After this battle, the title of "Black Winged Demon" spread throughout the underworld, keeping pace with the "Lion King".Mingmian's strength is above the Demon King level.People are guessing who is the strongest rookie, he or Sairaorg.

Irina leaned on her face and said, "What, he's quite handsome."

"Do you want to make a human with Hitomi too?" Xenovia asked.

Irina shyly said, "Creating...creating humans? What nonsense are you talking about!"

Rossweisse seemed to be told something sad.She poured herself a drink and fell headfirst on the dining table.Violet's long hair fell like a waterfall, two dull hairs raised, and her eyes were red.

"Love is to create a human being. Woohoo, I also want to create a human being with a cute boy."

Asia laughed dryly, "Miss Rossweisse, you drank too much."

"I didn't drink too much..." the girl murmured, "It's all because Lord Odin assigned too much work. Besides, what's wrong with a Valkyrie and a brave man? At least my lover is an upright hero."

Asaba gave Gaspar a sip of the wine, saying it was "the sign of a man".Red wine is as sweet as blood.The girl blushed from being choked.He raised his head and met his eyes.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Rias said meaningfully: "Where is Dragon Quest."

While he was not paying attention, the kitten drank the whole glass of wine and turned into a little drunk cat.As expected of sisters, she did exactly the same thing as Hei Ge.

"Okay, send the guests back to the room to rest." Rias ordered.

"Then, my brother and I..."

Gaspar was about to leave when he was caught.

The girls said in unison: "No!"


"Xiaojia, you're a girl, you can't steal it." Zhu Nai said slyly, "We took a shower and slept together. What did we do when we didn't know?"

Thinking of the ambiguity in the bathroom, Gaspar blushed.This cute look makes all the girls cute.

Absolutely adulterous|feeling!

Rias said with a straight face: "You have to recognize your gender, and you can't get too close to Hitomi. You are not allowed to go to the men's toilet and men's bath. At night, stay with us girls."

"Big brother..."

With tears in his eyes, Gaspar was dragged away by the kitten.

Hitomi Asaba was happy.In the middle of the night, he climbed to the roof of a five or six-story building.A young girl sits under the starry sky, admiring the moon alone.

Irina heard footsteps.Behind her, someone put a coat on her.

"Hello, it's you."

"I knew you were here."

Saying that, Asagi sat down beside her.

"The artificial moon in the underworld is different from the human world and the heavenly world." Irina said with emotion, "Could it be that you can't sleep because you don't have a woman to accompany you?"

"Am I a child who needs someone to sleep with?"

Irina pursed her lips and said, "Huh, that's not sure. Let's talk about it first, I don't need to accompany you."

"Understood. That [Holy Sword of Dominion], you can get a promotion and raise your salary when you take it back."


Irina was taken aback, and said, "It would be great if I was reincarnated not as an angel but as a demon."


The girl said proudly, "I mean, I've been with Xenovia all along!"

"It's okay now. I still need the bishop, the chariot, the knight and four soldiers." Asagi joked, "The position of the knight is always reserved for you."

"This is what you said, tick tick!"

Irina held out her little finger.


Asahi was stunned for a moment, and had no choice but to wrap her arms around the girl's little finger.The summer night is slightly cool, and the moment the skin touches, the warmth is refreshing.Irina seemed very happy, talking about "a lie swallows a thousand needles" or something.

Finally, the two raised their thumbs and stuck together, as if forming a closed love heart.

"The contract is completed. I don't have a holy sword in my hand, and I can't become a knight yet. But, it seems that there is a holy sword passed down in my family. Next time I go home and ask."

Qian Yu asked suspiciously: "Family biography?"


He choked out a sentence: "So you are also Bai Fumei."

Irina hugged her knees and said, "I don't know why, but when I'm with you, I always have a sense of déjà vu. It's like a childhood dream."

Qian Yu felt ashamed when she heard the words.

"Then let the dream come true."

"That's what you said."

Irina smiled slyly and came over suddenly.Like a dragonfly touching water, a shallow kiss.The touch that I have never experienced before, it really is the first kiss.

"This is a reconciliation kiss."

Asagi touched her lips and said, "Are you a child? Childish."

"Hmph, there are more ways to play in my dream."

"Chunmeng?" Qian Yu sneered, "Why do you understand each other's physiological structure, or stand on the roof to pee far away?"

"do not talk!"

Irina was furious and threw him down.The twin ponytails drooped and rubbed against her cheeks, itching.Asaha felt the pressure in his chest.It's time for childhood sweethearts to mature.

"Did you create a human with Xenovia?" Irina said with a blushing face, "She told me everything, including the size... You, you have grown up too."

You girls dare to talk about anything?

"Each each other."

The girl said angrily, "Then I want to be a knight too!"

"So it's this riding style?!"

Unfortunately, angels and demons are absolutely incompatible.The place where I was kissed just now was swollen.Because Irina's body fluid is equivalent to holy water.This time, she was terrified.

Asahi comforted, "It's okay."

In the end, the two were disheveled and lay together looking at the stars.

PS: I took off my pants, so you just show me the stars?

Chapter 724 Abuse

In the summer of cicadas, there are creatures called "ghost cicadas" living in the underworld.In the woods outside the window, the cicadas kept chirping.Compared with the world, the weather is slightly cooler.

Irina and Roseweather are a heavenly messenger and a Nordic Valkyrie.In theory, Asagi should take the guests around the underworld.You can't go to hell.

Michael and Odin are still guests in the Demon King's Land, and they may have left long ago.Anyway, the two guards stayed heartlessly.

Everyone watched TV together until the last episode of "Miracle Levitan".

"I'm here to protect the underworld!" Sarafulu shouted.

Mr. Pangbian said: "Under the magic of Liweitan, the underworld has restored peace, and the story has come to an end..."


"It's the hit TV show about witches."

Aisia said unsatisfactorily: "It seems to be quite beautiful."

"My dog ​​doesn't even read this kind of feed." Asahi complained.

Fenrir lay on the carpet, sticking out his tongue like a husky.This guy is becoming more and more like a dog, and his acting skills are better than a certain magical girl.

Rias said: "I remembered. Hitomi, Sir Serafulu invited you to guest star in the second part of "Miracle Levitan"."

"No." Qian Yu said without thinking, "I can't afford to lose this person."

Rias smiled and said, "Sidi's family is a family of water magic and has the most luxurious swimming pool in the underworld. Sir Serafulu said that if you agree, the entire swimming pool can be opened to us."

"Agreed!" Irina's eyes lit up.

"Then let's vote by show of hands."

"and many more……"

Asaha met the hot eyes and sighed.

"I see."

There is still a period of time for the newcomer qualifying competition, and there is nothing to do at home during the summer vacation.Hitomi Asaba led Fenrir to the set.I didn't expect Cang Na to be there too.

"Teacher." Cang Na said.

Qian Yu greeted: "Hey, Cang Na, and Chun Ji. You are..."

"Being pulled by my sister to film." Cang Na was full of resentment.

"Little Hitomi~"

Seraflu waved happily.As soon as she put on the magic costume, she pushed away the makeup artist and ran over.

"Ah, this is the husky in Nordic mythology, right?" She exclaimed, "This is a nuclear bomb, which can kill even the main god."

The girl bent down, touched the dog's head, and praised: "You are so cute!"

"It's Fenrir, there are no huskies in Norse mythology!" Qian Yu's head was full of black lines.

Fenrir sneezed and glared at the strong smell of perfume.Qian Yu was terrified when she saw it, and quickly grabbed the sky lock.

No shield can stop this mouthful.Serafulu might become the second demon king to lose his hand.

"Okay, this kid is afraid of life."

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