
Sairaorg was blasted out and embedded in a rock.Qian Yu didn't look back, and didn't bother to "collect the body", leaving only one sentence.

"Look, I'll say you're an intermediate."

Sairaorg blasted away the rocks like a furry lion.Hitomi Asagi had long since disappeared.Afterwards, several figures descended, and they were none other than his family members.

One exclaimed: "Boss, have you been beaten so badly?"

"It's careless. My attack was nullified, and his fist hit me with an eighty-fold increase. The opponent is a half-breed demon, who should be reincarnated from a human being."

Sairaorg's face was ashamed, with blood on the corner of his mouth.

A blond beauty smiled and said, "You are known as the strongest superior demon of the new generation. The younger generation, someone who can tame the Lion King finally appeared?"

"To shut up."

The directional magic sound transmission covered the entire area.

"Warning, the intruder defeated the Lion King. Demons below the upper level, avoid fighting with them. The enemy's danger is judged as S-level."

Asaha didn't know that he was a wanted criminal.If he could hear it, he would find that it was Gurefia's cool voice.

This underworld is desolate enough, the slightly larger buildings are all noble buildings, there is not even a market or city.No wonder both demons and fallen angels like to run to the world.

"Gurefia is lying to me, I was noticed even if I didn't use the teleportation array!"

There used to be a battle between Gods and Demons in the Three Realms, and the supervision of the Wall of Dimensions is still strict.The upper echelons of the demons stared closely at the tripartite parties of humans, angels and fallen angels.Like Qian Yu, who broke through the wall violently without even using a teleportation array, those who didn't know thought it was the heavens who broke in.

Qian Yu pondered: "Maybe there is a large-scale perception magic, but the devil-level figures still look down on me."

In addition to rescuing Rias, this trip is also to collect intelligence on the underworld.

"Little devil, you stepped on my head."

Hitomi Qianyu felt the ground tremble, and the purple rock under her feet moved.He jumped down quickly, and saw a giant dragon standing up.

"The underworld is too dangerous, isn't any stone a dragon?" Qian Yu murmured.


The purple dragon took a breath and said, "I am one of the top six dragon kings, [Dragon Saint] Tenny. Although I have reincarnated as the highest level demon now."

Qian Yu noticed that the shape of this guy was different from that of ordinary dragons, and he still walked upright.

"Then do you know Chiryuutei Draig?" Asagi asked tentatively.

"Red guy, the Ertian Dragon and the Six Great Dragon Kings are... wait, don't try to get close to me." Tenny said dissatisfiedly, "From just now, you are the intruder, right? You interrupted my nap time. "

"Looks like there's going to be another fight?"

Asahi sighed, bit her finger, and clasped her hands together.

The art of psychic!

The smoke was lingering, and a black dragon raised its head and let out a dragon roar.The eyes of reincarnation appeared in its eyes, and it was a psychic beast dominated by the animal way.

"My people?" Tenny said in shock.

The magic dragon couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of dragon's breath.This convinced Tanny that this female dragon was not the dragon he knew well.An hour later, the magic dragon was beaten and bruised all over, and returned to the spirit world with a "bang".

"It's been a long time since we had a date like this," Tenney said.

Asahi was sweating coldly.Devastated everywhere, the earth was scorched by the dragon's breath.

You call this a date?

"I didn't expect that there are people in this world that I haven't seen. Have you signed a contract with you?" Tenney said, "Forget it, this matter has nothing to do with me. I'm not interested in participating in the mess of pure blood. "

One person and one dragon, sitting on a rock and chatting.Asahi saw that this dragon had a rather forthright character.Although it is the highest level demon, it is not threatening.

"You want to save the Gremory girl?"

Asahi said, "That's right."

"As a follower, you are loyal. However, you may not know what kind of place 'hell' is."

Tenney said solemnly: "That is an abyss deeper than the underworld, where the heinous criminals are executed. There is indeed something strange about this matter. Rias is only an S-class criminal and is not eligible to be escorted to the [Gate of Hell]. It is a precedent that has not been seen in a thousand years."

Asaba remembered something, and took out the clue left by Gurefia.

"Hey, isn't that Phoenix's crest?" Tenney said.

PS: Underworld chapter, the war is about to break out!Oh, not really, just a few random chapters at the end of the first season animation...that is to say, OVA

Chapter 665

As night falls, the purple sky is like a thick oil painting, the lines twisted into disturbing shapes, just like the starry sky painted by Van Gogh.The underworld is also a planet with no natural satellites, only an artificial moon hanging in the sky.

"This night in the underworld is really infiltrating."

Qian Yutong spread her wings and floated in the sky.On the ground, the white buildings are beautiful and brightly lit. According to Tenny's instructions, they arrived at Phoenix City, the residence of the Phoenix family.

The clues left by Gurefia imply that it is Phoenix's revenge?But why didn't she say so?

Qian Yutong shook her head, putting aside distracting thoughts.Looking at the ground again, it was already a pair of cold reincarnation eyes.Then make a big fuss and make the underworld tremble.

The art of psychic!

He bit his finger, and slapped his palm towards the void, spreading tadpole-like lines out of thin air.The cloud-like smoke dissipated, and three monsters appeared below him—the white whale, the black snake, and the rabbit.

Asahi's fighting style is very simple, a pupil can be used in seconds.Traveling through the three thousand worlds, I have collected many psychic beasts, but they are not very useful.

"Come on, you are allowed to eat as you please this time."

The black snake is tens of meters long and has no ability to fly.Falling from a high altitude, it directly overwhelmed a row of mansions, and the broken bricks and tiles were connected together.As soon as the rabbits landed on the ground, they began to nibble away at everything they could see and multiplied rapidly.

"what happened?"


Most of the clansmen were asleep and didn't know what happened.Some people were eaten by rabbits in their sleep, and then their stomachs were bursting with flames.The land where the black snake crawled was filled with black air, all living beings were aging and withering, and the garden was reduced to a gloomy cemetery.

At this time, Phoenix's superior demons quickly assembled and stood against the wind on the cliff.The leader is the current Patriarch of Phoenix, and behind him are several clansmen, who spread the wings of fire behind them.


He raised his head and saw a huge monster floating in the sky.The white whale has a halo above its head with the moon as its background.It opened its bloody mouth wide and spewed ominous white mist.

The White Whale of the Fog!

"Halo, is this guy a creature from the heavens? In short, get rid of these monsters immediately, or our Phoenix City will be demolished!"

Everyone turned into phoenixes and rushed to the sky.

The head of the family narrowed his eyes and said, "Hmph, is that guy's revenge?"

"Fortunately, we are immortal."

"Strange, it always feels like there are fewer people."

A group of "phoenixes" suppressed the white whale, stepped on the back of the whale, and the wings of fire behind them burned.What they didn't realize was that the fog of the white whale was extremely corrosive, and being involved in it would wipe out its existence.

This ability is comparable to the copying eyes of Rampage.

Hitomi Asaba caused chaos and then sneaked into Phoenix City.He is not interested in exterminating the clan, the most urgent task is to rescue Rias.

This is a most luxurious mansion.On the balcony on the second floor, the blond girl looked into the distance.Flames shot into the sky, thick smoke billowed, and the entire Phoenix City was in chaos, as if it had been invaded by someone.

She murmured: "Is there really someone who dares to challenge Phoenix's pride?"


In the empty courtyard, a familiar male voice suddenly sounded, which startled the girl.Asagi climbed up to the second floor with one hand on the railing.

"What a coincidence, Miss Turkey."

Ravel said angrily: "You are the turkey, your whole family is!"

"I'm not sure, your whole family is indeed a turkey." Asaba said sincerely.

Ravel took a deep breath, not being as knowledgeable as a lower-level demon.

"Wait, you appear here, which means you did something wrong?"

The girl was secretly startled: There is no such powerful familiar in the entire underworld!

Asahi said coldly: "This is the purpose of my trip. Why was Rias taken away, and what did you do? Tell me everything."

"Why should I listen to you..." Ravel said proudly.

Before she finished speaking, Qian Yu grabbed Lei Weier's neck and lifted her up.He looked stern, like a raging beast, and the girl realized that she was not joking.

"If you don't tell me, I'll go and interrogate Raisel. Amaterasu burned his magic power, so he's already almost useless, right? You demons have no way to heal the trauma left by Tsukuyomi unless you turn to angels for help."

"don't want……"

Ravel only felt that it was difficult to breathe, and her chest rose and fell rapidly.The majestic young lady of Phoenix, how could she ever suffer such rough treatment.Her pretty face was flushed, and she was crying like pear blossoms with rain.

"Why, you always bully me..."

Asahi's heart softened for a moment, but she let go.Ravel knelt on the ground, coughing non-stop.She was wearing an elegant and luxurious nightgown, her neck was pinched red.

The girl complained: "Idiot, how can you see people like this."

"Is that the point?"

Not only is she naturally beautiful, but the noble lady is pampered and well maintained.Asahi's fingertips still had a tender touch, and water seemed to come out when she pinched it.She rubbed her neck, and the sling slipped off, revealing her delicate collarbone.

Asahi's complaint: My rabbits haven't bred here yet.


Ravel clutched her chest, blushing.Missy's reaction was lovely.

"you saw it?"

Qian Yu said unhappily: "Stop talking nonsense, if you don't explain, I'll pick you up and throw you into the street."

"Hey, how can I let the inferior people see the light..."

Ravel turned pale with fright.She overlooked one thing, Asaha is also a so-called "barbaric inferior".She wiped away her tears, revealing her determination.

"I see. Actually, after hearing that Lias-sang was sentenced to be burned at the stake, my brother struggled to get out of bed to save others. He cannot accept this kind of victory. Unfortunately, we have no way to change the family's decision."

Asahi was surprised, it turned out that the guy wasn't too bad.

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