"Indeed, the basic skills are very solid." Asahi admired, "Just like you. Her sword didn't come from reality."

Lyfa asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

He patiently explained: "In the newly opened version 6.0, the degree of freedom of sword skills has been greatly improved. Like Lifa, you have practiced kendo in reality and brought routines into the game. It can be called 'reality flow'. And Tongzi The two-knife style is practiced in the game, so there are obviously traces of surrealism, that is, 'virtual flow'."

At this time, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the girl came over and asked, "Hey, big brother, do you want to challenge? I can feel that you have... a very powerful feeling."

Qian Yu lightly smiled and said, "Are you talking about sword intent?"

"That's right, that's the feeling!" The girl suddenly realized.

"Then let's discuss it."

"My name is Yuuki."

"Hitomi (hitomi)."

PS: Thanks to bx's awesome (Ying Lili) for the reward, and the self-proclaimed No. [-] Crazy (I think it's called Luo Tianyi for short) for the reward, as well as the support of every book friend.

I decided to update an article (li) outside (fan) to express my gratitude.

You can tell me what you want to see, otherwise follow my hobby.

Chapter 616

"Naked outfit, or the initial novice outfit of the dark elves. Where is this rookie?"

"This knife is quite cool. Wait, the ID he reported just now is..."

Everyone was stunned.

Qian Yutong has only one piece of equipment on his body - the black knife on his back.He stretched out his right hand and removed the knife.This is a broad-bladed sword with exquisite patterns.The moment he grasped the handle of the knife, air flow surrounded his body.

This is the sword intent, Yuuki really felt it.

The girl excitedly said: "Big brother, you seem to be very strong."


"Of course." Lyfa said proudly, "The person standing in front of you is the number one player in the MMO game. By the way, he is my disciple."

Tongzi complained: "Don't put gold on your face."

For a while, everyone was in an uproar.

"real or fake?"

"It's really Hitomi!"

"Tongshen VS Absolute Sword! It's such a big news, call people to watch it. No, I have to record it!"

On the small island in the middle of the lake, there are players surrounded by a circle.Asaha and Yuuki have nothing else to do, only the fiery fighting spirit remains.Yui was sitting on Hitomi's shoulder and flew up.

This is the best proof.Legend has it that there is always an inseparable guide elf by Tongshen's side.

Yuuki asked: "What about the fighting method, is it air combat or land combat?"

Hitomi Asaba spread her wings, still in the most primitive style.Nowadays, the streets are full of fancy fashions, and the initial wings are simply a breath of fresh air.

"Since you want to fight, let's have a good fight without restraint." He said.

Yuuki said happily: "Big brother, it really suits my taste. I think so too. There are no constraints, magic and sword skills are fine. I only have this sword."

"Okay." Asahi replied.

The girl pulled out a one-handed straight sword from the ground, her whole body was dark purple, exactly the same style as her master.She flew into the sky and faced Hitomi Asagi from afar.

Initiate PK, countdown 60S.

Spectators stay on the ground, too close to be accidentally injured.Only Yui flew beside Hitomi. The "indestructible" trait makes her immune to damage, making her a little war correspondent.


As soon as the words fell, Qian Yu's pupils moved.Stepping forward, as if breaking through the sound barrier, a wave of air erupted behind him.Unlike ordinary people's flight simulators, his wings flap at an extremely low frequency, which is due to repulsive flight.

So fast!

Yuuki opened her eyes wide.Under the sun, the dark phantom disappeared in an instant.Qian Yu looked stern, raised the black knife, it was just an ordinary blow, and there was a sense of oppression.


Caught off guard, the girl barely raised her straight sword, only to hear a "clang".Swords clash, sparks shoot out.She felt a huge force, her body froze, and her long hair was blown by the strong wind.

Tongzi said: "Hitomi's first strike can defeat more than 90% of the players."

"As expected of my apprentice."

Lyfa smiled.Seeing Juejian being suppressed, he let out a sigh of relief.

The first cut was just a test.Hitomi Asaba judged that Yuuki's reaction speed was indeed similar to Kiriko's.This battle just got interesting.

Be still and move.

In the absence of flight acceleration, Asaba's strength and speed are much smaller.Yuuki counterattacked calmly.In the next ten seconds, several rounds were fought.

Everyone looked up to the sky.The sun was shining brightly, and two silhouettes could be vaguely collided, like two high-speed entangled fighter jets, and the wings were the wings.


In the process of flying horizontally, the two people's positions were staggered, and they also rotated between offense and defense.

The straight sword cut along the blade.Asagi let go of her hand, allowing the black knife to fly in the air.He raised his knees and hit the girl's lower abdomen hard.Afterwards, he took the black knife and chopped it down.

Yuuki had never seen such superb swordsmanship and physical skills.She blocked it with a straight sword, and swung the black knife away.Slightly embarrassed, but with a smile on his face, he yelled very childishly.

"I'm so excited!"

Asahi smiled lightly: "Me too. You are very strong, so I won't release water."

Having said that, he didn't even open Sharingan, nor did he use high-level sword skills.In a pure swordsmanship duel, it would be too much to bully little girls.

At this moment, the two flew out for several kilometers.In the sky of Aincrad's 24th floor, it passed through the clouds and drew a long trail.Lian Jieyi couldn't catch up with the speed and was left behind.

Once inside the clouds, the field of view drops badly.Asaba narrowed her eyes slightly, the moment she rushed out of the clouds, Yuuki had been waiting for her for a long time.

what? !

The girl's delicate body drags strands of clouds, like delicious cotton candy.She opened a big character, almost in a free fall posture.The sword in his hand blocked the only way.

Have you been noticed?My repulsive flight is inconvenient to turn... Really keen combat awareness.

Seeing, Qian Yutong was about to hit him directly and be cut off in the middle.He twisted his body abruptly, almost turning a hundred and eighty degrees.Leaping over the blade still left a bloodstain on his face.At the same time, he raised the black knife and brushed the girl's chest with his backhand, without any sympathy for her.


One touch and split, face off in the air.

Asahi touched his face, the wound glowed with fluorescence, and almost a quarter of his blood was lost.Yuuki only felt a pain in her chest, and she wasn't shy, instead showing an innocent smile.

"Big brother, you are the first person who can hurt me."

"Each each other."

Hitomi Qianyu couldn't hold back her face, breast taking was originally a move to directly take the heart.However, it is not convenient to fight with girls, and you will "accidentally injure" if you are not careful.

Yuuki said: "Then, this move must be done well."

He looked solemn.

In the backlight, the temperament of the purple-haired girl became different.In an instant, Asagi thought of another purple-haired woman.There is no doubt that this is the realm of the Juggernaut.

This girl has become the sword master of the virtual world!

Yuuki shouted, "Mother's Rosario!"

In less than three seconds, launched a stormy eleven combo.Qian Yu's pupils shrank, and it turned into a rotating three-hook jade.The blood-red Sharingan reflects the splendid sword skills.

The insightful eye captured the trajectory of every sword.

Duplicate eyes, have learned [Holy Chant].

The predictive eye can accurately predict the trajectory of sword skills.

See through them all!

He raised the black knife and went forward.

"Clang clang clang..."

A black knife, like an arm and a finger.Qian Yutong flicked away every sword like a butterfly piercing flowers, and the sound of iron striking was endless.I learned this by playing "Sekiro", but I didn't expect it to be successful.

Eleven consecutive bombs, perfect rebound!


The last sword bounced off.

Yuuki was dumbfounded and didn't recover for a long time.Asagi raised the black knife and put it on her neck.

"Little girl, you lost. In this world, you are the strongest sword I have ever seen. Give you some more time, maybe..."

"Big brother!"

Yuuki didn't pay any attention to the black knife on her neck, and moved closer.As a result, a long bloodstain was drawn on the pink neck, and the blood bar was almost emptied.

"Hey, be careful..." Asahi fluttered.

Do girls usually do this naturally?

Yuuki's eyes lit up, she grabbed his hand, and said, "The decision is up to you!"


PS: Wait, Jingu seems to have an inexplicable obsession with girls' breasts? (Brackets, in fact, in the animation, Asuna's chest was chopped off)

Chapter 617 Sister's Warmth

Around the island in the center of the lake, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.In the first half of the battle, Asaba suppressed Yuuki.The two wrestled and disappeared into the sky.


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