Qian Yu calmed down and said, "It doesn't matter what I say."


Kapok Ji's fangs are like vampires, biting through the skin and sucking blood greedily.Lanzi couldn't refuse this kindness, so he could only bite down with red eyes.Both sisters are gentle and kind, restraining themselves.

Lanzi's cherry lips were stained bright red, and he rubbed them lightly, trying to help him relieve the pain; while Kapok Ji stretched out his small sweet tongue, licking it like a small animal.The older sister is more shy, while the younger sister is bold.

Isn't this like kissing with sister flowers?

Asagi felt her cheeks burning hot.It doesn't hurt at all, but has a tingling feeling, warm and comfortable.He held a zombie girl in one arm, wrapping his arms around his hips.They wore thin hospital gowns, like pure white princess dresses.

"I'll take you home."


PS: Zombie Goddess Shrine

Chapter 621 Planting Strawberries

Along the way, passers-by cast strange eyes and almost called the police.The sisters didn't even wear shoes.Bare feet, being hugged by Asagi.

Konno's house was dilapidated, the yard was overgrown with weeds, and the stool fell on the lawn.For three years, no one took care of it.Neighbors heard that the whole family died of AIDS, and regarded this place as a haunted house.

"Finally home."

"I miss you so much, the days when I lived with my father, mother and sister..."

Under the sun, Lan Zi and Kapok Ji were so excited that they wept.

Asahi put it down gently.They ran barefoot on the grass.The light shines through the white dress, reflecting the outline of the delicate body, like a beautiful silhouette.

He turned his head and pretended not to see anything.

In fact, I didn't wear anything under the hospital gown.Lanzi blushed and pressed down on the hem of her skirt.And Kapok Ji is bouncing around, with her skirts flying.So, I was held back by my sister to preach.

Asahi said: "Hey, clean the room. I'll pay the utility bills, and then I'll buy you clothes and some daily necessities..."

"Thank you, brother." Kapok Ji smiled brightly.

Lan Zi gratefully said: "Mr. Tong, I have caused you trouble again..."

Asagi smiled and said, "You should be more frank, just be familiar with yourself like Yuuki."

"Then, brother?" Lanzi asked timidly.

This pair of lovely sisters almost melted his heart.

Wait, I'm not a sister-in-law!Although he attacked his sister-in-law, raised several loli, and rescued the zombie mother and sister Hua... In short, it is not a sister-in-law!

At this time, an unexpected guest came.A middle-aged woman took out her key and was just about to open the iron door when she found that the lock had been broken.This is Yuuki's way of opening the door.

She was surprised: "Lanzi, Kapok Ji?"

"Auntie." Lanzi said.

"Why are you leaving the hospital? Isn't it fast..." The woman shut up quickly.

Lanzi said calmly: "Dead, right? I heard that you talked to Kapok Ji again later and wanted to rent out the house."

"Ah, you should treat yourself well in the hospital, and don't resist. Just leave the family affairs to me."

Lanzi said, "No need."

"Auntie, please leave, this is our home!" Kapok Ji shouted.

The middle-aged woman immediately changed her face and said, "You two brats..."

Kapok Ji grabbed the steel chair and bent it abruptly.This brute force surpasses ordinary people, which makes people dumbfounded.

"Strange, monster?"

The middle-aged woman dared to say nothing, and fled in despair.


Kapok Ji heaved a sigh of relief and threw away the scrapped chair.

Lanzi said sadly, "I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

"It's nothing." Asahi said, "Seeing that you are very assertive and have the ability to live independently. I am relieved."

Hitomi Asagi took her hand and cleaned it inside and out.While both sisters have grown in strength and stamina, height is a bit of a struggle.He stepped on a ladder and replaced a broken light bulb.I went shopping with my sisters and bought a lot of new clothes, including underwear.

Konno's house has a new look.Kapok Ji and Lanzi put on new clothes and aprons, and made a big dinner as a thank you.When they were very young, they learned to help their mother cook.

Kindness is difficult.

Asaha called Sinon and said that she wanted to eat outside.

"Today is like a dream."

The faces of the two sisters were filled with happiness and joy.

The sun was setting and the deadline for death had passed.Qian Yu opened the eyes of death and looked at Kapok Ji and Lan Zi.The numbers above their heads crossed 0 and became "-1S".In theory, dead bodies have a much longer lifespan than humans.Whether this way of existence can be called "alive" is hard to say.

"I bought you a new AmuSphere and removed the safety device." Qian Yu ordered, "Your vital signs are different from ordinary people, you must be careful not to be discovered by human society. Once a week, I will give you blood..."

"Thank you." Lan Zi burst into tears.

Kapok Ji chuckled and said, "Since she was discharged from the hospital, my sister has been crying and thanking her."

Lanzi wiped away her tears and said embarrassedly: "Because, suddenly there is someone you can rely on. Hitomi...brother, why are you helping us so much?"

"Take you as test subjects." Asahi said casually.

"How can there be such a loss-making experiment!"

On the occasion of parting, replenish blood for the last time.The kapok season has sucked enough.The lips were stained with blood, as beautiful as cherry blossoms.She stared straight at Tong, with a strange feeling.

"Brother, can I kiss you?"

Qian Yu was startled: "Huh?"

Kapok Ji said seriously: "Because, you like us, right? Otherwise, we wouldn't have reached this point. I like you too, and I want to fall in love like a normal person."

"What are you talking about!" Lanzi said angrily, "Kapian Ji, you are not allowed to mess around. You are a patient, and it would be bad if you infected your brother. Besides, how thin you have become, who would like you!"

Qian Yu laughed and said, "Wait until you grow some meat."

"That's what you said, don't deny it." The girl pouted.

"of course."

Lan Zi concealed a trace of worry.What if my sister really fell?The two sisters repaid their kindness with their bodies, but they were unable to repay the kindness.But just because I like it, I can't drag the other party down.

Mission over.

In this way, Yuuki and her sister would be able to escape their unfortunate fate.

When Asaba returned to the apartment, Sinon was still waiting for him to go online together.Before playing ALO, I took a shower to wash away the smell of blood.He wrapped himself in a towel and walked out.

Shino pushed her glasses and said, "You have been planted with strawberries."


Asahi touched his neck, and there were teeth marks on both sides.Fortunately, Shino is the type who is not very jealous, that is, she has a bad temper.

"It seems that the game was too intense." The girl complained.

Asagi blinked and said, "Do you want the same one too?"

"Who wants it!"

In a fit of anger, Shino put on the AmuSphere and was about to shout "Link Start".

Asaha played with the taste: "Speaking of it, this machine is quite like a blindfold. Well, I thought of some strange ways to play. If you sneak first, you don't know what will happen to the body left outside."


Shino became furious, sat up quickly, and shyly clamped her legs.

"You log in first!"

"You first."

"Bullet armor, rebound."

Asahi complained: "Are you a primary school student?!"

This is the happy daily life of cohabitation.The two of them went online for a while and then went offline.No matter how awkward you are, you can't beat the gentle coaxing to sleep.Shino leaned into his arms and fell asleep.

Hitomi Asagi smiled knowingly and closed her eyes.

In the dream, there is a flower garden in front of the hunter's hut, next to it is a pool of holy water, and messengers often play in the water.That is the Alaya store, and the mirror-like surface of the water is the touch screen.

The puppet girl said softly: "Task reward, unlock function - [Transformation]."

ALO's character can be converted to GGO, and Alaya has extended this ability to reality.Hitomi Asaba found the switch button on the side of the mall.

"So money is needed. Let me see, give things the ability to travel between reality and a virtual world at will..."

This object can be a person or an object.

Hitomi Asaba found games such as SAO, ALO, and GGO in the system, which are equivalent to the subworld of "Sword Art Online".

"Hitomi, are you surprised?" the doll girl said, "Many years ago, my elder sister used this system to crusade against the game plane. I was converted from a certain game to reality by her."

"Sister?" Qian Yu was stunned.

The puppet girl whispered: "The game is just another dream. About two hundred years later, the plane of "Sword Art Online" will be completely virtualized. In order to avoid material scarcity, human beings gave up their bodies and let their consciousness live in a binary world. Fantasy shines into reality, just as it eats into your dreams."

In the end... Where is illusion and where is reality?

Chapter 622

The store interface is the same as the game, and also displays the realistic character bar.The Kamui space is a backpack with unlimited capacity, containing the Teigu [Hachifang] and [God's Hand] that have not been used for many years.

As long as you charge money, you can realize the exchange of backpacks between the two worlds.With this perverted krypton gold function, Qian Yu felt that Alaya was the "unsightly planner".

The doll girl said: "Hitomi, you can also try to completely transform yourself into a life in the world of ALO."

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