What a simple child.

Asahi suggested, "Let's talk while walking."

Under the leadership of Kunou, I visited the Yasaka Shrine.In reality, there is an endless stream of tourists. The barrier of "Hundred Ghosts at Night" is a different space where monsters live.The scenery remained the same, but there was not even a single person.

In the main hall, Hitomi Asagi saw the statue of the chief worship god.

"Sukuomon, Kushi Inada Himemei, and Hachizumi Mikogami?" He looked strange, "Susano, his wife and eight children?"

Kunou said proudly: "That's right, this is the god we serve. My mother is a nine-tailed demon fox. After being subdued by Abe Seimei, she guarded the shrine for generations. Although the eight million gods are gone..."

Saying that, the girl became depressed.Sometimes I also think about it, the gods are gone, is it still interesting to guard the shrine?

Asaba turned and walked out of the hall, and turned on Susan.The figure of the giant rose from the ground, anyway, he was not afraid of showing off in the space of monsters.

"Then do you know this?"

At this time, many monsters were peeping in the dark, as stunned as Kunou.

"The breath of the God Lord? Could it be that you are the reincarnation of Su Tuo Ming Zun!"

With a dazed expression on her face, Qian Yu saw all the monsters kneeling down together.The divinity contained in Susanoo alone has already frightened the monsters out of their wits, so there is no such thing as rebellious.

"Welcome, Lord God!"

Asahi hurriedly said: "Wait, you have misunderstood the wrong person. Although I did inherit Susan..."

Kunou knelt at the front, wagging his tail like a puppy begging for mercy.She was so excited that she shed tears and said, "It must be a god who came down to help me rescue my mother. I'm sorry, I misunderstood you before!"

"So...forget it." Qian Yu said helplessly.

Judging by the posture of these monsters, they want to regard him as the new master.Rain girl, snow girl... beauties gathered, serving tea and pouring water.The meticulous care of these monster maids is overwhelming.

Asagi found a reason to escape: "By the way, Kunou, let's go to the city to investigate, maybe we can find clues."

"As ordered."

Now, Kunou opened his big watery eyes, full of admiration.In the eyes of girls, God is the greatest.Mom will be very happy if she sees it.

The two hang out on the streets of Kyoto.Many people wear kimonos, especially tourists from overseas.When Qian Yu met a Chinese, he exchanged a few words in Chinese.

"Your daughter is so cute."


Asaba bowed her head, Kunou was very cute.In the eyes of others, they are a pair of father and daughter shopping.Kunou lowered his head and did not object.In fact, she longed for a father since she was a child.

He smiled and said, "I think so too."

Later, Jiuzhong said: "Mom is a monster from China. It is said that she escaped during the Shang Dynasty. You will definitely be able to chat."

"You don't need to blow my ears." Qian Yu said, "It seems that I have to help with this favor."

Kunou was overwhelmed and blushed like a tomato.What was called an investigation turned into a day trip.The education she has received since she was a child is that she does not have contact with humans. She has never seen these weird things, and she was fascinated by them all at once.

Rory ate the second ice cream and licked her fingers.

Asahi took her other hand and said, "Don't get lost."


Under the warm sunshine, Kunou raised his head and stared at the handsome profile.So, does father feel like this?The God Lord is like a father.

"My Lord God..."

"Call me by my name."

"That, Hitomi." Kunou said coyly, "I want to go to the toilet."

The blond loli is wearing a red and white witch costume, with red knees.She grabbed the hem of her clothes nervously and folded her legs.

"Have you eaten your stomach?"

Kunou blushed and said, "No, it's boo boo. I don't know what to do in the world. The streets are full of monsters called cars, and there are cameras everywhere."

"Then you used to..." Qian Yu said in surprise.

Kunou shyly said: "The shrine has simple toilets, if it is to release water...Of course monsters should get close to nature."

She realizes a fact that is shameful in human common sense.In this way, isn't it exposing privacy to the God Lord?

"You come with me."

Asaba pulled Kunou to the public restroom, getting into a tangle.Which toilet should a father take his young daughter into?Fortunately, Kunou was neither considered a young child nor a daughter.

He instructed: "Go to the girl's side, I'll wait for you outside."


After a while, Kunou ran out, stood on tiptoe, and washed his hands like Asaba.It is easy to integrate into human society.In an instant, Asaha felt the satisfaction of raising a daughter.

PS: Urine Shrine is not doing well today

Looks like an Indian monster.Not to mention, it is said that the nine-tailed demon fox incarnated as Daji. After the Shang Dynasty was disrupted, he went to India and incarnated as Hua Yangtian, the concubine of the spotted-footed prince of the Mojatuo Kingdom.

Chapter 738 Heroes

As the sun sets, it's time to say goodbye.

"One day has passed like this." Jiuzhong was reluctant to let go.

Asahi said: "I didn't do nothing when I was shopping. The streets of Kyoto are like a huge magic circle, with spiritual power faintly flowing. Do you know this?"

"Huh? Mom seems to have said..."

Kunou is a little adored.As expected of a divine master, he could see through the spiritual veins of Kyoto at a glance.This is the masterpiece of the mother, and she is the center of maintaining the survival of the youkai.

Asahi said: "The school trip will end tomorrow. Before that, I will give you an answer."

"I believe you!"

In the tavern at dusk, Rossweisse drinks with Hitomi Asaba.After a tiring day, it's time to take a break.The students are free to move around.The Valkyrie was drunk and flushed.

Qian Yu persuaded: "You drink less."

"Men want to get pretty women drunk anyway?" Rossweisse excitedly said, "Aren't I pretty? Don't you yearn for Opie?"

Asahi complained: "Is this wine for losing your virginity?"

"Lost...lost virginity?" Rossweisse mumbled, "Oh, then pretend to be drunk and let you do some lewd things. Are you finally saying goodbye to the virgin?"

"What the hell are you expecting?"

Before the words fell, there was a layer of gray mist between the sky and the earth, which was an enchantment of another dimension.Similar to a shrine, it can prevent the battle within the barrier from interfering with reality.

There are enemies!

Just as Asagi was about to leave, she glanced at Rossweisse, worried.He bit his finger, made a seal, and summoned a pet-sized Fenrir.

He ordered: "Little guy, help me keep an eye on her."


Fenrir originated from Norse mythology and is familiar with Rossweisse's breath.Since they are compatriots, of course they will spare no effort to protect them.Maybe she's the future hostess.

As soon as Hitomi Asaba went out, she ran into the church group and Gaspar head-on.


"Well, let's go."

Only people with a certain strength can move freely in the enchantment without being affected. Obviously, this is the enemy's declaration of war.

Togetsukyo Bridge spans the Katsura River, and on the right bank is Arashiyama, a famous sightseeing spot in Kyoto, famous for its cherry blossoms in spring and maple leaves in autumn.It is early autumn and is known as "Autumn Arashiyama".Duyue Bridge is like a pure white sea-crossing bridge, hundreds of meters long, shrouded in purple mist.

A group of people folded their wings and landed on the bridge.Asia doesn't have wings, so Asaba carried her and flew over.

In the purple mist, several figures emerged, and the aura of each person was no less than that of the Demon King.The first person came out of the fog, revealing his true face.This is a man with purple hair and purple clothes, exuding a graceful kingly demeanor.

Asahi said, "Are you the Hero faction?"

"That's right, my name is Cao Cao, I inherited my ancestor's name." The man smiled.

Like the beautiful monkey, some people bear the name of their ancestors, and their size and strength are remarkable.Unlike heroic spirits, they are genuine human beings, noble by the blood of their ancestors.

Asaha rubbed her hair and said, "Three Kingdoms?"

"I heard from the beautiful monkey that you are also from China." Cao Cao said gently.

"I said, what are the descendants of King Wei going to Japan to hunt down the nine-tailed demon fox?"

Cao Cao carried a holy spear and said: "What I want to say is to explore the limits of human beings."

"What?" Qian Yu was taken aback.

"Angels, demons, monsters, gods...everything is fine, human beings are the masters of the world. I have no intention of pursuing the glory of my ancestors and expanding the territory. However, there is no human king in this game of chess, isn't it too boring? ? Are you interested in joining me?"

Asahi looked at it squarely and said, "I don't hate your thoughts. Unfortunately, I'm not a hero."

"it's a pity."

Cao Cao put the holy spear on the ground and said, "Georg, the fog should clear."


A man with glasses stretched out his hands, and the thick mist was put into his cuffs.The enchantment is what he created.Asaha remembered the name.The device that once imprisoned Asia is said to have been created by the God Extinguisher [Extreme Mist].This guy is in collusion with the Old Demon King faction.

All members of the hero faction appear on the stage, and all of them are descendants of heroes.The identities of the white-haired young man, the burly man, the blond beauty and the withdrawn little boy are all unknown.Once the real name is known, the ability can probably be inferred.

Cao Cao said: "Leonardo, a descendant of the genius artist Da Vinci."

The boy was silent and walked forward alone.With magic in his hands, he paints in the air.The depicted thing rises from the ground and transforms into a monster with a height of three or four people.These monsters are like ancient weapons, with red eyes.

A huge disadvantage in terms of numbers.

"call out--"

The monsters are neat and uniform, and beams of light burst out from their eyes, like laser cannons.Seeing this, everyone quickly dodged.

Xenovia yelled, "Irina, hold on."

"I'll get hurt too!"

Gaspar turned into a forbidden hand, and wearing the Sekiryuutei armor shattered the beam.

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