
Asuna quickly filled her position, the rapier in her hand was as fast as lightning, and was stopped by the invisible shield.She saw the rapier bent abruptly.


One hundred people one Taidao!

Holding the Taidao in his hand, Qian Yu jumped up, swung a blood-red sword aura several meters long, and slammed it hard against the shield wall. In [Bloodthirsty] state, his attack power is the highest in the game.


The shield is broken!

In the air, something shattered like glass.Radius was so shocked that he didn't even hold the weapon in his hand, and fell backwards.

During this period of time, the team output with all their strength, cutting off half of the blood.

Everyone was ecstatic and said: "That's great, just go all out like this..."

Before the words fell, Radius got up from the ruins and let out a sharp howl.Furious, the blood beads in a strand of hair shone brightly, releasing overwhelming sword pressure.

This feeling is...

Qian Yu's heart shuddered, and the light of the sword skill was lost in his hand.The sword was frozen in the air, and the goddess raised a jade finger and tapped it lightly on his forehead.

He couldn't move, he felt his bangs being blown by the strong wind and gradually became still.


The earth is cracked.Immediately, a strong repulsive force erupted, forming ripples visible to the naked eye in the air.As if being hit hard, Qian Yu was ejected and smashed into the wall.


Yui crawled out of the human-shaped pothole.Gets attacked, but she's "indestructible" so that's okay.Asahi was buried in the rubble.

"Cough cough."

Qian Yu crawled out with difficulty, leaving only a trace of blood.Hanging on her body, Bina desperately regained her blood, and then managed to return to a safe bloodline.If Yuna hadn't added resistance, she would have been instantly killed.

Over there, Radius sent people flying out one after another.

The strategy team was defeated.

Qian Yu said in a deep voice: "[Disarm], this guy's affix is ​​the same as [Sword Ruler]. No, maybe it's the sum of all previous boss affixes."

Aincrad's first 99th floor boss is nothing but an insignificant incarnation.

The second drop of blood on the tip of the goddess' hair lit up.Hei Xueji was holding a crystal, but she hadn't recovered her blood for a long time.

"Oops, it's [Silence]. The crystal is useless."

"I have a spare potion!"

Asuna ran to save her.

"Thank you." Hei Xueji said gratefully.

Asahi's heart moved, and she stood up holding the Taidao.Radius judged that his hatred had the highest priority.The action of the goddess is different from that of ordinary bosses.She lifted her toes off the ground and moved at high speed like a maglev train.

"Hundred people, one sword!"

Asahi faced the boss directly, and swung a sword aura.

Sure enough, [Disarm] has time.

In Radius's long hair, a third drop of blood lit up.With a wave of her right hand, the big sword shattered the sword energy.Not to mention being stiff, his figure didn't stop for a moment, and the spear in his left hand stabbed towards him.

Writing Sharingan saw through the move, but Qian Yu narrowly avoided it.The spear hit the ground, and the terrifying air wave overturned the floor, forcing him to fly out.


"I am fine."

Asagi endured the severe pain, holding the knife in her right hand and hugging her broken left arm.He glanced out of the corner of his eye, and the section of the blood bar showed 【Crippled】Debuff.Fortunately, it's a game, and he will be healed when his blood volume comes back up.

Is it 【Hero Body】 this time?

Radius did not pursue.Behind her, a towering tree broke through the ground.That is the projection of [World Tree].A canopy grows from the twisted trunk, and a crystal dewdrop rolls.

The goddess raised her head and bathed in the sun.The dew fell, and the carnelian dripped on her forehead, splashing everywhere.This is a beautiful scene, but it is chilling.

Radius lost less than a tube of blood and quickly replenished it.

"Full, full of blood?"

"Our sacrifices so far have all been in vain..."

Ruby Palace was dead silent.

Chapter 564 Tears of the Goddess

At the same time, people everywhere in Aincrad stared at the image of the Ruby Palace, filled with despair and indescribable fear.

"It's impossible for such a monster to win..."

Thirteen people were killed in the attack group, and the boss is still full of blood.

Diabellu spoke with difficulty: "Retreat...retreat."

However, where is there a chance to retreat?

When he looked back, the door had long been closed.The affix [Death Fight], unless the boss is defeated, the whole army will be wiped out.If the group is destroyed here, there will be no chance to pass the level.

Asagi got up, her broken hair messed up.The left arm gradually regained consciousness and returned to a healthy blood line.He turned his head and saw that Bina was exhausted, curled up on her shoulders.

"You've reached your limit, Bina." Asagi said softly, "Don't worry, the next battle will be left to me."

He picked up Bina and handed it to Silica.

Over there, Hei Xueji and Tongzi joined hands to contain the boss, there is no time for nonsense.

"I know the boss's weakness, it's hair. The first blood bead is [Disarm], the second [Silence], and the third [Super Body]..."

Everyone froze and looked up.

Radius's white hair was like a hedgehog, but also like sharp ice edges.Indeed, the blood beads on each strand of hair glow alternately, and that is the source of her strength.

Qian Yu said calmly: "Brothers, help me destroy the third blood bead."

"it is good!"

"let's go!"

Everyone's motivation was mobilized, but they received a devastating blow.

Radius turned his head as if he understood what he said. AI is so smart!

Her eyes were fixed, a scarlet cross flashed, and a blood-red beam shot out.


The speed of light is so fast that there is no time to dodge.Asagi raised the saber hastily, as if the red-hot molten iron was split in two by the tachi, it brushed across both sides of the cheek.

Fire is shining.

He could feel the scorching heat rushing towards his face, and he would definitely die if he was hit head-on.Not only that, but the durability of [Blood Quality Sword] is also rapidly decreasing.


Obviously holding back the hatred of the boss, but inexplicably transferred it to Qian Yu.The action patterns of high-level bosses are no longer predictable.

Hei Xueji and Tongzi exclaimed at the same time: "Get out of here!"

Radius arrived in an instant and raised his sword.Qian Yu carried the light beam hard, and his energy bar was empty, and he didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

The next moment, a beautiful figure stood in front of him.Raising the knife with his hand, he slashed across the girl's chest, accompanied by a painful groan.


Asahi's pupils shrank, reflecting the long chestnut hair fluttering.She turned her head, revealing a faint smile.Then, falling into her arms, the girl opened her mouth, but in the end she said nothing and turned into pieces.

In an instant, the bloodstone inlaid on the handle of the knife was shattered. 【Carnelian】will die with the owner.The Bloody Taidao has lost its luster, and its attributes have been greatly reduced.


This scene was like a bolt from the blue, shocking the Knights of the Blood Alliance.

Yui cried and said, "Mom..."

There was a girl who was really willing to die for him.

Asagi closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, there were already a pair of scarlet sharing eyes.Radius' spear fell, piercing the floor.He dodged sideways, stepped on the long pole, and rushed all the way up.

The weapon has become weaker, so let's kill the BOSS with your hands.Except for him, no one in SAO can attack from a distance.

Ten seconds, still too late.

As soon as Asagi landed on the top of Radius' head, the big sword swung over.He tried his best, jumped up, and took out the [Resurrection Crystal] in the air.


As soon as the girl's consciousness sank into darkness, she heard a call in her ear.

Really, I seem to like you.Why do hallucinations still occur after death?

The only light in the dark world pulled her back.In the sky, a human-shaped light gathered.Asuna looked bewildered, and felt like falling into a warm embrace.

The hallucination was so real, it was like a dream.


Yui burst into tears into a smile, and rushed over.Only then did Asuna realize that it was not a hallucination, her eyes were red, immersed in the joy of the reunion of the "family of three".

"Well, Yui-chan!"

After a brief stay in the air, it began to fall.Radius turned his head, his eyes glowing red.The next beam will come again.

Asagi was quick to wit, grabbed Yui and threw it out.

"Human form, the strongest shield!"


Before Yui could react, she became the size of a little girl.Because it is "indestructible", it forms a defensive shield in front of her, blocking all the beams.

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