Endo asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

"Could it be this dirty woman's boyfriend?"

The girl joked: "I said brother, you are very handsome, why do you have such bad eyesight? Isn't I more suitable?"

Asada Shino is not alluring, no more than Kuroyukihime and Asuna.His facial features are delicate, his figure is good, and his hairstyle can only be regarded as unique.However, she is like an unforgettable deskmate in school days, very attractive.The voice is nice, but the temperament is a bit cold.

Asahi said, "I'm her neighbor...no, teammate."


Asagi said coldly: "Asada Shino is not dirty at all, she is prettier than all of you. I said, only women like you give off a bad smell. Do you understand?"

"You!" The girls exclaimed angrily.

Hitomi Asagi's appearance has great lethality to little girls, and this demeaning evaluation is also magnified.Their faces changed, and before they had time to attack, their expressions suddenly became dull.

Hypnotizing eyes!

In Qian Yu's eyes, the Sangouyu slowly rotated, making people see the most frightening thing.The weakest pupil power has reached the limit of ordinary people's tolerance.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"


The girls were haunted like ghosts, and they were scared to death.In the process of escaping, Endo stepped on a tomato - rolled out of Shino's plastic bag - and slipped.

She lay on the ground, hugged her best friend's thigh, and cried, "Help me!"

"Who cares about you, ugly!"

The originally intimate best friend revealed her true character.She kept kicking Endo's face until one of her shoes and socks was stripped off, then she turned and ran away.

Qian Yu chuckled and said, "This is the legendary 'plastic sisterhood'."

Shino raised her head in a daze, watching him stretch out his hand.She subconsciously folded her legs.There is residual warmth, but what is warmer is the human being.

The girl hesitated for a moment, but still handed her small hand to Hitomi.

"What is this..."

Qian Yu closed Sharingan long ago, and said, "It's just a superficial hypnotism. From now on, they will never pester you again."

Hypnotism, does such a thing really exist?

Shino turned her head, the alley still echoed with the girl's howling.She showed a trace of intolerance, then hardened her heart and left without looking back.To control evil with evil, and to control violence with violence, in the world of GGO, we have already realized something.

At this time, an anxious male voice came from the alley: "Student Chaotian?"

"Student Xinchuan?" Shino asked in surprise.

This is a boy wearing a peaked cap, who looks a little weak.Asahi understood, it should be one of her few friends.

"It's okay, I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, Asaha carried the plastic bag and walked towards the apartment.

Shinkawa Kyouji said with concern: "I saw you being blocked in an alley by them, so I wanted to save you..."

"Thank you."

In the past, Shino should be very moved.This boy is the only one who can talk to each other.But now, what came to her mind was a scarred face.

Really, he is obviously a fierce character, why is he so gentle?

"Student Xinchuan, I'm going back too."

Shino bid farewell politely, and followed Hitomi's footsteps step by step.One in front of the other keeps a distance, there is a subtle sense of distance.If you observe carefully, you will find that the girl's pleated skirt is wet, rolling dew like lotus leaves.

Xin Chuan showed a gloomy look, and looked at Endo in the alley.The latter was distracted and had a foul stench.

He frowned and said, "You didn't follow the script. Didn't I say, as long as I pretend to call the police, you will run away? I won't pay you."

"Don't come here, ghost!"

Endo let out a scream and punched Shinkawa in the nose.


Xin Chuan burst into tears in pain, covered his nose, and blood flowed all over the floor.

The bridge of the nose is smashed!

PS: Tomb-sweeping Day, grave visits, dragging

Chapter 595 On the Importance of Soundproofing

The apartment is in a state of disrepair.Mottled water pipes dripped and splashed.


After all, they are neighbors, and it is inevitable to meet in the corridor.When Asagi took out the key, Sinon was also standing in front of the next door, with a distance of four or five meters.

It was sunny after the rain, and the girl was wet, and her skirt was soaked, outlining her soft curves.No stockings, only ordinary white socks, even the white shoes were soaked.She turned sideways, pulled the hem of her skirt, and concealed it a little.

The setting sun dyed the cheeks red.

Qian Yuxin said: I thought you would never be ashamed.

Shino said, "It's embarrassing, right? The so-called 'first sniper' is actually a weak woman who will be scared when she sees a gun..."

"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or 'PTSD' for short. A mental disorder that results after experiencing, witnessing, or encountering death. It occurs more frequently in women than in men."

Sinon shuddered.

Asaba observed her reaction and made a judgment in his heart.In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the girl was shivering from the cold, but what really pierced her bones was the unbearable memory.He noticed that Sinon was empty-handed, and all the ingredients for the night were spilled.

The girl said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Hitomi Asaba touched the pocket of his jacket and handed him a business card.Working hard in the workplace in Tokyo, I am fully prepared.

Shino read: "Asaba Hitomi, Ph.D. from the Institute of Quantum Mechanics, University of Tokyo..."

"Oh, I got it wrong, it's not this one."

Asagi was in a hurry, and took out another card from her trouser pocket.

"RECT Co., Ltd. Full Dive Department Director and Technical Director..."

"Not this one either."

"High school math teacher part-time tutor?"

Asagi rubbed her hair and said, "Ah, I forgot to print it. I used to be a doctor. Although I didn't have a research certificate, I didn't have time to print my business card. It should be fine to pretend to be a psychiatrist."

Sinon: "..."

She instantly conjured up the image of a criminal.Scarred face, forged many identities, deceived ignorant little girls, and took them to a dilapidated apartment for the night.

"Hello, 110?"

"Wait, don't call the police! With your current appearance, I can't explain it to the police!"

Sinon put down the phone.She thought of the miraculous "hypnotism", and couldn't help but believe it.


Asahi asked, "What's wrong?"

There was no way to express that deep darkness.Unless one day, someone can really walk into her inner world.

The girl said coldly: "I have a slight male phobia. So, stay away from me."

With a bang, the door next door closed.Asahi didn't take it seriously, and went back to her room.

"I am back."

Shino habitually said something to the empty room.

She turned on the air conditioner, took off her skirt, and walked to the bathroom to take a shower first.Only a wall away, the sound of chopping vegetables can be heard, it is that annoying man.

Will the sound of water be heard?It's not like face to face...

The girl raised her head and let the hot water wash away, and every inch of her skin was stained red.Because of psychological problems, I have a slight cleanliness addiction. I wipe my body over and over again, but I still feel dirty.

"Euni sauce."

"Here we come, Xiaozhi."

There was vague movement from the next door, it was a lively and cheerful girl.A voice line that I have never heard before, that is to say, another one?

Sinon shook her head, putting aside her distracting thoughts.She came out wearing only a white shirt.Living alone is nothing to worry about.Dinner can only be done with cup noodles.

She had just sat down when the doorbell rang.



The first time a neighbor came to visit.According to Japanese customs, when you move to a new house, you have to pay a visit and give gifts to your neighbors.Asahi obviously didn't have that leisurely heart.

Just as the girl was about to open the door, she realized something and dressed neatly before opening the door.

"Someone is cooking for me today, and the dishes are too much." Asaha said, "So, please."

A minute later, the three of them sat around on the tatami mats, with a table of delicacies in front of them.Sinon looked at the girl opposite.This is a sweet-looking girl with a good personality and a good figure. She is not the kind of promiscuous person she imagined.

Why would this kind of girl willingly run over to cook for him?

Suguha bowed and said, "It's the first time we meet, my name is 'Kiritani Suguha'. My brother has been taken care of."

Shino said: "No, I just want to kill him."


Kiritani Suguha was frightened.Could it be that there is a sick young lady living next door?

Asahi smiled wryly, "She's talking about games."

"I see." Suguha patted his chest.

Sinon was dazzled, feeling that she had already lost as a woman.

Qian Yu gobbled it up and said vaguely, "Xiao Zhi's cooking is the most delicious in the world!"

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