"It's enough!"

Asagi got up and said, "Where's Rias?"

If she bumped into her, he would definitely be jealous and go berserk, right?

A look of worry flashed across Himejima Akeno's face, and he pretended to be relaxed and said, "Minister, it seems that I locked myself in the room. Because the engagement was broken, I'm so happy."

"Really?" Asahi asked suspiciously.

At this time, a huge magical power came from the second floor.Everyone looked at each other, then rushed up.

Rias stood by the window, her long hair dimmed in the moonlight.She raised her head and saw a demon figure appearing in the sky outside the window.The red-haired man was dressed in armor, spread his bat-like wings, and stood upright in the void.

The girl said softly: "Here we come. I didn't expect you to arrest me yourself, my lord brother."


Suzeks has always maintained a gentle manner, which makes it impossible to see through his true thoughts.

"You are Gremory's successor Patriarch and my younger sister. Even if you don't realize it, others will regard your words and deeds as my will. So..."

"The devil's younger sister?" Rias smiled bitterly, "Needless to say, I'll go back with you."


When everyone knocked open the door, they saw the scene of Rias ascending into the sky.

"Lord Sazex?"

From everyone's reaction, Asagi understood the identity of that man - Rias' elder brother.In the last war between gods and demons, the demon king was slaughtered.Suzeks abandoned Gremory's surname and became the second generation Lucifer, known as the strongest demon king in history.

Asagi shouted: "Rias!"

"From now on, you are the king. You just lost your soldiers. You must lead everyone and live well."

Under the moonlight, Rias smiled softly, with tears welling up in her eyes.Afterwards, the two disappeared into the light of the teleportation array.Hitomi Qianyu opened the Eye of the Moon and felt the pressure from another dimension.

That is the underworld, the hell described in the Bible!

Qian Yu said in a deep voice, "Sister Zhu Nai, what's going on?"

"After the war between gods and demons, the demons suffered heavy losses. Therefore, they developed a demon chess game to subdue their relatives. In order to avoid civil war, the demons used ranking games to resolve conflicts and divide interests. Therefore, the hierarchy is absolutely insurmountable. I am afraid..." Zhu Nai said.

If I used the Alaya system to reincarnate, there would be no hidden dangers.Asahi still doesn't know what caused the reversal of the position of the chess piece.

It `s my mistake.

In the empty room, a pure white magic circle suddenly appeared.Gurefia has a cold appearance, dressed in a maid outfit, holding hands.

"Master Asaba."

Asahi asked, "How's the matter?"

"Master Rias arbitrarily handed over the power of the superior demon to her servants, which violated the rules of the demon chess, and was denounced by the nobles. She was sentenced as an S-class criminal and will be sentenced to ... the torture of fire." Gu Leifei Ya said.

Asahi was surprised: "Isn't Suzeks the devil, why didn't you save her?"

"Because you are the sister of the devil king, you can't bend the law for your own benefit." Gurefia said, "Master Rias interceded during the trial and pardoned you. You are not official pawns, and you will be rogue demons in the future."

Asahi said firmly, "I'll save her."

At this time, the door was pushed open.Everyone filed in, even Asia came.

"Let's go too, let's rescue the minister together!"

"You..." Qian Yu was taken aback.

Kiba Yuto said: "My life was given by the minister."

"Actually, everyone has had unfortunate pasts." Zhu Nai smiled slightly, "In the eyes of others, we are all useless pawns. However, we were saved by Rias."

Asahi's eyes flicked over everyone's faces one by one, and saw a kind of determination.He flashed his Command Seal and said, "Now, I am the deputy king. You are not allowed to go anywhere."

"Asaba-kun!" Yutou was in a hurry.

Qian Yu said unhappily: "Do you think it's a hot-blooded young man? A group of low-level demons break into the underworld, and they can save people from the execution ground? I have to take care of you."

Everyone was speechless.I have to admit that the strength is too poor.The kitten clenched its fists secretly.

Asaba said, "I am enough alone, Gurefia."

The loyal maid had been prepared for a long time and took out a piece of paper with heraldry drawn on it.

"Three days later, I will be executed in 'Hell'. The normal demon train is too slow. If you use the teleportation array of Suzeks or Gremory, it will be easy to be discovered. Lord Asaba, you have the ability to travel through the underworld. This thing, Might come in handy."

Asagi took the coat of arms, but did not sense the magic power.He didn't know why, so he had to put it away first.

"I am leaving."

Qian Yu opened the Eye of the Moon, and tore open the black cavity with one hand.Perceived the existence of the underworld before, and secretly recorded the space coordinates.He only felt that his pupil power was being consumed rapidly.

Is this the distance between the world and the underworld?

Asia took a step after her and shouted, "Hitomi-kun!"

"Don't worry, wait for me to come back." He said softly.

After finishing speaking, Qian Yutong stepped into the black cavity, and the space closed.He didn't know what was waiting for him in the other world.

The room was silent, and everyone's mood could not be calm for a long time.

"Rias, Hitomi..."

Zhu Nai said: "In order to protect her lovely servant, Rias took the responsibility alone. There is a man who is willing to go to hell alone for her. These two people, really."

Asia clasped her hands together and said silently in her heart: Lord, may your holy light shine in hell and protect my beloved demon.


Shocked, Jingu actually wrote an original plot?Oh, it turned out that the god of death copied it, so it's okay.

Chapter 664 Entering the Underworld

Blue gray sky, floating clouds.In the distance are endless hills, unexplored land stretching as far as the eye can see.Apart from the cool tones, the environment is no different from Earth.

"Is this the underworld?"

Hitomi Asagi fell to the ground and took a breath of fresh air.He seemed to sense something, turned on the kaleidoscope, and quickly disappeared into the vortex.Almost instantly, several demons appeared at his foothold, all of them with fleshy wings and tails.

"An alert from the Human World Administration, someone broke through the wall of the dimension."

"Illegal trespasser!"

Human Bureau, what?

All the demons looked around vigilantly.Qian Yutong quietly appeared from the vortex.As soon as he reached out, he was noticed by one of the demons.

"Be careful behind you!"

Asahi secretly thought: Do you perceive magic?

These guys are very skilled, and they serve as guards, at least at the level of intermediate demons.One on the left and one on the right, two demons charged with magic bullets brewing in their hands.


Qian Yu froze, allowing the two to pass through her body.They were caught off guard, and the magic bullet hit each other with a roar.

what? !

The enemy has not reacted yet.Qian Yu lifted the blur and kicked the third demon away.He stepped forward and put his foot on the surviving sentient demon.

"Let me torture you."

Qian Yu's expression was stern, and the three hook jades spun quietly.

It turns out that the Human World Administration Bureau is an organization for demons to monitor human beings, and it directly belongs to the Demon King.Deal with the power of demons in the world, operate the trains between the world and the underworld, eliminate stray demons and so on.The highest person in charge couldn't be more familiar, it was Gurefia.

There is no concept of cities in the underworld, and the vast and boundless land is divided into major families.Under the four demon kings is the grand duke, and then the duke and uncle, such as the duke of Gremory.

Asahi asked: "So, whose territory is this?"

"Sir Sairaorg, the Lion King..." The demon's eyes were dull.

Qian Yu read: "The Lion King?"

In order to erase the traces, he devoured four enemies with the Annihilation Eye.Each mid-level demon gave him 250 soul points.

"thanks for treatment."

I learned from the torture that the Human World Administration will report illegal entry and entrust higher-level demons to deal with it.The next time you come, it will not be the intermediate level.The Lion King is the lord here, and it is impossible to stand idly by.

As soon as Asagi left, she felt a breath approaching.

"Hey, so weak." He muttered.

Asagi stopped and looked at the man in front of him.It was a dark-haired demon with flowing hair.He has purple eyes and exudes a rebellious aura.

"Are you the intruder?"

"That's right." Asaha said, "Are you an intermediate demon again?"


The man was silent and said, "Don't compare me with them."

Qian Yu pointed at the white eyes, and said, "You can't fool me. Your magic power level is exactly the same as those just now."

"I am Seraog Baal!" the man said helplessly, "I am not good at magic, but my strength and physical skills are not bad. Be careful!"

This guy is kind of funny.He is clearly an enemy, but he still needs to be reminded.

"it is good."

The two moved at the same time.Sairaorg swung his fist, the speed and strength were almost several times that of Yuto and Kitten combined.Qian Yu didn't dodge or dodge, and went up to meet her, her magic power condensed into a translucent fist.

"Eighty Gods Air Strike!"


The moment the attack ended, Asaba unleashed Kamui.He pierced Sairaorg's body, and then rained countless fists on the enemy's chest.


Sairaorg was stunned for a moment, and then took all the damage.

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