A line of big characters jumped out: "Game Over!"

"Ah, I lost again. The game in the world is really difficult." He turned around and said, "Brother Devil, are you interested in playing with me?"


A man in a kimono spread jet-black wings behind him.In a small room, I almost want to fly high.He had a playful smile and looked like a cynical guy.

One, two... twelve-winged fallen angel?

There is only one such person in the Bible.


Asagi chuckled and sat cross-legged.

"Hold your wings. It's too much of a hindrance, Governor of Fallen Angels—Azazel."

PS: hit the base at the speed of light

Chapter 690


Hitomi Asaba put down the handle, and the character controlled took a winning pose.He still has half a tube of blood left, and Asachel has been hit by a string of three.

"As expected of the man who defeated the Demon King, he is as strong as the rumors." Asachel said with a smile, "I'm curious about your artifact, even I can't see through it."

Asahi said casually: "[God's Eye], the collection of all magic eyes."

"So it turns out that the eldest lady of the Gremory family has drawn the top lottery. These eyes can completely deal with the sealed vampire..."

"What vampire?" Qian Yu was taken aback.

Asachel said: "You will know. I am here because I have detected Cocabyle's plot."

"Isn't it completely unstoppable? The White Dragon Emperor came too late. Or do you want to test my strength?" Qian Yu narrowed her eyes.

"I was seen through." Asachel said, "Brother Devil, the wish I want to make is to take back Cocabil."

Qian Yu said with a smile that was not a smile: "Sorry, I have already eaten it."

Eat, not kill?

Asachel was secretly startled, and there was no disturbance on the surface.That is the fallen angel recorded in the bible, a strong man who has survived three battles between gods and demons.There is no way to kill it by ordinary methods.However, even gods will fall, let alone fallen angels.

"That's it."

Asahi said: "Take care of your subordinates. Be it demons or angels, no one is allowed to mess around in this city. Otherwise, no one knows what will happen."

After speaking, he opened his blue eyes.Compared with the quasi-devil-level magic power, the more terrifying pupil power faintly flows.A strong man of Asachel's level was shocked in an instant.

As long as you can analyze existence, even the gods will be killed for you!

"Is the forbidden hand of the magic eye?" Asachel said lightly, "It's very dangerous, I thought it would be killed."

Be seen through.This fallen angel governor has a deep knowledge of artifacts.The usual copy eyes are red.This is the "copy eye rampage mode", showing blue pupils.

Smart people can see through.Asachel is the governor of the fallen angels, if he is killed, a riot will be triggered.Therefore, it is impossible for Hitomi Asaba to do anything.The first time I heard this name was from Lina Li.

Asahi deliberately said: "I have a fallen angel girlfriend, don't make things difficult for her."

"Linali?" Asachel said with a smile, "You are also a lover. Don't worry, she has already climbed to the middle level. The little gift you gave is very interesting, and I was almost attacked by a crowd. I have been suppressed."


The intelligence capabilities of fallen angels should not be underestimated. Instead of covering up, it is better to be open and honest.

After chatting for a few words, Hitomi Qian Yu stepped into the magic circle and was about to leave.

"As a temporary guest, I would like to express my gratitude to the host and reveal a piece of news in advance. Next, the fallen angels, demons and angels plan to have a three-party meeting, and I propose to be in this city." Asachel raised the corner of his mouth.


Asahi didn't look back, and disappeared into the light.

The old school building, the empty club room.Sitting on the sofa, he used magic to contact Gurefia.A pocket magic circle appeared on the desktop, illuminating the room.

"That's right, I just wanted to inform you that the four major demon kings have unanimously agreed. This time, the Archangel Michael, the Fallen Angel Governor Asachel, and the demon side are Sazeks and Seraphrod ’” Gurefia said.

Hitomi Qianyu rubbed her temples, full of thoughts.

This is a good opportunity, do you want to kill them all in one go?Disrupted the biblical system, the task is half done.

No, it is too difficult.To change the way of thinking, Alaya's so-called "liberation of human beings" is just to allow human beings to coexist harmoniously with other races.It would be great if the three major forces could reach an agreement and re-establish the order.

"I hope it's a group of talkative guys."

Gurefia asked suspiciously, "Master?"

"Is that done?" Asahi asked.

"Well, I made a lot of money selling Command Seals in the underworld. I exchanged a small part of it into Japanese currency and bought the apartment you are in. I used magic to transform the room and increase the space."

The appearance is a single apartment, but the inside is unique.Xenovia moved in.Rias and Asia were assigned to separate rooms, but they still lived together.

"How about this, you tell Suzeks. This demon apartment is used to receive guests from the underworld. The relationship between him and Rias' brother and sister has always been stagnant, and it's not very good." Asahi said.

"It's really gentle."

Asahi laughed at herself: "It's just a hypocritical hedonist. I got involved with a wife, and I still want to have a good relationship with her."

"It's my choice," said the maid.

Hitomi Asaba didn't really want to meet Suzeks.This demon king was not bad, which made him feel guilty.To put it bluntly, it is dissatisfying for an older brother not to protect his younger sister.After all, he was on Rias's side.

"It's also the maid's duty to please the master." Gurefia said, "Wrinkled eyebrows can be smoothed as long as the perverted desire is satisfied, right?"

Asahi said helplessly: "You are Suzeks' confidant, there are many things to deal with in the tripartite talks, it is impossible to come down at this time?"

"Then please remotely."

"Show me a dance?"

Gurefia really agreed.This lovely maid even practiced secretly.

"There is a song in the world called "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss". I think you will like it."

Accompanied by the beautiful melody, the skirt swayed.Silver hair and silver pupils, the maid looks like an iceberg beauty, but her dancing posture is sweet and cute, giving people a strong contrast of cuteness.Such as 3D custom maid gameplay, realistic light and shadow effects.The worst part is that the clothes are getting less and less, and the obscene lines are showing a corner.

Could it be done by hand?

"How?" Gurefia gasped.

Asaha said honestly, "It's very beautiful."

"Master, it is not acceptable to use me as a material for casting spells. This is the duty of a maid, so I must be allowed to manage the magic power."

"Who wants it!"

In the long night, separated by the distance between the world and the underworld, the two hearts sank deeper and deeper.Gurefia is a competent maid who always finds ways to please her master.

"Dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.

Asagi was taken aback and quickly held her breath.This tension is like cheating.

A male voice sounded outside the door: "Fia, are you still awake? Father and Mother want to go to the world and participate in the school visit day."

"I took off my clothes and fell asleep." Gurefiya tried to calm down her breathing.

In a sense, no lie.

Suzeks said: "Let's talk about it tomorrow. My father is fine. My mother complained about me last time. Please take care of me."


"Thank you, over the years..."

The sound of Suzeks' footsteps faded away.These conversations sounded a little strange to Asagi, not like a normal couple at all.

"Before the tripartite meeting, it's Juou Academy's visit day. Let's meet again at that time, Master." Gurefiya smiled slightly.

"Good night, sweet dreams."

Now that the matter has come to this point, Asaha likes this maid a little bit.The so-called "other gods" will one day turn back against the caster.Unable to escape from the pupil force vortex.

PS: Green Shrine, please join us!

Chapter 691

Recently, commissions have increased.With Yuuto missing and Xenovia not working, the workload suddenly increased a lot.Qian Yu didn't want Rias to work too hard, so she had to go to battle herself.

Lias said angrily, "Who would spoil a servant and ask the master to work hard?"

It was Xenovia she was complaining about.This bright and aboveboard holy sword user clearly used his body to seduce the devil.The battle for the harem is beginning to emerge.Rias is confident that she will not lose, but she can't help worrying about gains and losses.

"I respect the choice of my family members." Asagi said with a smile, "I can't use Command Seals to bind them, can I? Besides, isn't the one you love the most? Take a bath first and wait for me."


Rias blushed.When the family members come over to be guests, they can no longer have sex unscrupulously.Recently, they have been getting tired of being together, which made Asia jealous.

Qian Yu said: "Little Mao, Zhu Nai, you guys are on vacation, go back and rest."


Hitomi Asaba stepped into the teleportation array and came to a strange room.He looked around, plastered with large-scale posters, and thought his employer was a dead house.


He heard a strange female voice and followed the prestige.A young girl was lying on the bed, casting a spell.Not small videos, but real people.It turned out to be a "female magician".

"That, miss?"

The girl was taken aback and quickly got up.She blushed like a tomato, put on pink-rimmed glasses, and her ponytail was shaking slightly.How could the devil's contract unfold as soon as it appeared?

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