Qian Yu complained: "Uncle, why do you look like you have seen a ghost?"

"I heard that the reason for Gabriel's existence is to lure angels to fall. Once tempted, he commits one of the seven deadly sins of lust. Now the cadres of fallen angels seem to be like this."

A familiar voice sounded, and a silver-haired man leaned against the corner.This magic power is the White Dragon Emperor, and it turns out that this face is behind the armor.As a devil, but Asachel's confidant.

"That's right, the woman I respect and keep away from." Asachel said decadently.

Your reasons for falling to heaven are too random!Besides, did God intentionally create such a lustful angel to make believers fall?

Michael smiled slightly: "I heard that the strongest female demons are here, and the heavens can't lose. Asachel, you also brought the White Dragon Emperor."

Asaba seemed to sense something, and looked at Gurefia and Serafulu.I heard that these two people once competed for the title of the strongest female demon.

Serafulu shouted: "A strong enemy has appeared. Can't lose, Livi Tan☆!"

Gabriel asked cutely: "Strong enemy?"

"Oupai!" Serafulu was full of hostility.


Gabriel blushed and hugged the foul chest.She is indeed the number one beauty in the heavens.This action alone has already caused many angels present to crumble.

Asahi said as a matter of course: "Sai Lafulu, you should stop arguing. The most beautiful woman in the underworld can only be my queen."

"Wait, Hitomi..." Rias blushed.

At this moment, strong people gathered, and she didn't even dare to breathe out.Qian Yu made such a shameful declaration in front of all beings in the three realms.

Gurefia's heart warmed.In that sense, she is also a hidden queen.

"Well, I have no objection." Asachel grinned.

Serafulo smiled and said, "It's nice to be young."

The tripartite talks have been reduced to a three-world beauty contest.For some reason, before the meeting started, the candidate for the number one beauty in the underworld was determined.

Gurefia did her best and said, "Please take your seats."

PS: Gabriel who can't pass the trial below the head

Chapter 697 The Ancient Queen

In the huge conference room, there is a round table in the center.Crystal chandeliers, oil paintings depicting mythology...all show elegance and sophistication.The leaders of the three major forces were seated, and Seraflu and Gabriel also had seats.The Demon King and Seraph are at the same level.

Others can only stand.If it wasn't for Asaba's family, subordinates such as kittens were not eligible to enter the room.After all, the guards are all above the middle level.

The talks have not yet started, and an invisible contest has begun in terms of numbers.Gabriel is the number one beauty in the heavens, equal to the sum of Serafru and Gurefia.Valli stood behind Asachel, and it was considered a round.The name and strength of the White Dragon Emperor are even better.

No way, fallen angels lack beautiful women.Female angels don't fall for Gabriel.On the side of fallen angels, Lina Li is considered first-rate.

Michael was the first to speak: "The first is the Kokabil incident. Thanks to Asaba-kun for your help, all the fragments of the holy sword have been recovered."

"It's nothing." Qian Yu was neither humble nor overbearing, "This is my job."

Xenovia's expression darkened, and she looked at the supreme leader on the angel's side.Michael just nodded slightly, didn't say anything, and didn't pursue her degeneration into a demon.

"Azachel, shouldn't you explain it? The fallen angel snatched the holy sword and took the devil's sister as a hostage, which almost triggered a war."

Michael deftly pulled on the demon.

Asachel said with a headache: "Ah, I was curious about what Kabil wanted to do. Being robbed of the holy sword, it must be a strange skill, right? Besides, I have already dispatched the White Dragon Emperor, and it is only your fault." So capable."

"You mean..." Suzeks smiled gently, "Threatening our sister is also inferior to others?"


Instead, Seraflu became quieter.The strength of everyone here is not inferior to hers, walking on thin ice.But Sazex is different.

Asachel waved his hand and said, "Second generation Lucifer, don't get excited. If you kill that guy, it's even."

"Never mind."

Michael asked suspiciously, "Kabile, are you dead?"

"Riyas, Sona." Asagi said softly.

The two girls understood, and stepped forward to explain the situation.They are the parties and have the right to speak.

"So, another name has disappeared." Michael felt lost. "Since the death of the gods, our biblical gods are dying. Internal and external troubles, there can be no more wars."

The gods and Buddhas of the heavens, other gods are eyeing.

Asachel said: "Speaking of which, the culprit who ate the gods and demon kings is right behind me. At that time, as long as they worked hard, they could defeat angels and demons and unify the Three Realms. That's what my guys think. For They are very dissatisfied with my concession."

Sazeks said, "What do you mean?"

The atmosphere is tense.

"Hurry up and sign a peace agreement." Asachel smiled. "I'm not interested in wasting time on wars. It's much more interesting to study the relics of God."

Qian Yu secretly said: What an unpredictable man.Same goes for Suzeks and Michael.As the leader of one party, they are all hidden characters.


The time is ripe.

Asaha said, "Please allow me to interject, there is an additional seat for this meeting."

All four were shocked, and everyone looked sideways.

"Does the famous Black Winged Demon also want to make rules?" Asachel asked with interest.

Asahi smiled slightly: "No, it's a representative of human beings."

From the very beginning, they notice a woman of unknown origin.The blond beauty moved her lotus steps lightly, turning into a golden chair, and sat down as if no one was around.It would be even more cool if it was a heroic appearance.

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the earth is thick. The guy who called himself the devil ran out two overnight."

Suzeks asked: "Your Excellency?"

"I am the Lord of Uruk, the oldest king of mankind. It is too arrogant for angels and demon kings to talk about peace in disregard of human wishes." Jill sneered, "Arrogance is the root of God."

Rias exclaimed: "That's recorded in the "Epic of Gilgamesh"..."

"Sumerian pantheon?" Michael said solemnly.

"No, this king is a human being, different from the guy who claims to be a god. Everything in this world belongs to me. All the people in the world are my people." Jill said proudly.

Everyone was shocked speechless by this arrogant declaration.

"So she's the candidate for the number one beauty in the world?" Asachel asked with a taste.

Gilgamesh stared beautifully, his eyes stained wine red.The blond hair fluttered, and silver-white chains spread out from the air, binding Azazel tightly.

"Miscellaneous Xiu, are you also criticizing me? There is only one person in the world who is qualified to appreciate my beauty."

The girls all looked at someone at the same time.

Qian Yu said seriously: "She's talking about Enkidu."

"Liar." Rias said angrily.

For a while, the venue was in chaos.Asachel burst out with the power of light, but was still unable to move.The sky lock wrapped around the twelve wings, but it became tighter and tighter.

He was shocked: "What kind of artifact is this?"

"The lock of the sky, the higher the divinity of the object, the stronger it is." Jill sneered, "You better stop struggling. This is the object of the law of the gods. This king has long thought you birds are not pleasing to the eye!"

"Vali, I'm caught."

"It's up to you," Wally said flatly.

Michael and Gabriel looked at each other, feeling a deep threat.Fallen angels have only half of their divinity left, but Seraphim is doomed.

Asahi suddenly said, "Jill."

"Are you going to stop me?" the queen asked dissatisfied.

"No, things are getting troublesome."

After finishing speaking, translucent purple magic power emerged from Qian Yutong's body, condensed into a giant's skeleton, and opened the demon's fleshy wings.One step of teleportation, protecting everyone.

"Black Wing Demon?"

Some people see Susan for the first time, and they feel like they are facing a big enemy.

"I'm not the enemy. A burst of pupil power erupted from the old school building, probably Gaspar..."

The pupil power spread, freezing time like frost.This level does not threaten the superiors.Asagi used Susan to isolate the power of time in advance.However, the army outside suffered disaster, and all of them became petrified statues.

A magic circle appeared in the sky, and a legion of mages in black robes appeared.There are three eyes printed on the hood, which resemble the eyes of reincarnation.Or suspended, or upside down, in different shapes, brewing beam magic.There were hundreds of people, and the unilateral massacre began.

"call out--"

The light beam burst out, and Michael and Suzeks joined hands to prop up the defensive cover.As for Asachel, he couldn't make a move at all.The light beams scurry in the sky, and the three-party coalition forces are wiped out one after another, leaving only the tortoise defense cover.

Gurefia said: "The magic power of these people... used the technology of demons to forcibly raise them to a higher level."

Hundreds of superiors join forces to attack, even the devil must be careful.

"The barrier has not been destroyed, it has directly invaded. I still know of the existence of Gaspar, is there any traitor?" Qian Yu said in a deep voice.

The atmosphere became uneasy.Everyone present is suspect.

Asaba glanced at Asachel.This guy knew of Gaspar's existence and looked the most suspicious.In the talks, he has been messing around.With Gilgamesh around, he can't make any waves.

Suzeks shook his head and said: "That's what I'm afraid of. Gaspar's ability is too dangerous. I'm afraid it was used by the enemy, and the 'Forbidden Hand' was inspired. As time grows stronger, even we will be killed. stopped."

"I'll save him." Asahi said, "Unlock the time, and we will fight back."

The girls worried: "Be careful."

"But, the teleportation array is blocked." Gabriel said hastily.

"It doesn't matter, this level of magic is far from that of Demon Lord Ajeka."

A kaleidoscope appeared in Qian Yu's eyes and disappeared into the vortex.

"The power of space?"

Michael said with a wry smile: "The new generation of demons has given birth to a great powerhouse."

"Thank you for the compliment." Rias smiled lightly.

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