of a kitchen knife.The fire splattered, Qian Yu had just slashed, and suddenly felt something was wrong, and there was an extra layer of Debuff on her body.

The attack of the mobs here comes with [Silence], which is similar to the crystal invalidation trap.

The name of the BOSS is "The Savage Warden", and he is tall and burly, almost touching the ceiling.It wears a cold iron mask, its weapon is a giant axe, and it has only two bloods.

No problem, I can do it!

I'm already a member of the clearing group, and the battle mode is the same as that of the upper-level boss... I won't lose to a man of unknown origin!

Nautilus cheered himself up from the bottom of his heart, and met the boss.His fighting skills were good, and he successfully wounded the warden, but he was also hit by an axe, and half of his blood was cut off.


Asaba held a sword in his hand and pushed it up.When the giant ax fell, he felt his hand sank, being suppressed by the domineering force.

Although it is 40 floors, the dungeon boss is still very strong, far from being comparable to mobs.

From the corner of his eye, he saw that Silica was being protected by her teammates.It's okay for Bina to restore blood to her master.

"You retreat first!"

In other words, it's too much trouble.The terrain is narrow, there are too many people, and it cannot be used.

Nautilus gritted his teeth, grabbed his sword and rushed forward again.Yuna couldn't stop her.

"There is only one blood left, and it can be killed immediately!"

Light Feather's face darkened.Relying on the skills of the three-legged cat, this guy repeatedly refused to obey orders.No matter how good his temper was, he couldn't help but want to lose his temper.

Chapter 532

Whenever the blood volume of the BOSS drops to a certain level, it will enter the next stage.A few bosses even have third and fourth stages.

The Savage Warden has two tubes of blood.Asaha judged from experience that there would also be an outbreak. AOE skills, switching battle modes, refreshing mobs, or all three.

In the chaotic situation, Nautilus cut off the first blood.There was a sudden change, the boss's eyes glowed red, and he raised his giant ax with both hands.

"Not good, run away!"

Too late.

With himself as the center of the circle, the barbaric warden swung his giant ax in a circle.The terrifying wingspan makes the attack range reach more than ten meters.Except for Yuna who escaped unharmed, everyone was swept away and lost more than half of their blood.

Can't defend!

Rao was Asagi who set up the Taidao, but was still repelled by the giant axe.He half-kneeled, stuck the Taidao on the ground, and slid out for several meters, only then managed to stabilize his figure.

When Qian Yu wanted to get up, she felt numb and couldn't move.

what? !

He looked at the blood bar, and there was an additional [paralyzed] state.This is the most dangerous Debuff in the whole game, and the control time is as long as 300S.

To make matters worse, the room was shrouded in white light.Just after killing more than a dozen mobs, another twenty were spawned, attacking the immobile crowd.

"Move, can't move!"

"Damn it, no antidote..."

Asaba shouted, "Yuna!"

"Me, neither do I." The girl was at a loss.

Fighting on the front line, all kinds of medicines are necessary.Asaba and Nautilus were both on the body.When this happens, teammates can immediately pull up.

Nautilus' face was ashen.Because of his mistake, he was on the verge of annihilation, and his confidence was gone.

"Xiaoyou, in my coat pocket..."

Yuna ran over and pulled out a green antidote.As soon as she opened the glass bottle, she heard a muffled sound behind her, accompanied by a scream, and a person was shattered into pieces.

The girl trembled her hand, nearly breaking the potion, and continued to detoxify Nautilus.

Yuna anxiously said: "Xiao Rui, hurry up and hold the boss. I'll help everyone detoxify!"

"Can't move..."

"I have indeed detoxified!"

The girl looked at a pair of fearful eyes.Nautilus tried very hard, but he couldn't even turn around.

Just heard a wail, and another teammate died.

I've... can't fight anymore.I promised to protect Yuna.Now, there is only one way left, it doesn't matter if everyone dies...

The young man smiled palely, revealing a [Corridor Crystal] in his hand.Only the two of them have never touched mobs, so they were not [silenced].

"Xiao Rui, you..."

Yuna couldn't believe it, showing disappointment on her face.

There is no time to be as hypocritical as a child.

Asaba shouted, "Bina!"

The little guy flew over.Because of its petite size, it is easy to escape the attack of the boss, and pets are immune to many debuffs.

"I have a bottle of green potion in my pocket, take it out and feed it to me." Asagi said calmly, "Be careful, don't get the color wrong."

Originally holding the mentality of giving it a try, Bina did not expect that she really understood.It took out the potion, hugged the bottle with its paws, bit off the cork, and fed it to Asayu.

What a god.

Asahi thought of a tactic, using pets to bring medicine to replenish himself or his teammates.

Everyone ignited a glimmer of hope and paid attention to him.

"Vice president!"

"Hurry up!"

"Boom, boom..."

The barbaric warden came to Qian Yu with heavy steps.Its eyes glowed red, and its muscular right arm raised its huge ax high.

The biggest target of hatred must be resolved as soon as possible!

Hurry up... move!


When the giant ax fell, Asagi made a tactical roll, narrowly avoiding it.The huge ax smashed a big hole, and the gravel splashed on his face, causing pain.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he picked up the Ichidachi and made a [crane posture] gesture.He raised his head slowly, revealing his scarlet Sharingan eyes.

"Now, I am also in the second stage."

Bina is very spiritual, and with the remaining antidote in her mouth, she went to feed her master.Silica took a sip, suddenly remembered something, and blushed.

Isn't this an indirect kiss with the big brother?Wait, now is not the time to think about this!

Many monsters came around.Silica raised her dagger to fight, her petite body was still trembling.Bina desperately returned blood to her master, and the blood bar was like a roller coaster.

"I'm protect everyone!"

Yuna said in a daze, "Silika-chan..."

I can't admit defeat either.

"Xiaoyou, what do you want to do? Come back soon!"

Nautilus tried to pull, but failed.

Yuna switches to the lute, playing and singing as she runs.This is a war song, with a loud and clear singing voice that is completely different from the previous ones, and it instantly attracted the attention of all the monsters.

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