Asuna said, "Hitomi-kun, let's go."


Asaba led the crowd through the gate on the 99th floor, and a square suddenly opened up.

The sky is clear and bright, occasionally a cloud floats in the blue sky.This is the end of the maze, no more superstructures, a real sky.

The floating city named "Aincrad" is a spindle-shaped with a narrow top and a wide bottom.The higher you go, the smaller the space.At the 100th floor, only plains with a diameter of several kilometers remain.

Standing tall is a majestic palace, blood red all over, in a twisted spiral shape.In front of the gate is a pure white square, there is even a fountain, and there are many mysterious pillars of unknown meaning.

Yuna was confused: "It's strange, is there only one palace on the 100th floor?"

At the entrance of the palace, stood an old man in white robes, the only NPC on this floor.It feels like the opening guide in the magic tower breakout game.

"Adventurers, congratulations for coming here. Now, it's about time for you to know the truth about Aincrad..." the old man said.

Asagi was wondering, and raised her head to meet everyone's gaze.

"Look what I'm doing."

Hei Xueji asked: "Do you understand?"

"No, the plot is too long to be bothered to read. I skipped the description of the main mission."

Tongzi complained: "What kind of brave man is this who saves the world?"


Mang is over.

"Redius stole the fruit of the world tree and offended the gods. A fruit was born from the world tree, named 'Aincrad'. She transformed it into her own paradise - Ruby Palace ——Floating in the sky from then on..."

Asaba asked: "Oh, so where can I buy it... no, defeat her?"

"Right now, the 'Red Jade Palace Master' is sleeping here, waiting for the challenger." The old man said, "Are you ready for the challenge?"

At this time, an option pops up, showing "Yes" and "No".


As the leader of the strategy team, Asaba decisively clicked No.

He said calmly: "Currently, all the information about the boss is unknown. I don't know if there is an affix of [Death Match]. In short, make all the preparations first, and we will attack tomorrow."

"Okay." Everyone agreed.

Asagi returned to the lower floor, spent all the strengthening stones, and strengthened [Blood Quality Sword] to +50.It is even better than Tongzi's [Interpreter], not to mention the [Bloodthirsty] mode.

LV120, HP22400, the level is one level lower than Hei Xue Ji and Tong Zi, but the panel attribute is higher.

This is the strongest number in the game.

The next day, the air in Aincrad became scorched.About 100 survivors knew that the strategy team was going to challenge the [-]th floor boss today, so they stopped what they were doing.

If you can quit the game, who will fight monsters?

In the town of the beginning of the first floor, the army is on vacation.Xinka and Yuriel came to the Black Iron Palace and met Kibaoh.Catch up on old friends, then whip out a crystal ball.

"This is..." Kibao's pupils shrank.

Xinka said: "[Phantom Celestial Sphere], the mouse spent all its assets, bought many phantom celestial spheres, and distributed them to the main city on each floor. At the same time, as a member of the strategy team, she broadcast this boss battle live."

"Hmph, what a great deal."

Algert on the 50th floor is empty of thousands of people, and the commercial street is in depression.

"Shop Manager, can't you sell the rest of the clothes?" The girl said reluctantly.

Xing said: "Don't worry about these things, go to the square quickly."

"Ah, wait for me!"

In the majestic Nebula City, each tower has a [Phantom Celestial Sphere] projected into the sky through the window.Amid the cheers of the crowd, the picture of the 100th floor emerged.

"So this is the end of Aincrad."

"Look, it's the Raiders team!"

"Brother Taidao! The Red King, the Black King..."

Xing stared blankly, his eyes wet.

Everyone... must win, with the Moonlight Black Cat Group's share.

At the entrance of the Hongyu Palace on the 100th floor, everyone was a little nervous when they heard that the whole process was being filmed.This time, the number of raiders was smaller than before, because too many high-end combat power had been lost.The crowd tactics can't stand it anymore.

[Dark Nebula] On one side, Hei Xueji led the royal team, and Klein led the samurai team; [Blood Knights] was still an unshakable three-team formation.Thirty-five people in total.

"let's go."

Asaba nodded and walked towards the NPC.

Argo followed all the way, holding a [Phantom Sphere], which was used as a camera to record the screen.Her first-person perspective also spread throughout Aincrad.

However, the first step got stuck.

"Adventurers, if you want to challenge Radius, you must get the key. Now, the incarnation of the goddess is sleeping in the Ruby Palace, unwilling to wake up..."


Everyone looked at each other.

The gate of the palace is made of rock, dyed fiery red.It is heavy, almost tens of tons in weight, and it cannot be opened by manpower.

At this time, Asagi noticed that there were two holes in the doorknob.

"This shape always feels a bit familiar..."

Asuna and Asuna looked at each other and exclaimed, "Bloodstone!"

That piece was already inlaid on his Taidao.So, Asuna hurriedly greeted the two deputy captains.

"Master Asuna, we still have our bloodstone, so we don't dare to use it."

"Because it is the relic of the leader..."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Asuna inserted two bloodstones into the hole one after another.It fits perfectly, there seems to be the sound of an organ being triggered, and there is a faint red light.

The ground shook, and the door slowly opened.

Everyone held their breath and waited in full force.

Asuna was lost in thought.

Could it be that the so-called "Red Jade Palace" is somehow connected with [Carnelian]?Why, the customs clearance key was kept by the blood alliance from the beginning?

Chapter 563 The Incarnation of Radius

The Hongyu Palace is like a grand theater, with mysterious totems carved on the mottled walls.There is no ceiling, and the sunlight casts down from the sky, forming a huge circular spot of light.A path of light condensed in the air, with dust floating in it.

In this quiet sunshine, a huge "statue" stands in the center of the palace.It looks like an alien, with a soft female face faintly visible.Her skin was as thick as fat, dotted with blood-red beads.The hair is a stalactite-like spike, also dripping with blood beads.


The goddess was not stained with dust, woke up from a deep sleep, and slowly opened her eyes.Her eyes are also round bloodstones, bigger than a human.With a height of more than fifty meters, it looks like a giant that can reach the sky.


With a sound effect, her real name and ten tubes of blood appeared beside her.

Master of the Ruby Palace, [An Incarnate of the Raius]!

Diabellu shouted: "Everything is unknown, we can only fight!"

"Kill her!"

The customs clearance is imminent, and everyone is full of fighting spirit, rushing forward with their weapons.Compared with the huge Radius, humans are too small.

Asagi had an ominous premonition, and hurriedly said, "Wait..."

However, no one can listen to it.

Radius held two weapons, with a twenty-meter-long sword in his right hand and a thirty-meter-long spear in his left hand.She swung down her big sword, forming a terrifying air wave, which forced a dozen people into the sky.Immediately, the spear stabbed like a dragon with unmatched power.

what? !

As soon as Agil raised the giant axe, he was crushed by the spear along with the axe and nailed to the wall.He felt as if he had been crushed by a stone pillar and disintegrated into scattered fragments.

One-shot kill!

Argo hid in the corner and swallowed.

"Okay, so strong...the first hit will kill you..."

In the phantom sphere, Radius' power was infinitely magnified, like a nightmare.For a moment, the entire survivors of Aincrad fell into deep shock and fear.

At this time, someone noticed the back of the silver-white hair.Asagi cut his left arm with a knife, lost a quarter of his blood, and continued to lose blood.

Taidao bloodthirsty, frenzy!


Yui flew over on Bina and kept returning blood to him.

"Everyone retreat, don't make unnecessary sacrifices. Let's test out the skills of the boss first." Asagi shouted, "Yuna, please!"


Yuna held a lute and sang a beautiful melody. [Wind Sound Guardian], everyone has a faint green light on their bodies, and their defense, poison resistance and stun resistance have been greatly improved.As soon as her piano sound changed, it switched to [Earth Blessing], group therapy.

With resistance and battery life, it is not easy to be killed by BOSS in seconds.

"Let's go."

The four of them had a tacit understanding, and the more they came out, they rushed to the boss.


As soon as Tongzi slashed, he felt something was wrong.There is an invisible shield in the air, making it difficult to move an inch.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Switch!"

Holding the umbrella, Hei Xueji tapped on the air, and it would explode with one touch.

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