It's's over!Take a bath with big brother, you will definitely be exposed!

Qian Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Phew, I'm saved. No one will bother you now. Xiaojia, you really helped me a lot."

Not to mention, this shield is quite easy to use.

There is no scruples between boys.Hitomi Qianyu took off her clothes three times and five times.The girl covered her eyes and peeked through her fingers.


Qian Yu wondered, "Why don't you take it off?"


Gaspar turned his back, blushed, closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and took off his skirt.Asahi's feeling is a bit subtle.He turned around quickly, convincing himself in his heart.

The style of strawberry fat times is very cute.

However, it is a man.

As the fabric slides over the bend of the leg, then bend over, lift the leg, and take it off the toe.

However, it is a man.

For some reason, Asaba didn't see the marker.Is it because it is too small?Why do boys have buttocks!

Asaba put on a towel and came to the empty bath.When he looked back, Gaspar was squirming, unable to move his legs.The bath towel was tightly wrapped, only the part above the collarbone was exposed.

"Why do you even have to cover your chest?" Qian Yu couldn't laugh or cry, "You are like this, but it is easy to make people have strange delusions!"


Gaspar bit his lip, pulled off the towel and wrapped it around his waist.Why is the chest plate of a boy carved with jade like a girl?


Asahi concealed it a bit.Before taking a bath, wash your body on the shore.

"Brother, let me wipe your back for you." Gaspar mustered up his courage and said.

"it is good."

Asaba sat on a small bench with a towel draped over her lap.Gaspar moved a small bench, held a clean white towel, and touched his broad back.The little hand touched the skin directly, and retracted like an electric shock.

Accidentally, the soap slipped from my hands.

"Ah, shit."

Gaspar hurriedly got up and went to chase the soap.Unable to stand firmly, he stepped on the tiles and fell down.She knelt on the ground, her knees were red, her back was facing Asagi.

"It hurts." The girl said with tears in her eyes.

pick up soap?

Xiaojia doesn't understand the stalks of the world.For a cute boy like him, it's very dangerous in the bathhouse.I must remind you that you can't be in front of people...


Hitomi Asaba's expression froze, as if time had stopped.Gaspar looked back in a daze, it was chilly under the towel.


It's not small, it's sunken in!What kind of experience is it to watch girls pick up soap?

Five minutes later, the two sat in the bathtub.Gaspar buried his whole body under the water surface, only showing half of his shy little face, gurgling and spitting bubbles.

"I'm sorry, brother."

"I'm the one who should say I'm sorry." Asaha said unnaturally, "Why did you claim to be a man? Even Rias was deceived by you."

Gaspar hugged his knees and said, "Because I hate my weak and crying self. If I become a man, I will be stronger."

"You don't have to become a man to be strong. A man will become strong for important people. Regardless of gender, you are already a 'man'." Asaha said seriously.

"Big brother..."

Gaspar was moved to tears.

Then, I will become stronger for you.I will always protect you and be your strength!

At this time, laughter came from the women's bath next to it.

"What if Mr. Tong broke in suddenly?"

"Ah, as long as the activation time stops, he can only do whatever he wants."

"I'll beat him up."

This nonchalant voice is the kitten.

Asagi scratched her hair and said, "Xiao Jia, why don't you go next door?"


The girl became very agitated, stepped out of the water, and grabbed his hand.

"Brother, don't alienate me. I was actually very afraid of loneliness until I met you... I want to be a family member, even if I can't be a younger brother or younger sister."

In the world, how can anyone take a bath with his sister?

"Okay." Asahi turned her face away and said, "It's posted, and..."


Gaspar looked down, blushing with a "bang".

In the middle of the night, the girls say goodbye.

"Good night."

"and many more……"

Asagi was dragged by the corner of his clothes by Gaspar, and stretched out his hand helplessly, watching everyone go back to their room to rest.As a result, the previously assigned room would be problematic.

"O...Oni-chan, let's go to sleep." The girl said with a blushing face.

Too bad, this little action of pulling the corner of the clothes, catering to the title of sister-in-law, is completely malicious and cute!

Short hair with bangs, golden.The vampire's pointed ears are cuter than the beast ear mother.Especially the ears are dyed crimson, which makes people want to pinch them to feel the softness and warmth.

Finally, the two got into a bed and lay face to face.Gaspar opened his big watery eyes, shining like stars.

"Brother, can I hug you to sleep?"

"Okay... okay." Asahi swallowed.

The girl embraced her happily, and her delicate body was entangled like an octopus, falling into a sweet dream.When sleeping, he never forgets to bite his neck, a veritable good night bite.

Qian Yu stared blankly at the ceiling.

Can't sleep.

PS: awsl

Chapter 713 Ravel's Holy Water

The new generation of demons' qualifying competition has received widespread attention from the underworld.Even the four major demon kings were present in person, and it is said that the main Nordic gods came to "parade".After the talks, the relationship between the three parties was harmonious, and Michael and Asachel would definitely not be absent.

Everyone put down the training and took Griffin to the Demon King's Territory.This is a kind of monster with the head of a lion and a winged body. There are hundreds of them in the family. It is the "sincerity" offered by a family of animal tamers.

Asaha said, "That is to say, the debut contest of the rookie devil?"

"I originally wanted to stand out." Rias sighed, "As a result, I can only compete as a queen."

Asahi smiled and said, "Queen, come with me."


Rias smiled sweetly and handed her hand to Hitomi.Wearing a bright red dress, she is glamorous.As the Demon King's younger sister and Gremory's successor head, she has a certain reputation in high society.It's more convenient to let her be a female companion.

The girls complained: "Minister, what a trick!"

"Go to the waiting room for your relatives, be honest and don't cause trouble. Especially you, Xenovia, don't reflexively want to cut the demon when you see it." Rias warned.

Xenovia said weakly: "Yes~"

The underworld is strictly hierarchical, and dependents are not qualified to meet important people.For nobles, it is undoubtedly insulting to go to a banquet with their family members.

"I'll be right back." Qian Yu said gently, "You can communicate with other people's family members. If you are bullied, call back. Don't be afraid, I will take responsibility for any accidents."

"Long live!"

Rias said angrily, "Hitomi!"

In the world, how can there be such a demon lord who spoils his family members so much?

This western-style building is the highest standard for welcoming distinguished guests in the underworld, which is equivalent to a state banquet.At night, the fountain reflects the stars.The two walked into the lively hall side by side.

On the high platform, the big men are talking.At a glance, there are all familiar faces.As soon as the handsome men and beautiful women appeared on the stage, they attracted everyone's attention.

"That Lias actually has a boy on her arm?"

"Haven't you heard of it? She broke the engagement with the Phoenix family and was willing to marry a mixed race. It seems to be called 'Black Wing Demon' or something..."

The young nobles are all playboys, not qualified to enter the center of power.Therefore, they don't know what earth-shattering events the "hybrid" in their mouths has done.


Asaha heard a familiar female voice and looked back.The blond lady is wearing a pink princess dress, and her long hair is combed in a spiral shape, like a spring.She has sea blue eyes, and she can't hide her joy.


The girl raised her face and said, "I heard that you have been in the underworld for a long time, why didn't you come to see me?"

"I've been busy recently." Asaha said.

"Hmph, then I forgive you."

Rias hesitated: "I remember it's the daughter of the Phoenix family, why do you..."

"The last time I came to rescue you, Ravel helped a lot. We are already good friends." Qian Yu explained, "By the way, how is your brother now?"

Ravel sighed: "It's not like that yet. After negotiating peace with the heavens, I asked the angel to heal me. However, I was hit hard psychologically. I switched to my mother's bishop. Anyway, my mother doesn't fight, she is free gone."

Qian Yu heard the words and said, "I still send a bishop, are you coming?"

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