"So who actually won?"

No one knows the result of this PK.Afterwards, Absolute Sword never appeared again, and became an urban legend together with the miraculous original sword skills.According to rumors, ALO's strongest sword still lost to that man.

In the sky, Qian Yu said: "Little girl, can you let go first..."

"follow me."

Yuuki dragged him to fly.

Asahi's slander: What a woman who talks to herself.

The girl pulled him, all the way into the air, and flew directly out of the edge of Aincrad.Qian Yu stared at her, paying more attention to her sweaty pink neck and boneless hands.I just went through a big battle, and the sweat calculation is simulated in the game.

Why do I have to be led away by a girl I met for the first time?

A huge floating castle came into view.

Yuuki looked up at the high-level, and said seriously: "I want to defeat the boss on the 27th floor!"

"Oh, whatever you want."

Asagi waved her hand.

Only then did Yui catch up, with his hands on his hips, as if he wanted to protect his father.She said angrily, "Isn't this like elopement?"

"Ah, what a cute elf!"

Yuuki grabbed Yui and rubbed her affectionately.This innocent girl is not even able to resist the AI.

Yui whimpered and hid behind her father.

Yuuki was reluctant to let go, and said: "I need a more powerful partner, at least as strong as me. That's why I set up a challenge competition, and the reward is original sword skills. Ah, as a reward, I will teach this sword skill to you."

"Did you say this?"

Asaba pulled out the black knife and launched a combo of blows like a storm.Eleven streaks of purple sword glows formed one piece, covering the entire sky, shining like stars.

"How is this possible, I only watched it once..." Yuuki was dumbfounded.

Qian Yu retracted her knife, and said flatly, "Holy Chant, that name sounds pretty nice."

Sharingan has already copied sword skills.He took a streamlined route, and the highest combo was only the three combos of [Yan Hui].This sword skill is the "firepower suppression" of Gao Lianduan, and if it is transformed into reality, it is quite practical.

"What should I do? I can't get a decent reward..."

Yuuki bit her finger, looking distressed.

Qian Yutong's heart moved: Why don't you get close first and collect information.

"I can help you, but I need an explanation," he said.

On the 27th floor of the hotel, a group of boys and girls sat together.Asaba and Yui received warm hospitality.This is a small guild called "Sleeping Knight", with a total of six members.

Yuuki said: "As you can see, I am the second generation president."

"Second generation?" Asahi asked suspiciously.

The girl seemed to remember something bad and was depressed.

Shiune is a gentle big sister, and quickly comforted her: "Don't worry, President... No, Lanzi will definitely wake up."

Asagi felt a little strange, and opened the eye of death.Among the people present, there is no second surname Konno.But the task is clearly to save the Konno sisters.

So, where did my sister go?

Then, he discovers a chilling fact.In Scarlet's field of vision, the lifespans of these six people are very short, none of them can survive more than a year, as if they are neighbors with the god of death.

Asahi suddenly understood.

These children are all terminally ill, the so-called "sleeping knights".

"There is not much time left." Yuuki said bitterly, "Actually, we have already decided to disband this spring. The purpose of attacking the boss is to leave traces on the Swordsman's Monument."

Asahi said: "The first boss pass will be recorded on the Swordsman's Monument. Multiple teams cooperate, and only the ID of the captain is recorded. Only when a single team clears the customs can the name of each member be left. You just happen to be short of one person, right?"


Asagi looked around and met expectant eyes.This scene is just like the Moonlight Black Cat Group back then.Now, those children have become Hei Xueji's bodyguards, and I miss them quite a bit.

He finally nodded and said, "Understood, please let me join you. First time meeting, my name is 'Hitomi'."

"H... Hitomi?"

The little boy named Chun couldn't speak fluently anymore.

"I felt familiar just now. Big brother, you are the pupil god who cleared the death game SAO, picked the first person in ALO with the sword, and won the GGO championship?!"

Yui said proudly, "That's right."


Asagi scratched her hair and said, "Well, that's what happened."

Chun said excitedly: "I decided to play the game after seeing your deeds! I am not even afraid of the death game, there is nothing to be afraid of anymore! Please sign me... Ah, it will be on the armor."

I didn't expect to meet little fans here.

Yuuki's face was blank, the random passer-by was actually the strongest player in the whole server?

Chunxin spoke bluntly: "Yuuki, you may not know after three years of stealth..."

"Jun!" Shiune scolded.

Everyone was silent.

Asagi changed the subject: "I think, you want to get the seventh person, which means that the challenge of six people failed?"

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you." Yuuki said shamelessly, "Not only the 27th floor, but even the 25th and 26th floors have been challenged. The difficulty is too great. After our group was wiped out, the Grand Guild quickly took the first kill. "

"Is that so." He mused.

"The BOSS's defensive form has no flaws, I really don't know how to deal with it."

Hitomi Qianyu opened the friend bar, and found a long-lost ID at the bottom—"Argo".This guy is still working as an intelligence dealer, he was "recruited" by Hei Xueji, and he is currently in charge of the intelligence agency of the dark elves.

Argo: What a rare visitor, don't you want to expand the size of the harem?

Hitomi: I need the 27th floor boss strategy.

After a while, an email was sent with very detailed information about the BOSS.It's a pity that it's an old version of the guide, and the new SAO has increased the difficulty of the boss.

He sent an email to the online GM to call the data of the BOSS.

"Yes, BOSS!" The other party dared not neglect.

Everyone just switched over from another game.I don't understand what he's doing, but I think it's awesome.

Asahi said casually, "I asked my friend for a guide."


He used to be a member of the strategy team, so it was not a problem to hold a battle meeting.It would be better if Asuna were to lead the team.

"Shall we go to the labyrinth now?"

"it is good!"

Everyone was in high spirits and pushed the door out.

Yui seemed to sense something, and tugged on the corner of Asaha's clothes.

"Dad, I can feel someone."


Qian Yutong looked up, and there was no one on the street.

"Well, very strong feelings."

Yui pressed her heart and murmured, "It's a strange, sad feeling..."

Asaha opened Sharingan, but didn't see anything, but he didn't think it was a bug in the program.Even if AI doesn't have a heart, it's not surprising that as an AI in charge of human emotions, it can perceive something special.

With a thought, he opened the eyes of the god of death.

The setting sun dyes the streets red, the blood-red world.

A girl stood there quietly, she looked exactly like Yuuki, with a single ponytail."Konno Lanko" is clearly written on the top of the head, showing a countdown to life.

Yuuki didn't know anything and walked forward.Lanzi showed gentleness and opened his arms.The younger sister plunged into her chest and passed through her older sister's phantom.


Yuuki looked back suddenly, tears streaming down her face at some point, and she couldn't wipe it off.

"Strange, so familiar and warm, just like my sister..."

The younger sister lowered her head and kept wiping her tears, just like when she was a child.Lanzi wanted to wipe away his tears, but kept one hand in mid-air.Yuuki seemed to feel something, grabbed the air, and put it on her cheek.

In a silent world, a pair of sisters depend on each other warmly.

Shiune worried, "Yuuki, are you alright?"


Yuuki regained her composure and said, "I can no longer worry my sister. I made an appointment, I will win the boss, and my sister can't give up. Sooner or later, we will go home together."

Konno Lanko covered her face and wept with joy.

Qian Yuxin said: Sister?

PS: There are magic changes in You Ji Chapter.Dark elves and guardian elves were originally two races, but now they are considered one.Aiko's appearance is different from Yuuki's.For the benefit later, change to identical twins.I don't need to tell you what to do 8

Today is the birthday of Jingu, and the group will update the episode——Shinon & Lian

Chapter 618 Destroying a Guild

In the depths of the maze on the 27th floor, the door of the BOSS room is full of people.There are about twenty people, and the badge belongs to a guild named [Centaur].

"Sorry, little sister, I can't let you go there." A player said, "Our guild is calling for someone, and the boss is about to open."

Everyone was splashed with cold water, and their hearts were cold.

Shiune asked, "How long will it take?"

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