
The girl suddenly blushed and played with her hair.He hesitated, and didn't give a reply for a long time.She took out a beautifully packaged box and stuffed it to Asaha.

"It's different from ordinary tears, these are my own..."

Ravel stood on tiptoe and leaned into her ear to speak.It turned out to be 【Holy Water of Phoenix】.Asagi held the box, not knowing what to say.This thing is completely useless.

"Then, see you... Hitomi-sama!"

Ravel pinched her skirt, saluted gracefully, then ran away in a panic, almost tripping over the skirt.This tsundere lady is a bit cute.

"Why is she shy?" Asagi asked strangely.

Rias sighed: "Don't you understand? There is only one reason why the noble daughter agreed to become someone else's family. That is to propose marriage."


Asaba looked at the box again.There is a girl who is willing to give this gift to him.At the moment when the holy water was secreted, what was Ravel thinking about?In the beginning, they robbed the Phoenix family, but in the end even the eldest lady was kidnapped?

"What a sinful man."

Asahi said: "Rias, then you decide to be my queen..."

"Didn't you already know?" Rias blushed slightly.

This scene was watched by many people.The hearts of all the noble young masters were about to break.This man behaved intimately with Rias, and also had a close relationship with Ravel.Those are the two golden flowers of the underworld!

"Mixed blood, this is not the place for you."

Hitomi Asaba and Rias were blocked.The other party is a tattooed man, exuding a rebellious look.At this time, Suzeks on the high platform also noticed.

"There's a good show to watch."

Michael said, "Hey, it's Asaba-kun."

"The problem child Zephadel." Rias said lightly, "Talk to my master, be careful."

Zephadel grinned: "You mean master? Don't make me laugh. Since when, the Gremory family has degenerated and is about to become a hybrid. Or is it Lord Suzeks' loose policy?"

"What kind of skill is bullying newcomers?"

A girl with cold glasses stood up and stood in front of Qian Yu.It seems that he should be fascinated by Asahi's appearance.

"Don't be afraid, I have you covered."

Rias whispered, "Princess of Grand Duke Agareth——Sigevara."

"Sigvara, you're just a brat."

"How dare you say it!" Sigvara sneered, "If it wasn't for the bizarre death of the previous one, would it be your turn to succeed the Patriarch, Zephadel?"

At some point, a man with flowing hair leaned against the wall and said, "Zephadel and Sigevara, be quiet. If you shoot him, you will die."


Sigevara looked at Asagi with a harmless expression.It really is very cute, I really want to be a male favorite.


Rias nodded as a greeting.

"Seraorg, stop joking." Zephadel sneered, "You are as cowardly as a mouse. I think you are the strongest in the new generation, so it's time to change. The head of the mixed blood, I'm going to decide! "

After speaking, he rushed towards Hitomi Asayu.

Are you here to deliver the head?

This superior level, the dependents can easily solve it.Asaba rubbed her hair, not wanting to play house with the children.

"so troublesome."


Zephadel punched with all his strength, Asaba pulled Rias and took a step back.Before Zephadel could react, he met a pair of evil eyes and was frozen in midair.

Time stop!

With cold eyes, Asagi grabbed Zephadel by the collar and fell to the ground with his backhand.Just heard a "bang", the floor was smashed to pieces.

At this moment, Zephadel's time began to flow again.He was in severe pain and vomited a mouthful of blood.Lost somehow.


All four were shocked.

PS: is it coming?It's the kind of bridge that pretends to step on people.

Chapter 714 Sister Flower

In the banquet hall, Gurefia landed lightly in a maid outfit.Behind them is the Demon Mobile Unit.People gloated and thought that the mixed races were going to be unlucky.

She said lightly: "Take it away."


A group of demons helped Zephadel, who was unconscious, and brought them for treatment.As for Qian Yutong, she has already been invited to the high platform.Being interviewed by the Four Great Devil Kings and having foreign guests present is a treat that newcomers can't envy.

Sigvara murmured, "What is this guy... exactly?"


Michael's enthusiasm is astonishing.Qian Yu couldn't think of what to call her, so she had to call him "His Royal Highness Archangel".He glanced out of the corner of his eye, and Irina was acting as a guard, casting complicated gazes.

On this occasion, there is no way to reminisce about the old days, only to look at each other.

Suzeks praised: "Not long ago, Asahi-kun rewrote the 'system' to solve the worries for the future. Only today can I talk to the Nordic gods here."

"It is true that there are many bugs after the death of the god. I have investigated that some people will die from the complications of the artifact, and the rampage caused by the imbalance of the holy demon." Asachel said seriously.

Irina was taken aback: Has he become so powerful before he knew it?At that time, I came to heaven to...

Asaha said, "I just did some trivial things."

If it weren't for the mission, he wouldn't care about the life and death of the gods.Status and fame are never taken seriously.Rias silently joined hands, proud of him.

When Farbiwin saw it, he snorted coldly.The severed arm was aching, but no matter what, he couldn't raise his hostile thoughts.It was rare for Seraph to wear a formal attire, and greeted her happily.

"Little Hitomi~"

Asahi complained: "What a surprise, you are not in the form of a magical girl."

"You also think transformation is better, right?" the girl said with a smile.

Ajieka leaned over and said, "Asaha-kun, I'm really curious about the 'system'. To me, that may be the most interesting technique. It's a pity that I don't have the chance to see the true face unless I enter the heaven."

Michael smiled, unable to see his thoughts.

Asahi said tactfully, "Sorry, it's a commercial secret."

On the other hand, Asachel only cares about artifacts.He stroked his chin and said, "The evil eye is already proficient in using it. I don't know if anyone has told you that the divine weapon... no, the power of the god destroyer is divided into three stages."

"I would like to hear the details." Qian Yu said humbly.

"The first stage is proficiency in various basic abilities. Using the holder's thoughts as food, it will continue to evolve and become stronger. This is the stage you are currently in."

"The second stage, forbidden hand. The ultimate domain of the artifact, the thoughts and wishes of the holder, when the [flow] in this world is drastically reversed, the hand-free can be achieved. You have already seen it."

"The third stage is the unique ability of the artifact that seals the monster. It is called [Ba Beast], and if it is a dragon version, it is [Ba Dragon]. In your eyes, there is a demon god."

Asagi touched her eyes, and the corners of her mouth turned up: "Sounds very interesting."

At that time, the ultimate move that the White Dragon Emperor will release is Tyrannosaurus, right?Asachel was able to train the White Dragon Emperor, so what he said must be true.

He once fought to the death in order to control the copy eye.Just as the "devil who is afraid of loneliness" resides in the copy eye, the promotion of the evil eye must follow this old path-in order to win more pupil power!

Gurefiya appeared out of nowhere and said, "Under the escort of Baiqiu-sama, Odin-sama has broken through the dimensional wall."

Asahi is very self-aware, and the meeting between the main gods is not something he can participate in.Suzeks tried his best to introduce him and let him appear as a rising star of the new generation, but he declined.

"I excuse you first."


Asagi took Rias and didn't go far.A beam of light fell from the high platform.The old man with white hair and white beard is wearing unilateral glasses. He is the main god of the Nordic pantheon——Odin.

There was a familiar face behind him, and Bai Qiu greeted him as a fallen angel cadre.On the other side, there is a heroic Valkyrie who acts as a guard.

"Let's go."

Asagi had no interest and held Rias by the hand.

"Hmm." Rias said, "Hey, Sona?"

Standing in front of him, Cang Na said in a delicate tone, "You guys have such a good relationship. The newbies are all curious, who is that guy who is hugging left and right, talking and laughing with the devil?"

"How can I hug left and right."

When Asaba turned her head, the glasses girl was very close.Looking at it this way, it is indeed hugging left and right.In the underworld, the sister flowers of the Sidi family are also famous.

Before Cang Na had time to be shy, he was hugged.

"Xiao Cang!"

Serafluu actually left the guest behind and ran over.

Cang Na gave up on himself and said, "That's why I hate going to parties!"

"Hey, does Xiao Cang hate my sister?"

There were strange looks from all directions.Asagi felt uncomfortable, asked the girls to chat, and found an excuse to walk away.Holding a glass of red wine, he stayed in the corner of the banquet hall.

Suddenly, a charming female voice sounded: "You are a big celebrity in front of the devil."

Hey, there was someone there.

It was a beauty in a pitch-black kimono, low-cut and with a loose neckline that looked like it would slip off at any moment.It is tempting to be between falling and not falling.With golden eyes and black ears, she looks like a charming and seductive girl with animal ears.

I like black so much, so I merged with the darkness?


Out of aristocratic etiquette, Hitomi Asaba raised her wine glass and signaled for a clink.The woman did clink glasses in another way.She leaned over, sucked the other end of the wine glass, and took a sip.

Qian Yuxin said: What's the matter with this woman?

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