Gaspar's forbidden hand suppressed the three major forces, Hitomi Qianyu came and went without a trace.How not to be frightening?

PS: The devil walks everywhere, the superior is not as good as a dog

Chapter 698

Five minutes ago, Gaspar was reading a comic book, feeling lost.

The eldest brother is really amazing, and he has hosted the highest-level meeting.Everyone is protecting the venue, right?I can't do anything but stay at home.

"That sucks. Is there anything I can do?"

The girl sat with her knees hugged, she was really cute.

A charming female voice sounded: "Little sister, you can play a big role."


Before Gaspar could react, he was already defeated.She was bound by magic and pinned to the wall.Several women appeared in front of them, shrouded in magic robes, unable to see their faces clearly.

Are these guys human magicians? !

The woman sneered, "How can there be no human beings involved in this big show? You dirty vampire is an important pawn."


The magic power flows into the limbs and bones.Gaspar only felt a sharp pain in his eyeball, like a popped balloon, something leaked out.The purple pupils turned into hexagonal crystals, refracting light.Time in the entire academy was stopped.

Hitomi power, ran wild uncontrollably!

"Is this the [Evil Eye that Stops the World]? It's so beautiful." The woman admired.

This group of magicians had been prepared for a long time and used some kind of secret method to immunize the artifact.

"stop it now……"

Gaspar burst into tears.

If this continues, everyone will be killed.Why is this again?Once again... hurt someone important.I'm just afraid of getting hurt and don't want to hurt anyone else.

The eldest brother said that artifacts come from human desires.What's the point of having great power if it's going to hurt everyone?

"That's it."

Hitomi Asaba opened Susan, appearing from the vortex.

The enemy panicked: "Who?"

"You bastard, you should be frozen!"

Asahi ignored it, and with a touch of her fingertips, threw all these people into Kamui.No matter what superior strength, all of them will be killed in seconds.

"Unfortunately, you can't use the power of space."

Asaba unleashed the shackles of magic power.When Gaspar fell down, he was firmly hugged by a princess.The girl's eyes were red from crying, and she couldn't even close her evil eyes.At such a close distance, even Susan showed signs of being frozen.

"Brother, I'm sorry... I didn't control the power well. The evil eye can't stop, it will just keep devouring the world. Please, kill me!" Gaspar choked up.

Asahi asked, "Do you want to die in my arms?"


"Don't be stupid. I have already regarded you as my younger brother, and I will never let you die." Asahi comforted, "This is the end, I can only take away your pupil power. Do you remember, I am [Magic Eye Dominator]."

"Big brother..."

Gaspar was moved and wiped away tears.

"Let's do it, I'm not afraid of pain. Even if I die, I hope to be the eyes of the eldest brother, and accompany you to see the world clearly. Although we have known each other for a short time, this is the first time I feel the warmth of my family."

Don't you think you're going to goug your eyes?

Qian Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and pinched her cheek.This feeling is completely like a girl, the skin is as creamy, delicate and smooth.Touching a girl's face would be embarrassing, but it doesn't matter to my brother.


Gaspar blushed a little.

Oops, the female sensor has responded.What's going on, is the judgment wrong?I don't have feelings for fake mothers!

"Well, just look into my eyes."

Qian Yu raised her bangs and pressed her forehead against her warm and jade-like forehead, as if testing her sister's temperature.The moment the eyes intertwined, the pupil power was deprived.The purple lens in Gasper's eyes gradually dissipated, and reflected in Asana's pupils.


Asaba took away the [Evil Eye that Stops the World].At the moment of interlacing, the extremely concentrated pupil power filled Susanoo's interior, and almost collapsed.His whole body trembled violently, and he was almost bitten by the power of his pupils, freezing his body.

"Brother, are you alright!"

Gaspar quickly stood firm and supported Asaba.


Asahi covered her eyes with one hand, and slowly withdrew her pupil power.His control over the magic eye is far better than that of Gaspar.Time flow resumed at Kuou Academy.

Nice power.

Asaba let go of her hand and closed her evil eyes.In just a split second, he felt the power of time.There is still some kind of dark existence hidden in the depths of this artifact, which is not yet clear.

The so-called magic eyes mostly belong to the magic system, or peek into the truth.On the other hand, the evil eye comes from the abyss, full of indescribable fear.Once backlashed, even the host will go crazy.

Asahi smiled and said, "Okay, you don't have to be afraid anymore."


Gaspar was grateful and took the risk for her.

Asagi felt ashamed, this was tantamount to depriving Gaspar of his power.He thought for a while, and took out a red cage hand from Shenwei.

"As compensation, I'll give you an artifact. This thing is called [Sekiryuutei's Cage Hand]. Don't worry, you don't need to worry about compatibility. I've discussed it with the big guys inside."

"Thank you bro!"

Gaspar fell in love with it at first sight.This gauntlet looks very powerful.When the girl put on the cage hand, the green light beads made a sound.

She was taken aback, sat down on the ground, and stammered, "The artifact has spoken!"

"It's called Draig."

"Oh, have you found an heir? Let me see, this vampire's magic power level is not bad. Wait, the physique is too bad, and it's obviously a woman..."

Asaba opened the kaleidoscope and said, "Do you have any comments?"


"As expected of a big brother, even an artifact can threaten him!" Gaspar admired.

Gaspar has been autistic all year round and has never heard of Ertianlong.If you know that the legendary gods and demon kings have been eaten by the dragon in this gauntlet, you will be scared to cry, right?


As soon as the gauntlets lit up, Gaspar felt full of strength, and then fell into exhaustion.

"The ability of this cage hand is to double its strength every ten seconds." Asahi explained, "However, the requirements for the body are relatively high."

Draig complained: "I asked you to find an heir. You have to be hot-blooded and aggressive, and you can fight the white guy for [-] rounds. This guy is too weak."

"No, I want to be a man like my brother! I don't want to run away, I want to fight with my fists!" Gaspar shouted.

"Little devil, you can't even hold on to strengthening twice, right? I don't know what happened to you. The magic power in your body is already in a mess. Take it off quickly, or you will die."

"do not want!"

Gaspar gritted his teeth and survived the third reinforcement.Blood oozing from the corner of the mouth is the most disgusting taste.However, what is more annoying than the taste of blood is the bleeding of important people.

I hate my weak and incompetent self, and I don't want to hide in the old school building alone and cry!

the fourth time!

Gaspar's thin body was about to burst from strength.Muscles were broken, and every piece of skin on his body was aching.She burst into tears and endured the pain.

Draig was shocked: "You guy..."

"Okay, this crybaby is my younger brother recognized by me."

Asaba wrapped one arm around Gaspar, pressing it on her neck.The girl only felt the man's breath blowing towards her face, her whole body was soft, and even a warm current emerged.

"Suck my blood."

"Big brother..."

There is no way to resist this temptation.

With tears in his eyes, Gaspar bit down.The fangs pierced the skin, and the sweet blood swirled on the tongue.She has never eaten such a blood full of vitality, it is simply the blood of God!

Racial talent, as long as you suck blood.With a sudden increase in strength, no matter how serious an injury is, it will heal instantly.


PS: [Evil Eye that Stops the World]: Manipulate the power of time, and the objects you see will be stopped in time.The size and duration of the target can be manipulated as desired.

[Forbidden hand]: In the state of rampage, create a large-scale field, stop the time of everything, and even gradually swallow the world.

The evil eye's ability doesn't stop there.

Chapter 699

In the chaotic sky, the magician wiped out the three-party coalition forces.The members of the Six Paths were frozen on the eaves, and the corners of their clothes stopped fluttering.Afterwards, it was shattered by successive beams of light.

Gilgamesh said angrily, "You have ruined the king's pride, are you ready to apologize?"

"Wait, King of Heroes, are you going to fight one hundred against one?" Michael said, "The other party is a mass-produced magician, so it doesn't matter how many you kill..."


Asachel was still bound by the sky lock, he raised his hand and said, "The enemy is now, should we unify it? Help me untie it first."

"Stop talking nonsense, be honest. This king needs your help? Demon King, Seraphim, and what other so-called governors, show me the power of human beings!"

Gilgamesh is a tyrant, but he will never allow his people to be trampled on.The wrath of the emperor, lay down millions of corpses.

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