"Then there's no way."

Yesterday, the kitten should have been punished.However, Asagi failed to "pain the killer", and touched it symbolically, as if stroking a cat.

"I owe you a punishment." The girl whispered, "Because the butt didn't blossom. No matter what seniors do, I have no complaints."

"Okay, let's not talk about that."

He felt his cheeks were hot, and he quickly pulled his hands away.Such a pure and innocent girl is embarrassing.

"The next thing to train is to hold your breath." Asaha said, "Take a deep breath, and then dive into the water. I will time you and practice your lung capacity."

Kitten nodded.Inhaling, there was a slight rise and fall of the chest.She plunged into the water, hugging her knees, her short snow-white hair rippling like water plants.He hadn't gotten used to opening his eyes underwater yet, when his face bumped into something.

It looks very tasty.As expected of a senior, he can conjure up snacks anytime, anywhere.

The kitten remembered that there are earplugs for swimming.Because the ears are easy to get water.She pinched her nose, and because of her foodie nature, she also needed to plug her greedy mouth.

Asagi felt bitten by something.

The kitten held on for about three minutes before surfacing.

"Little cat, you..."

The girl took a breath, dived into the water again, and the cycle repeated.The kitten is a white tiger, which can be called a cute tiger tooth.

This kind of breath holding training is too crazy, right?

"Ah, how cunning, I also want Hitomi-kun to teach me how to swim!"

Asia dropped the swimming ring and ran over.She's wearing a canary yellow swimsuit with lovely ruffles.As conservative as a schoolboy.

Asaba felt embarrassed, but luckily hid the underwater scene.Fucking another girl in front of my fiancée sucks.

"Okay... okay, I'll teach you."

When Asia jumped into the water, the kitten whispered something in her ear.The girl blushed with a "bang", as if facing a formidable enemy.

"I see, I will work hard!"

"Wait, don't work hard in strange places!"


Boss, is this your normal animation swimsuit?Why do I feel like I bought the wrong disc.

Chapter 689

Encountering two mermaids in the swimming pool, Asaba endured very hard.

At this moment, the girls are playing in the water.If you release magic power in the swimming pool, it will be worse than releasing water.

Asaba avoided Asia and Kitten on the grounds of going to the bathroom.


Hitomi Asaba wore only a pair of swimming trunks, showing off her fit figure.He lifted his bangs, and the ends of his hair were dripping with water.Along the way, tick tock.In the corner of the swimming pool are changing rooms and toilets.He wanted to stay in the shade to calm down, but ran into Xenovia.

The girl greeted: "Asaha."

"Just call me Hitomi." Asaha said.


Xenovia has no common sense, so she naturally accepted this endearing title.She changed into a dark bikini, two bodice intertwined, ties connecting tiny pieces of fabric.Her figure is as good as Irina's, and she's on the same level as Rias.

Asahi once wondered if the holy sword user was the church's beauty pageant.

"It's been so long since you changed clothes?"

"Because it's the first time I'm wearing a swimsuit."

Xenovia adjusted her swimsuit, but she didn't realize the lethality of this action.

Asagi felt a dull pain.Kitten and Asia are too jerky, causing him pain until now.Especially the little Huya, who thought he would be eaten as a snack.

"Is the church so conservative?"

"No, it's just that I'm simply not interested." Xenovia said, "I only have the holy sword in my life. I call myself a knight, and I have been practicing desperately. I don't know when I was called the 'princess of slashing'. It's just a power Fool."

Asahi couldn't help laughing: "You are very self-aware."

"Stop talking about this, come with me."


Asagi was grabbed by Xenovia's hand, her serious face was irresistible.If you look closely, she is indeed a beauty.Naturally beautiful, her appearance is cold, and she occasionally reveals a faint smile.

Somehow it became this unfolding.The two met in the warehouse and closed the door.

Asahi asked, "What's the matter?"

Xenovia said: "After learning about the fall of God, I reconsidered. Before becoming a believer, I wanted to be a mother. Hitomi, you are very strong, so your genes must be good. Please have a baby with me." little baby."

"What are you talking about?" Qian Yu was stunned.

Before he could react, he was pressed against the mat.Xenovia rode up.This is a classic scene in Galgame - the sports warehouse.

The girl said: "I'm serious. The power to bring the dead back to life is like the resurrection of the Holy Son! No, maybe you are the reincarnation of the Holy Spirit. I want to be the Virgin Mary."

"You religious madman, there is no salvation."

Qian Yu said no, but the magic power was out of control.

"This time I saw it clearly, the real holy sword." Xenovia said excitedly, "Hey, why are there teeth marks? It turns out that it was planted strawberries by a girl."

Did this strawberry grow in the wrong place?

Asagi said in a deep voice: "The birth rate of demons is very low, and there will be no results."

"The quality is not enough, the quantity is enough. Please let me be your knight. After fulfilling your wish, you can play with it as you like."

What a bold statement.

"Sorry, I don't have much experience. You seem to be a carnivore man who has experienced many battles, and I leave it to you to guide." Xenovia regretted.

Asahi complained: "Unfortunately, you guessed it right."

They grew a lot that afternoon.

The girls didn't see Hitomi, so they came looking for her.The door opened, and what greeted the eye was an impactful scene.The majestic "Black Winged Demon" was reversed by the knight.The demon's fleshy wings covered the body.

Rias sighed, "Hitomi."

"Ah, you guys are going too far!" Asia blushed.

Xenovia said: "Have you failed? You can only find another chance next time..."

Just as the girl was about to get up, she was hugged by Asagi.

He said seriously: "Don't stop. I'm a bad man, at least give every woman the best experience. Xenovia, one day you will understand what is the crystallization of love."


Xenovia has mixed feelings because he is her only man.I can't even talk about feelings, but I have a little affection.

"It's really a ghost theory of happiness." Zhu Nai covered his mouth and chuckled.

Rias said angrily: "What are you doing in front of everyone? Alright, let's go out. Leave this guy alone."

As the sun was setting, Hitomi Qian Yu was fully dressed, and she turned her head to see Xenovia.This ignorant woman changed clothes carelessly together.

"By the way, this sword is for you."

Asaba took out Excalibur.The camouflage of the Wind King's enchantment faded away, revealing the golden sword body.Sunlight shines through the skylight into the locker room, and the holy sword shines brightly.

"Why..." Xenovia was stunned.

Asahi said, "I think I have a good compatibility with you."

"Is this the rumored 'Aid O'? I will provide you with services, and then you will give me money." The girl muttered, "I am also a holy sword user, so I cannot betray..."

"Then don't take it!"

Xenovia couldn't put it down, showing regret.

"It's been used by someone, can I get a new one?"

"...you ask so much."

Asagi recalled: "The owner of this sword is a woman known as the 'Knight King'. Speaking of it, it is a bit similar to your character and temperament."

"That's it."

Asahi said: "You haven't been able to master the holy sword Durandot, it is more convenient to use this. I will teach you [Wind King's Barrier] and [Wind King's Hammer]. If you want to release it, you must get Excalibur's approval. There is another usage ..."

He separated the scabbard and plunged into the girl's chest.The latter was very surprised, his body was intact, how did he put it in?

"This is……"

"Treasure Phantasm Avalon, you should treat it as another artifact. It can provide self-recovery ability, and the person wearing the scabbard will never bleed. Does it not hurt now?"

It turned out that it was for this reason.

"Thank you, my man." Xenovia became gentle.

Qian Yu turned around and said, "Don't get me wrong, it's just rewarding the family with some treasures to buy people's hearts."

From now on, Xenovia will be a knight wielding both holy swords.Yuuto is lost, and a new partner is added.Qian Yu wants to gather a set of demon chess, and there is a long way to go.

Every night is the time when demons are most active.Xenovia used to be a holy sword user, and she was unwilling to accept the devil's entrustment.

"Don't worry about me, just be a lower-level devil for the rest of your life." She said disapprovingly.

"up to you."

Rias said: "Hitomi, someone named you to make a contract. It's strange, you haven't done the task for a long time, are you an old client?"

"I'll go take a look."

"Mr. Tong, be careful." Zhu Nai said with concern.

"it is good."

Qian Yutong stepped into the teleportation array and came to a dark room.The screen was on, and an uncle with a beard was playing video games.

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