"Hate it, how can it be as powerful as you said?"

Suguha clearly showed an appreciative expression, and asked, "Then, how is Miss Biasuna?"

"She is more powerful in games." Asahi said casually.

With a dark face, Suguha snatched her job away.

"You don't need to eat."

"Stop it, Xiao Zhi!"

Sinon chuckled, and quickly restrained her expression.

Seeing the reaction of Hitomi and Suguha, she said lightly, "What's wrong?"

Asahi said: "It's been so long in the game that I've formed a team, this is the first time I've seen you smile."

"Miss Shino, you look beautiful when you smile, you should smile more often." Suguha said seriously, "Ah, it's not allowed to discharge Hitomi, he belongs to my sister..."

Sinon had a weird face.

What is the relationship between these two people?

Asaba quickly covered Suguha's mouth, otherwise the matter of the sisters would be exposed.The girl struggled non-stop, made a "woo hoo" sound, and suddenly became quiet again.

Could it be that Hitomi likes this kind of gameplay?

"Thank you for your hospitality, I'll go back first."

Shino tactfully left.

The straight leaves are fleshy and comfortable to hold.During the play, the corners of the clothes were turned up, and Asaba pinched her stomach.

He smiled and said, "Recently, it seems to have grown flesh again."

"No, it's just that I ate too much..." Suguha argued.

"Will it grow to the chest|chest after eating?" Qian Yu said, "You said it, it is the existence of Oupai who replaces my sister. Then, we must grow meat well."

The girl said angrily, "Am I your pig?"

The atmosphere is beautiful, the love can be seen from each other's eyes, and the breath becomes short of breath.Suguha could only feel his cheeks getting hot, and managed to look away.

"I haven't finished my homework yet."

Prepared to spend the night from the beginning, Kiritani Suguha had just finished training in the Kendo club and came here with her schoolbag on her back.Asagi reached the tip of her hair, and could smell the mixture of body fragrance and sweat, which smelled as good as perfume.

Asagi let go of her hand and said, "You do your homework first, and I'll wash the dishes. I'll take you to school tomorrow morning."

"Well, take out the changed clothes and I'll take them home to wash."

"No need."

The serious expression of the girl is irresistible.In the world, how can there be a sister-in-law who washes her underwear by hand?

Can't sleep at night.

Asada Shino lay on the bed, recalling what happened today, curled up, trembling all over.A sense of loneliness surged into my heart, and I was haunted by nightmares again and again, and I was so painful that I couldn't breathe.

next door ____ are being very loud.

The girl was startled, showing shame and indignation.But strangely, the haze in my heart was swept away.It must be that he hates that man too much, and it has the effect of fighting poison with fire.

Suguha, who looks innocent, is actually so...

Shino couldn't bear it anymore, she thumped the wall heavily, and suddenly became quiet.

Asagi smiled dryly: "I remembered, because the sound insulation is so poor, it seems that I will be heard..."

"why is it like this!"

Suguha was ashamed, and whispered: "I'm sorry, Miss Shino, I'll pay attention in the future... Wait, don't get close to others when they're apologizing!"

It's cute to apologize earnestly even though you're being bullied.

"Oni sauce!"

Shino blushed and covered her ears, making her breathing unsteady.The villain in my mind lingers.The girl clamped the quilt tightly, tossing and turning.

Chapter 596 Sinon's Way of Venting

In a single-person apartment, two people are squeezed into one bed.If the managed person knows, he may be kicked out.

The air conditioner sent out gusts of warm air, and a thin red ribbon floated from the air outlet.It was warm enough without the need for air conditioning.This cheap little sister is also responsible for warming the bed, like a warm baby.

Asahi hugged her and said, "Good night."

The girl is exhausted.Between half-dream and half-awake, a soft whisper came from my ear.

She murmured in her sleep, "'It's common sense to show your breasts when apologizing' or something, that's not true, you idiot O'Neill..."

"What kind of dream did you have?" Asaha couldn't help laughing.

It's still early.Asaha's teaching is relatively loose, which is different from the student party like Suguha.This child will not doze off in class tomorrow, right?

He puts on the AmuSphere and logs into the game.

SBC Gloken, the city that never sleeps, is at the busiest time of the day.The city glows with neon lights at night.In the place of feasting and feasting, bars of all sizes are overcrowded.Under the world view of cyberpunk, it can also be said to be dystopia, people enjoy a decadent carnival.

After a while, a login light lit up around him, and Sinon's figure appeared.

Seeing this, Asagi said hello: "Yo."

Sinon glared at him "viciously".Strangely, she was not simply angry, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

He just finished his work, but why did Shino log in so late at night?

Asaha asked, "Can't sleep?"

"What do you say?"

"Feel sorry……"

Asaba scratched her hair.Suguha who was biting her lips in embarrassment and making no sound was too cute, so she couldn't help it.Instead, Shinobai earned an ASMR.

The girl calmed down and said, "Lian is not online, there is no activity..."

"No, there are activities."

Hitomi Asaba took out the [Space Capsule] and popped out a brand new Harley motorcycle.He bargained with a black-hearted businessman, and finally bought it at a price of 5000 million, which was recorded in the account.The last maintenance cost was as high as 1000 million, and together they owed 6000 million.

"Get in the car." Asahi said.

When the team is on a mission, they often use a locomotive to drive.There are rented motorcycles on the street, no matter the horsepower or the cool appearance, they can't compare with this Harley.Usually, Asagi is carrying Lian, and Shino rents a car to follow behind.

Sinon was startled: "You..."

"Go for a drive."

When Sinon sat firmly, Asaba skillfully shifted gears and started.In the fourth gear, amidst the roar of the engine, the speed of 300 kilometers per hour exploded.Speed ​​across Glocken's circular flyover, and everything around you backs quickly.

Sinon quickly grabbed Hitomi's clothes.

In the night wind, Qian Yu had to raise her volume and shouted, "How is it?"

The white scarf fluttered in the wind, and the water-blue hair was messy.Sinon opened her arms, enjoying the thrill of speeding.Asaba saw a heartfelt smile in the rearview mirror.

"Great!" the girl yelled.

Drag racing in the city under the night, no one stops you.Magnetic levitation cars come and go, which is the most common means of transportation for players.Compared with high-speed maglev vehicles, locomotives are like snails.

Sinon showed a trace of unwillingness.

Qian Yu lightly smiled and said, "Hold me tight and sit still."

In the next second, he turned on the hidden fifth gear.This is the proud work of Agil's modification - the rocket injector!The Harley motorcycle stopped, like a fired shell, and a long tail flame burst out.

In the maglev car, the players were dumbfounded, only seeing a rocket "flying" on the road.


Sinon screamed like a little girl.It doesn't fit the high-cold personality in the game, it's the "cowardly" but real Shino Asada.She felt a terrifying push back and was almost thrown away, so she quickly hugged Hitomi.

Softness came from behind Asaba.

At this moment, emotions are intertwined.Einstein's theory of relativity says that time slows down for objects moving at high speeds.It is still far away from the speed of light, but the fleeting light of the entire city turns into a radiance in the eyes.

In the GGO world, Sinon's PTSD will not occur.She thought that as long as she got used to guns, she would be able to overcome her psychological barrier one day.

But what about men?

Sinon only felt her heart beating faster, and the "gun barrel" was overheated, it must be the onset of male phobia.Half an hour ago, when she was listening to the music, a handsome face unconsciously appeared in her mind, and then she let out.

I'm getting weird.

On the sea-crossing bridge far away from the city, Asaba stopped the locomotive.When Sinon let go of her hand, her heart felt empty.The two were lying on the railing, blowing the sea breeze.

"Well, are you feeling better?"


Asahi said: "The Shino I know is a ruthless sniper, known as the 'Ice Sniper'. PTSD or something, just use your bullets to solve it."

"Of course, my goal is to defeat the strong players in this game one by one. Last time I participated in BoB, the final ranking was No.4. This time, I will start from No.3."

Sinon regained her confidence.

GGO's most grand event "Bullet of Bullets", [-] players passed through layers of selection, participated in the finals and fought to the last person.

"BoB?" Asagi thought thoughtfully.

He didn't forget the side mission - eliminate the dead gun.Finding someone in the game is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, and the best way is to get into the sight of Death Gun.That guy is a pleasure criminal and will never let BoB's stage go.

Sinon said seriously: "We have an agreement. I will beat you with my own hands, hopefully in the BoB finals."

"Okay, let's sign up together tomorrow."

This night, the relationship between the two has improved a lot.

The next day, the three met at the Governor's Mansion in the game.This place is equivalent to the city hall. It is located on the upper floor of Glocken, at the position of the muzzle of the space battleship. It is full of GM and AI, responsible for handling game business.

Lian exclaimed: "Individual competition?"

"That's right, BoB is not a team competition." Sinon said coldly, "I will not show mercy when I meet you in a competition."

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