Except for his master, Fenrir has never been touched by anyone, which can be said to be loyal.The girls once suspected that it was a female wolf.

Serafulu was still full of ideas, and said: "This time, I want you to play the villain. The image of the black-winged demon is super cool! Just like Loki, he summoned various monsters and was defeated by Levi Tan one by one. .”

Cang Na said contemptuously, "Ou Nai-chan, don't put money on your face."

"Xiao Cang is the female number two. I have written the script. Li Weitan has been hiding her identity, and was discovered by the sister who is the princess. Later, she was captured by the devil. In the process of getting along day and night, the princess fell in love with In the end, she was killed by the righteous sister. The two sisters lived a happy life without shame and shame, that kind of sadomasochism..."

Asahi complained, "What's all this?"

"By the way, there are kiss scenes and meat scenes." Serafulu said slyly, "The girl was captured by the devil, of course it is a popular insult and training to become R|BQ..."

Cang Na angrily said, "Ou Nai-chan!"

"It's not good, Master Seraflu!"

The crew are all members of the Sidi family.The director ran over, and when he saw an outsider, he showed hesitation.

Seraph asked, "What's wrong?"

"Well, the addition of super-large monsters to the plot didn't exist before, right? No such large props can be found in the entire underworld."

"Oh, I added it randomly. This is more handsome. Of course, the Demon King will lead a group of monsters that will destroy the world."


Are you really self-realized?Besides, what level of existence is the magical girl fighting against?The world is still destroyed.

Qian Yu said helplessly: "Leave this to me."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that!" Serafulu said with a smile, "Please, Xiaoha!"

Getting a nickname so quickly?

"I have a lot of monsters, not just Erha."

Asagi bit her finger and slapped the ground with one hand.The tadpole-shaped mantras spread in all directions, forming a huge magic circle.Like fog, white smoke enveloped the earth, and the huge monster loomed.

The three monsters are the white whale, the black snake and the rabbit.The monster from the deep sea—the sea monster—squirmed countless tentacles and crawled on the ground.A dragon from another world hovers in the sky.The hell three-headed dog walked step by step, breathing flames.

Fenrir immediately recovered.It wanted to get close to the three-headed dog, but was left out.The reason is that this "lady" has three heads, so it is not so easy to attack.

"It's so handsome!" Seraflu said excitedly, "I'm going to revise the script and add all these monsters into it!"

Qian Yutong travels across the world and tames many psychic beasts.Let them also experience the addiction of being a star.Under the domination of Samsara Eye, the performance was extremely relaxed.In the setting, all monsters controlled by the devil will show the eyes of reincarnation.

In the first act, the devil snatches the princess away.

In the shot, Asagi played the role of the evil demon king, who beat Sona.The girl pursed her lips, her eyes were full of resentment and a hint of shame.

"Tell me, where is your sister?"

Asagi grabbed Canna's Oupai.Both of them were stunned.Hands are slippery, but the effect of improvisation is very good.This is the so-called "abuse" section.

"Yes, that's it!" Serafulu shouted, "Since he is the devil king, how could he grab someone's collar? Just do it!"

The director thought: Are you the lead actor or the director?

Cang Na shyly said: "You... scratched me."

"No, start again! Why are you shy? You should only be angry."

Later, the two acted over and over again, and Oupai was pinched and swollen.Cang Na didn't have a single complaint.Asagi felt really small, on the same level as a kitten.

Levi Tan defeated all monsters.

"Let's borrow a seat for the kiss scene." The director was very witty.

This is the daughter of Sidi's family and the sister of the Demon King, who would dare to kiss her?

"No, that's too fake." Cang Na turned his face away and said, "I don't want my sister's painstaking efforts to go to waste, so...just shoot."

Serafulu was moved and cried, and said, "Xiao Cangna."

"Stupid old lady, don't wipe my tears away!"

Qian Yu laughed, she had always been ignorant of other people's sisters.Seraphro really loves Sona.The relationship between the two sisters is actually very good.

In the final scene, the devil was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, hugging the princess, and fled on Fenrir.Under the moon, blood flowed all over the ground, and even the beast was "seriously injured" and fell to the ground.

Qian Yu said in a deep voice: "I haven't lost yet, I will use you as a sacrifice to gain power beyond Levy Tan!"

"I... can't stop you." Cang Na whispered.

The two looked at each other, and saw a gentle gaze.Asaba took off Sona's glasses and kissed them.

Since when did you become a kissing maniac?

"Cut, perfect! It fully expresses the hazy affection."


Qian Yu encircled Cang Na's waist, and the soft touch remained on the lips.The moment she put on her glasses, she turned back into the cold student council president.It's too difficult to see a shy expression.

The girl said seriously: "You and I have participated in the newcomer qualifying competition. If I meet you, I will not be lenient. So, I hope you and Rias will not let it go."

Asahi said, "Of course."


Asaba and Sona separated like an electric shock.

Serafulu said with a smile: "If it's not like this, when will Xiao Cang graduate with her first kiss?"

"Sister is not qualified to say anything about me, right?" Cang Na retorted, "You have no experience in love either."

"If you have a younger sister, you don't need to fall in love!"

Hitomi Asaba realized a serious problem.After the film is broadcast, how to explain it to the harem.

"According to the agreement, you are welcome to come and play." Serafulu said with a smile, "By the way, Tong, your first opponent has come out."

PS: One first kiss in one chapter, the kissing madman is really hammered

Chapter 725 The Forbidden Hand That Stops Time

The swimming pool at Sidi's house is full of spring scenery.The girls put on all kinds of swimsuits and played in the water, forming the most beautiful scenery in summer.


Unexpectedly, Shitori Sona and Rossweisse got together and chatted while lying under the umbrella.

"My dream is to build a school where low-level demons can also enter." Cang Na said, "to eliminate class conflicts in the underworld."

Rossweisse persuaded: "Miss Cangna, you haven't joined the work yet, the reality is very cruel. If you give the lower-level demons a promotion channel, you are challenging the rule of the nobles. Don't forget, you are also a pure-blooded young lady. "

"I..." Cang Na lost.

Roseweather looked forward to it: "In my case, I want to establish a school that teaches Nordic magic, and then introduce demon talents to Nordic to serve as Valkyrie. Demons are really too strong."

Rias laughed dumbfounded.

The woman seemed to have misunderstood something.Hitomi is prone to misconceptions, thinking that all superior demons are so strong.

Cang Na said, "Then let's do our best together."

"it is good!"

Later, Zhen built a sister school.

Zhu Nai said regretfully: "Unfortunately, Mr. Tong is not here. I have prepared a decisive swimsuit."

"Zunai!" Rias said angrily.

Cang Na wondered: "My sister suddenly called him away, what is she going to do? Since she was a child, she likes to play tricks on me. Maybe she used it as a toy..."

On the wilderness, Serafluu wore twin ponytails and a cool swimsuit, showing off her pretty figure.The gap between these sisters is too big, just like Heige and Kitty.

The girl smiled brightly: "I have thought about the reward, and I will help you master the forbidden hand of the artifact."

"Forget about the special training, why do you dress up like this?" Asaha asked.

"This is a special reward." Serafulu blinked.

Asagi looked away, unable to calm down and practice.As soon as he put on his swimming trunks, he was pulled out of the pool by Serafulu.This scene is a little tricky.


Hitomi Asaba turned her head and watched Seraful stand on tiptoe and poke his arm.The tense muscles are full of explosive force and stiff.

The girl was full of praise: "You have a great figure, I really want to recruit you as an actor."

"You too."


Seraflu was startled, then smiled.She is one of the four great demon kings. No one has ever dared to praise her for her good figure, and she is easily destroyed by humanitarianism.

"Okay. In the three-party meeting, you have also seen Xieyan's forbidden hand. It is a domain-type ability. So, you have to try to find the sense of domain."

Asahi asked doubtfully, "Domain?"

"like this……"

Seraph took a magic wand and made a pose.When the staff struck the ground, a terrifying cold gushed out, freezing thousands of miles away.

Is this her true strength?

"Freeze everything you see."

In the ice and snow, Asagi shuddered.Seraflu's swimsuit was too small to cover the summer colors.Opie is whiter than snowflakes.He took a deep breath and concentrated on practicing.

Seraflu said: "When the wish of the artifact bearer violently reverses the flow in this world, the forbidden hand is achieved."

"I thought about it."

Heaven's Royal!

Hitomi Asaba moved, grabbing Serafulu's hand.The girl looked dazed, and a dark voice opened up behind her.She has the strength above a demon king, yet she is restrained so that she cannot move!

Are you coming?In the final battle, the demon king imprisoned the magical girl.It's exciting to think about it.Ah, Xiao Cang, don't blame me, my sister didn't cheat on purpose!

I don't know what is going on in this woman's mind.

In the ice space, Qian Yu's body sank into the ice layer and merged with the small world.In this state, the so-called "flow" can be felt.

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