Asagi recognized the girl, and asked in surprise, "Lanhua Kiryu?"


Lan Hua heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately he was someone he knew... No, it was even more embarrassing!It seems that he met an acquaintance on the way to expose Play, and was coerced into doing various things.

"Cough, it's normal for a girl to have physical needs." Asaha said, "As you can see, I am a demon summoned by you. Tell me your wish, and I will take an equivalent reward in exchange."

Kiryu Lanhua stretched out his index finger and pushed on the edge of the mirror frame.This is a small gesture full of intellectual beauty.The girl revealed a smug smile.

"Is the price a virgin?"

"Who wants it!"

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Asaba, who teaches every day, turned out to be a demon. In other words, there may be demons lurking in the school. Xenovia, who has just transferred, could it be Asia..."

"No, that child is human." Asagi's tone became gentle, "Even if you know that I am a demon, you still want to be my wife. What a fool."

Lan Hua's eyes lit up, and he said, "This is the unfolding! The love between demons and humans that transcends race. Oops, I'm so excited that I'm about to get a nosebleed."

"...Are you really girlfriends?"

Lan Hua patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I will help you keep the secret. On the side of Asia, I will continue to support the teacher."

"Thank you so much." Asahi rolled her eyes.

This guy is no ordinary womanizer.Ordinary rotten girls like to watch GV.However, Kiryu Lanhua played normal games.According to her, the way girls are pushed down is cute.

"Hey, you are not a girl, but Uncle Xianshi, right?"

"Don't say that."

For some reason, the two sat together and played games.This time it's different, a fighting game in a different sense.Qian Yu could only sit and watch Lan Hua attack the girl.

"Hehehe, senior sister is so cute..."

The girl realized that she was drooling and wiped it off indiscriminately.

"My hobbies and hobbies are different from ordinary people, and even boys are respectful. So, I have long wanted to find someone to share the fun with. Demon teacher, please."

"up to you."

Asahi's slander: Where did I come from, Teacher Wolf, to play R18 games with girls?

This picture makes people blush.In a dark room, only the fluorescence of the screen.Qian Yu stared at Lan Hua's side face, which was quite beautiful.The lonely man and the widow live in the same room, what a defenseless woman.

"Fuck her!" Lan Hua said vigorously.

"Hey, such a rough option is usually Bad End, right?"

"Would it? As a woman, I feel very happy to be pushed."

"You are a pervert!"

In the middle of the night, I finally got through a line and collected the CG of blushing and beating hearts.

"Okay, it's time to rest. Have you finished your homework? You can't secretly sleep in my class tomorrow." Asaha said with a straight face.

Lan Hua said with disgust: "Hey, it suddenly became a teacher's tone. Don't worry, no girl can resist your chemistry class. I like it too, teacher."

"That's good." Asagi said unnaturally.

This woman, like Zhu Nai, is too enthusiastic to resist.She was extremely aggressive, and suddenly crawled over on all fours, and pressed the "handle" with one hand.

"Hey, Mr. Demon. I have played various games, but I have never seen the real thing. My wish is the cassette of Mr. Demon..."

"I reject!"

The girl smiled and said, "As a price, I will also show you my 'slot'. I think it is more beautiful."

Qian Yutong got up and stepped into the magic circle, leaving only a faint sentence.

"The contract is over, remember to give a five-star praise."

Lan Hua muttered, "It's so cold."

However, I still touched the handle.Could it be the demon's racial advantage?I really envy Asia.

The next day, in the second grade classroom, the bell rang.

Asahi put away the lesson plan and said, "This is the end of today's class."

"Why is this! Teacher, let's talk a little longer." The girl shouted.

This year's students have a lot of problems.

Asia and Xenovia are both in his class, so it's more reassuring.Of course, became good friends with a certain woman.The existence of Kiryu Lanhua suppressed the pervert in the class.In a sense, it can protect them.

Xenovia came over and said, "Hitomi, I've thought about it."


"Having a child without falling in love is a hooligan. Sure enough, you should cultivate your relationship first, take safety measures, and be familiar with various moves..."

As she spoke, the girl held the gadget between her fingers.Square, pink plastic packaging with the symbols ♂ and ♀ drawn on it.It turned out to be "bubblegum".

"Aisia, you take it too, and learn to protect yourself."

Xenovia slipped one to her.

Asia simply said, "What is this?"

Kiryu Lanhua leaned into his ear and said something.Asia nodded again and again, and then blushed with a "bang".


Asagi looked around nervously, but luckily no one noticed.

"Don't bring this kind of thing in school! It's true, but if you put this kind of thing in a girl's bag, it's bad to spread it. Kiryu-san, you taught me again?"

"That's right."

Asahi couldn't laugh or cry.For Xenovia's wish, she has been working hard to increase her chances of conception.In the world, how can any boy give up the dream of creampie?

"Xenovia, it's useless for you to hold it, give it all to Asia."

"That's right." Xenovia followed suit.

Qian Yu looked at Asia, and persuaded: "You accept it."

Demons have a low fertility rate, but human females are different.That's why it's easy to give birth to mixed race children.In a sense, human beings are treated as reproductive tools.


Asia blushed and decided to keep it for him.It is always available when needed.

Kiryu Lanhua's eyes moved between the two, and he smiled knowingly.Sure enough, the teacher is a gentle devil, so I can feel relieved.

Men are creatures who can seal themselves for the woman they love.

PS: Swastika solution!

Chapter 692 The Dirty Maid

Kuou Academy is open to the public on Visiting Day every year, which is similar in nature to parent-teacher meetings.Hitomi Asaba received a notice from the school to attend an open chemistry class.

Regardless of his status and strength, he quite likes the leisurely life of being a teacher.Kuou Gakuen was formerly a girls' school, so it always feels like the daily life of light novels.If parents want to come, they can't tell jokes in class.

"...Hybridization orbitals still belong to modern valence bond theory in essence. Students, do you understand the difference between sp, sp2 and sp3 hybridization?" Qian Yu said eloquently.


The level of vision determines consciousness.A man like him has great insight even outside of combat.I have a good memory, and I have not forgotten what I have learned.

At the back of the classroom, parents stood in a row with blank faces.

"Is high school so difficult now?"

Asaha clapped his hands and said: "Okay, let's play something easy. Rote memorization is too boring. I will send the covalent bond model and try to model it myself. By the way, I need to color it. If you do well, get it School exhibition."


The students are all excited.

After school, the students all go home with their families, full of parent-child warmth.Asagi looked at Asia, and the girl couldn't hide her disappointment.Xenovia and Yuto looked normal, they were used to it.

"Go home."


Qian Yu smiled and said: "It seems that I am also a parent. We have been family members for a long time, haven't we?"

"Hmm!" Asia's heart touched.

Xenovia agreed: "That's right, he will be the child's father in the future."

Asahi was speechless.

"Yuto, come to my house for dinner tonight."


"Stop rambling." Asaha said, "There is a big person coming today. You used to be a member of Gremory, so it is necessary to explain to your superiors."

The alley was empty, and the students gathered in the auditorium.Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but join in the fun.

"Have you heard? Someone cosplays Magical Girl Milky, super cute!"

Asagi showed a strange face and said, "Magical girl? Could it be..."


A black-haired pair of ponytails stood on the stage, dressed in pink, posing in various poses.This energetic smile is like healing magic.The students got hooked and were busy taking pictures. Many perverts lowered their angles, but unfortunately they were blinded by safety pants.

"It's so cute, are you the parents of the students?"

Qian Yu supported her forehead and said, "Seraflu Leviathan."

"This name is..." Xenovia was taken aback.

"Although it's shameful, I have to admit that this woman is our Demon King."

If Gurefia is a maid fan, then Seraflu is a fanatic of magical girls.Demons follow their desires, so their interests and hobbies are stronger than ordinary people, and they are easy to go astray.

At this time, the girl also saw him and waved happily: "Little Tong~"

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