Everyone was surprised to find that there was no Buff.

On the contrary, there is a red note on the mob's head, which is the Debuff of [taunt].

Fire of anger!

Nautilus' mind went blank.

Don't... like this, you will die...


In the world of SAO, it is very difficult to have more than one enemy.It is easy to interrupt the sword skill once the enemy is attacked, this is the importance of [switching].Therefore, Asahi could only contain the boss while dealing with the mobs.

Yuna's melody drove away all mobs, leaving only the warden unaffected.Qian Yu's pressure dropped suddenly, and she finally freed her hand to face the boss with a full blow.

Dragon tail!

On the other side, Yuna was overtaken by a group of monsters, unable to retreat.The shining machete was raised high.

The girl showed a relieved smile and shed crystal tears.

Asaba-kun, I'm sorry I failed to live up to your expectations.

Would the ending have been different if there had been no hesitation from the beginning?In this way, it can be regarded as atonement for Xiaoyou...

Asagi hit the boss, draining the last trace of blood.He glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, and without stopping for a moment, he forcibly accelerated and crossed a distance of more than ten meters.


farewell.Until the end, I was a member of [Dark Nebula].

The girl closed her eyes, not feeling the pain for a long time.She only felt her body lighten up, and what she saw was a head of gorgeous white hair.

Qian Yu's expression was cold, with a chilling aura, but it made people feel at ease.The pitch-black windbreaker fell, and Asagi's right hand holding the knife protected her head.

Yuna clearly saw that he resisted all attacks with his back.The blood volume, which was already dissatisfied, fell to the dangerous line in an instant.The girl's tear glands suddenly collapsed.


Asaba hugged the girl with one hand, and held the [-]-meter-long Taidao horizontally with the other.In a state of heavy load, ordinary people would deform their sword skills, but he activated it abruptly!

"Ape back!"

Spinning, jumping, and the sword light passing by the neck of each mob.Yuna felt like she was snuggling into his arms, dancing a super-speedy ballroom dance, her skirt flying.

The damage judgment of the system is delayed.When Asagi killed a group of mobs in a flash, she just returned to the boss.

The savage warden froze in place, two huge knife marks appeared on his chest, and the attack of [Dragon Tail] could be effective!

It can be seen how fast [Ape Hui] is!

The BOSS exploded suddenly, with the sky full of debris as the background, Qian Yu didn't look back, but just hugged Yuna.The silvery white hair was blown tousled by the strong wind, revealing an indifferent face.

"I am your vice president. You are not allowed to die without my permission."


The girl pursed her lips, tears welling up in her eyes.

In front of him, Yuna had never shown such an expression, shy and happy.At this moment, Nautilus knew that he had lost completely.He fell to his knees, panting in pain.

Crisis lifted.

Only then did Yuna realize that the hug was too long.In order not to let her fall, Asaba put one hand on her buttocks.

The girl blushed and jumped down quickly.

There is residual warmth in the fingertips.

Asaha just wanted to touch her nose, but she retracted it in embarrassment.He came before Nautilus, his expression turned cold.

"FNC, the full name is 'Full Stealth Incompatibility'. Some players cannot adapt to VR games, and have varying degrees of operational failure. You are not suitable for the clearing team. I will explain this incident to Asuna."

Nautilus looked desperate.

It's all over.

Chapter 533 Shura Field

The main city on the 50th floor, Algate, used to be a trade gathering area with mixed fish and dragons.Under the management of [Dark Nebula], it transformed into a fantastic frontline city, which Kuroyukihime named "Infinite Neutral Zone".

A metal portal with a height of five meters emits a faint light.Asaba came out with the two girls.What came into view was the fantastic "Xingyun City".

"so beautiful……"

Silica and Yuna were stunned, speechless.

"Vice president!"

Along the way, people often greeted him, and Asagi nodded in response one by one.This is his territory, so of course he is very popular.At the beginning of the guild's residence, there was a monster siege, which allowed passers-by to see the terrifying power of [Dark Nebula].

Asaba led the two girls through the long corridor.

"Meet with the president first, and I have to report on my work."

"it is good……"

Silica was a little nervous, the president was the legendary "Black Water Lily".And Yuna was absent-minded, still worried about Xiao Rui. After the boss battle, he ran away without looking back.

"Dong dong."

Asaba knocked on the door.

"Come in." A cold female voice came.

The door opened.

A beautiful girl like a black swallowtail butterfly sat behind the desk, handling official duties.The afterglow of the setting sun shines on her body, and her earnest face is very attractive.

The four eyes meet, seeming to have infinite warmth, but they maintain a minimum of reserve in front of outsiders.

Hei Xueji looked at the girl, showing a spring-like smile.

"You are [Dragon Envoy] Silica and [Diva] Yuna, right? I have heard about it, and you are welcome to join. I am the president of [Dark Nebula], Kuroyukihime."

Silica was flattered and shouted: "Yes, I will definitely work hard!"

"Ah, will... President!" Yuna is not used to this title yet.

Hei Xueji smiled: "Just call me Xiaosha, that's what my friends call me. Don't be nervous, you two are very cute girls."

Asahi always felt that there was something to be said.

"Hitomi, you arrange a room for them, and the leveling can be put on tomorrow." Hei Xueji turned her head and said, "I'll 'report' to me later."

In the huge Nebula City, every cadre enjoys a luxurious room at the level of a five-star hotel.However, the Asaba family still lives in the Love House on the 22nd floor.

Silica was obviously very happy, rolling around on the big soft bed with Bina in her arms.

"Then I'll go first."


In the office, Hei Xueji heard the ins and outs.From getting acquainted with Silica, destroying the orange guild [Titan's Hand], to meeting the girl of song, participating in emergency rescue.

"People often joke about 'Kayaba Akihiko's conspiracy'. It's true, the trap of double debuffs, you will be caught if you are not careful at level 70. Are you okay, has the paralysis been resolved?"

Worried, the girl touched Qian Yu's body with a pair of small hands.He couldn't help "fighting back" and hugged the majestic chairman.

"No, maybe I don't feel it anymore, help me test it."

Hei Xueji spat, she didn't know she was being teased.There is no effective paralysis for 'Ou|Jinjin' in the world, it is obviously very energetic.

"That is to say, you saw the bottom of Silica's skirt, and even touched Yuna's butt." The girl said with a half-smile, "Girl's butt, isn't it great?"

Hei Xueji was so smart that she was asked to find out the details in a few words.

Asahi said honestly: "I only enjoy guild benefits."


Really, not a bit of a lie.

Hei Xueji was angry and funny.When I meet this flirtatious man, I will be soaked in vinegar for the rest of my life.But this unreserved frankness moved her again.

"Then I'll forgive you. If the fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields, if one person takes advantage, the whole family takes advantage."

"You learned this fallacy from Tongzi, right?" Qian Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

"That's right."

Asaha made arrangements.Ask Argo to collect information on advanced monsters and assist Silica.And Yuna's [Group Laughing] is a magical skill, and she thought of a good way to kill monsters and level up.

The two made an appointment to have dinner together.Kuroyukihime still had a little work left, so she asked Asaba to take the newcomer to familiarize herself with the environment.

As soon as she went out, Qian Yu was startled.

"Yuna, what's wrong?"

The white-haired girl leaned against the wall and waited for a long time.

Yuna summoned up her courage and said, "I, I want to know what kind of punishment Xiao Rui will receive."

"That's an internal matter of the [Knights of the Blood Alliance], and they will probably be kicked out of the guild." Asagi said lightly, "I didn't obey the command and killed two teammates. FNC patients are not suitable to stay on the front line, otherwise they will harm others." Harm yourself."

"I know, but...he didn't respond to my emails, it seems like he was hit hard..." the girl said in frustration.

What a kind silly girl.

Asahi said: "I can't tolerate a teammate like him, but he is really good to you. When the group is about to die, he still wants to pull you to escape with crystals."

"...You saw it." Yuna smiled bitterly.

The girl didn't expect her childhood sweetheart to do such a thing, and felt chilled.After knowing each other for so many years, I can only help him in the end.

"He is a very proud person. If he is expelled from the blood alliance, I don't know what will happen..." Yuna bit her lip and said, "Asaba-kun, can you..."

Asahi asked, "You want me to exonerate a person who almost killed me?"

"sorry Sorry……"

Yuna cried.

"Don't cry, I can't stand girls' tears. Yuna in my impression is a cheerful and lively singer, you are not suitable for sad songs at all." Asuna sighed, "I treat Asuna to eat Have a meal, let's talk about it."

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