This sister is a bit natural.

She blushed, and managed to calm down, talking about the past intermittently.The mother suffered from severe bleeding and underwent an emergency blood transfusion. Unfortunately, she was infected with the HIV virus in the window period.It was later discovered that the whole family had been recruited.

I once thought about committing suicide for the whole family, but finally survived.

"Mom taught us to be strong, took me and Kamian Ji to church to pray to God, and always believed in 'God loves the world'." Lanzi said bitterly, "In the end, it was still useless."

"Do not."

Asaha said seriously: "All beliefs in the world originate from human consciousness. Some irresponsible goddess did hear it. So, here I am."


Asaha said, "Give me your hand."

Konno Lanko hesitated for a moment, stretched out her hand lightly, and was stunned.I actually touched it, and I can feel the body temperature of human beings, like a ray of sunshine in a dark world.

In an instant, the girl's tear glands collapsed.

"After the illness got worse, both you and Yuuki entered the virtual world and have been sneaking for more than three years, right?" Asaha said, "Like this, I'll bring you back to reality."

Lanzi shed tears and said: "Mr. Hitomi, I know you are a good person. But AIDS is terminally ill, there is really nothing you can do. Don't waste any more time. In the end, Yuuki can meet a friend like you, already..."

Asagi said softly: "I also thought about becoming a doctor. Not a dirty scavenger like now, but a real doctor who can cure all misfortunes, and never watch important people die in front of them."

He asked about the hospital where Sister Konno was staying, and logged out at the hotel.Lanzi bowed and looked at Asagi's character lying on the bed.

"All I can do is to silently guard your role, Hitomi-kun."

At this time, Yui got out of Hitomi's pocket and said to the air: "Cheating is not allowed!"


"Miss Lanzi, where are you? I can feel your mood. A sense of security and liking are two different things. Your emotional index is exactly the same as Yuuki's."

In the real world, Hitomi Asaba took off the AmuSphere and sat up.He looked out the window, it was dusk, and the Konno sisters had to be rescued before the next sunset.

"Hitomi, you are offline, you can eat now."

Sinon was busy in front of the small stove.

"it is good."

Hitomi Asaba rummaged through the box and found a note with a number on it, which was left by Rinko Kojiro.That one is Akihiko Kayaba's "accomplice" who is now overseas.

He made an international call.

A lazy female voice came from the other end: "Hello?"

"Kindai-senpai, it's me." Asaha said in a deep voice, "The teacher's relic, you mean the Medicuboid device, right? Use full submersion to isolate the pain of the body and give the patient hospice care."

Jindai said: "I was discovered by you. Three years ago, I provided Medicuboid to a pair of sisters named 'Konno'..."

The next day, at the University of Tokyo Hospital, Hitomi Asaba came to the front desk.

The lady at the front desk asked, "Sir, do you have an appointment?"

"I'm here to visit a patient, can you check the room number for me? Their names are Konno Kapok Ji and Konno Lanko."

"OK, wait."

After a while, Asaba saw the attending doctor and said bluntly, "I have a new treatment for AIDS, and I need to transfer the Konno sisters to the hospital for treatment. I think their medical trials should also be suspended."

"Wait..." the doctor said in astonishment.

The shape of Asuka appeared in Qian Yu's eyes, and said, "From now on, obey me."

【Geass】——Absolute order!

PS: Si Li, Water God Palace

Chapter 620 Sister Flower Kiss

Everything in the Affiliated Hospital of Dongda University is as usual, but the interior has been controlled by Geass.No matter what Hitomi Asaba did, the doctors and nurses ignored it.

He said flatly, "Just act as if nothing happened."


Hitomi Asaba obtained the authority of the attending doctor and investigated the patient's file.The Konno sisters were admitted to the hospital three years ago.Both parents died. Accompanied by the guardian, he signed and agreed to the Medicuboid clinical experiment.

After further investigation, the information was blocked.The signatures are the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the Self-Defense Forces.This is permitted by the Japanese government.Today, countries all over the world are secretly researching complete submersion.In addition to entertainment, it is possible to shine in education, medical...even military.

Reality is being swallowed by virtual worlds.

Qian Yu thought to himself: It is not appropriate to startle the snake.

"Go through the discharge procedures and forge a certificate of transfer to other medical institutions. Let me think about it, let's hang it under the name of Jindai-senpai..."

Hitomi Asaba invaded the hospital as if it were her own back garden.Under the domination of Tongli, the attending doctor obeyed.Everything is going on as planned.

This is a huge treatment room divided into two parts.Outside is the control room, where the doctor monitors various data of the patient and studies the records.Inside is a sterile room with two fully enclosed Medicuboids and twin sisters lying there.In fact, the "Nutrition Cabin" of Internet cafes is modified from medical Medicuboid.

AIDS, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The HIV virus will attack the most important CD4 T lymphocytes of the human immune system, causing the human body to gradually lose immunity and die due to infection with various diseases or malignant tumors.Sister Konno's condition worsened day by day, and she could only stay in the sterile room, and a breath of outside air would be fatal.

Hitomi Asagi pressed the glass window, staring at the peacefully sleeping girl.

There is no better way, but to take risks.

"Big brother?"

At this moment, the loudspeaker rang.Asagi looked up, and the camera was facing her.It can be imagined that Yuuki's consciousness is sitting in a dark room, communicating with the outside world.

"I'm here to save you," he said.


Yuuki hugged her knees, for some reason, she had the urge to cry.In reality, it turned out to be white hair. He looks very handsome, with the warmth of a big brother next door.

"You said you were going to participate in the duel in February, and you would have a showdown with me. In fact, you wanted to die a long time ago, didn't you?" Qian Yu said, "Little girl, it's not good to lie."

Yuuki choked up and said, "I just want to take a break."

"Next, you just have to watch."

After speaking, Asaba pressed the button, and the Medicuboid cabin slowly opened.

"Big brother, don't come in... you'll get infected! That's what everyone says, it seems that the things I touch and the same air I breathe are all bad things..."

Hitomi Qianyu turned a deaf ear and took out two injections from the void.This is a dead body virus bought from the Alaya store. To eliminate the HIV virus, all you need to do is turn into a dead body.He once went to the plane of zombies and found the medicine to restore the sanity of the dead body - [Eve].

The twin sisters are skinny and exhausted.Asagi pulled up Kapok Ji's wrist, and couldn't even feel the veins, so thin it made people feel distressed.

"Sorry, forgive me."

He was cruel and injected the medicine.Within a few seconds, the girl's whole body convulsed, and her body transformation had already begun.Fortunately, he was locked in Medicuboid, unable to run wild and hurt others.

Kapok Ji's face was ferocious, and he roared, "Ahhh!"

Asahi followed suit and injected Lanzi with the virus.


A crisp sound echoed in the treatment room, and the twins' hearts stopped beating at the same time.The cardiograph showed a straight line, and the Medicuboid flashed a warning light.With their vital signs gone, they were forcibly logged out.

After a while, Kapok Ji's chest rose and fell slightly.She slowly opened her eyes. It was the reality lights that had been away for three years, which were too dazzling.

On the other side, Lan Zi also sat up.

"elder sister?"

"Kapok Season..."

The two sisters hugged each other and cried into tears.

"Welcome back." Asagi said with a smile, "I joined [Sleeping Knight], so I have the obligation to protect the princess."

If Medicuboid is a crystal coffin, then Kapok Ji and Lanzi are the sleeping beauties in fairy tales.

Lanzi laughed through his tears and said, "Mr. Tong, are you a prince?"

"No, I'm just a passing doctor."

Kapok Ji felt the power and felt incredible.Although he is still very thin, his strength is far beyond that of ordinary people, as if he has inherited the attributes from the game.

"What exactly is going on?"

Asagi calmly said: "I haven't introduced yet, I am a...well, crazy doctor. This is a dead body virus that can increase the strength of the human body and survive in a low-cost way. Your body temperature is dropping enough to make most of the enzymes Inactivation. The HIV virus quickly loses its ability to replicate and becomes inactive."

"That is to say, we have been cured?" Lanzi asked in surprise.

Asagi shook her head and said, "Unfortunately, you are no longer human beings."

He was ready to be hated.This kind of plan is simple and brainless, but if the dead body virus is not controlled well, a plane will be destroyed.When billions of people die, Alaya definitely wants to kill him.

Unexpectedly, Kapok Ji said: "There is nothing wrong."

"That's right."

Lanzi smiled softly, struggled to get off the ground, and said, "Mr. Tong, I really don't know how to thank you for letting my sister and I have a new life."

"No, I'm selfish."

Qian Yu hurriedly supported Lan Zi and prevented her from kneeling down.Accidentally, it turned into a hugging pose.The girl was really light, she wrapped her arms around her slender waist and put it back on the machine.

Because he is an AIDS patient, people treat him as a scourge for fear of avoiding it.The two sisters have never had physical contact with others, and they have an unprecedented affection.They have been in full stealth for three years, but they are adolescent girls after all.

Lan Zi's pretty face flushed, she opened her mouth lightly, and her breathing became short of breath.There was something wrong with her burning eyes.That is not lust, but another desire.

Kapok Ji touched his stomach and said, "I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten for three years. Brother, you smell so good, like a steak..."

This is how the dead body eats.

Lanzi came to her senses, and quickly stopped her sister.She put her warm and jade-like arm around her sister's mouth and said, "Don't hurt others, eat me."

The sisters were reduced to zombie mothers, and a beautiful scene was staged.The older sister fed the younger sister, and a voluptuous flower of blood bloomed, just like the scene in the comics.

Hitomi Asagi sighed.You have to be responsible for the trouble you caused yourself to the end.

He picked up someone in one hand and put them in his arms.This thin body is no different from a petite loli.Asagi stroked sister Hua's little head, and then pressed it on her own neck.

"Suck my blood, it contains more energy than ordinary meat."

Lan Zi panicked: "Wait, Mr. Tong, let's not talk about the dead body virus, HIV has not been completely eradicated. Once it touches a wound, it will infect you..."

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