The evil eye froze the beam of light that filled the sky.Hitomi Asaba protected Asia and took a step back.When the time was unfrozen, countless light beams shattered the bridge deck.

Cao Cao showed off: "This god-killing tool is called [Warcraft Creation]. Not only can you create monsters as you like, but you can also strengthen them according to your opponent's shortcomings."

"So that's the case, did you use the power of light to destroy the devil?" Qian Yu said solemnly, "Your purpose is to collect the weaknesses of the major forces."

"That's right, even a single person can attack the underworld."

Asahi's slander: Do you think you are filming "Miracle Levi Tan"?

"I'll tell you one thing." Asahi said, "I adjusted the system and changed the balance of the holy demon. Therefore, light's restraint against demons is not so strong."

Cao Cao was stunned and looked back.The girls have already dismantled the beast to pieces.

He said: "I didn't expect it to be a bad start."

Qian Yutong felt apprehensive.The strength of the Hero faction is unfathomable, and the average person is god-destroyer.Just [Warcraft Creation] is already a nuclear weapon capable of destroying the underworld.

Xenovia held the holy sword in her hand and said, "Hitomi, you go and deal with that Warcraft Envoy."

"We'll buy you time!"

Asagi looked at everyone and said, "Okay."

Every girl wants to do something.They are members of Asaha's family, not vases.

Leonardo yelled violently: "Gog Magog!"

The river was surging, and a tall steel giant stood up from the river bed, like a giant soldier.It opened its blue eyes, and the water flowed along its huge body, falling like a waterfall for nine days.

Irina exclaimed: "I have heard that Gog Magog is an ancient weapon created by God, and it was later placed in the dimensional gap."

"Vali went to the dimensional slit to look for the Great Red, and recovered Gogmag." Cao Cao said, "Although it is an imitation, it is enough."

This level of monsters can only be suppressed by psychic beasts of the same size.

"The art of psychic!"

Qian Yutong bit her finger and slapped the ground with one hand.Tadpole-like lines spread in all directions.After the white smoke passed, Fenrir appeared in his original form and crushed the Togetsu Bridge.


Fenrir has been suppressed for too long.It raised its head and let out a happy howl.

PS: long wait

Chapter 739 Tyrant Dragon

Xenovia wore tights and looked heroic.She holds the sword of sworn victory.The other hand liberated Durandot from another dimension, carrying a wide-bladed sword.

"Holy Swordsman?"

A white-haired man stepped forward.Relying on Xenovia's combat experience, she can recognize the temperament of the outlier priest at a glance.

Xenovia said, "Another poor wretch abandoned by the Lord?"

"No, I am a warrior trained by the Church with the genetic factors of the hero Siegfried." The man grinned, "My name is Siegfried the Demon Sword Emperor!"

After finishing speaking, the clothes on Siegfried's back exploded, and a silver-gray arm stretched out.In each of his three hands he holds a dark magic sword.

"Three Swords Style?" Xenovia said solemnly.

Siegfried sneered and said, "That's right, there is one more holy sword than your two-knife sword."

On the other side, Irina met the blonde beauty.

"Miss Angel, let me be your enemy. Let me introduce myself, I have inherited the soul of Joan of Arc. The artifact I have is [Holy Sword Creation]!"

Joan of Arc lightly moved the lotus steps, and countless holy swords emerged from the ground, like ore growing wildly.On the other hand, Irina doesn't even have a holy sword.She flew up quickly, only to escape the fate of being "pierced through the heart by ten thousand arrows".

"It's an enviable artifact." Irina muttered, "Why didn't it fall on a pious believer like me?"

"Forbidden Hand - Armor of the Red Dragon Emperor!"

Gaspar exploded with magic power and was covered in crimson armor.She stared at Cao Cao, feeling sweaty palms.That holy gun gave people great coercion.

This guy is as strong as big brother!

"Little girl, do you want to stop me?" Cao Cao said.

Gaspar said in a deep voice: "At least help the elder brother delay the time. You have collected the weakness of the devil, is it brewing a conspiracy against the underworld?"

"It was discovered. Then..." Cao Cao smiled lightly, "Shoot him, sharp gun."

what? !

Gaspar's pupils shrank, only to see the Holy Lance suddenly extend.This surpassed the speed of dynamic vision, and it was too late to defend.She was pierced through the chest, held the gun head in one hand, and vomited a mouthful of blood.


Fenrir crushed the bridge.The river set off a huge wave, breaking down the guardrail like a sea wave, and washing away the blood on Gaspar's body.When Cao Cao stopped, Gaspar knelt down with a bloody hole in his chest.

"Cough, damn..."

This guy is still in a normal state, and he killed me in a second?


Fenrir bit Gog Magog in one bite.The giant wolf and the iron giant are fighting in the river.Hitomi Asaba and Leonardo stood on top of the monster, facing each other from a distance.

"It's useless, this is an ancient weapon created by God, its defensive power..."

Asaha played with taste: "Really?"

Dazed, Leonardo squatted down to take a look.Gogmag's armor was bitten through, and even the core device was exposed.That wolf has the attribute of breaking defense.

"Is it the Fang of God?" Leonardo said, "So that's the case, Vali was crushed in your hands, and even this guy was snatched away by you."


A beam of light towered into the sky and fell straight down, as if to cut Togetsu Bridge and Arashiyama into two sections.Seeing this, Qian Yutong and Leonardo hurriedly urged the monster to jump away and escaped.


Xenovia released the treasure and smashed Huashan.In the dazzling white light, Siegfried gave birth to more arms and magic swords, and forcibly resisted the blow.The heat was steaming, and his body was burned red, and four arms grew out from behind.

"You are the first person who can force my full strength." He laughed wildly, "I, Siegfried, would like to call you the strongest holy sword user."

Six magic swords?

Xenovia had never seen such a difficult enemy.Two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and you will be at a disadvantage when facing the three-sword style.Today, there is no longer the possibility of hand-to-hand combat.

Then carry out the violence to the end!

"Can you take this trick again?"

Xenovia's Excalibur lost its camouflage, revealing its true face from the Wind King's enchantment, unable to recover its light for a while.She simply stuck Excalibur into the ground, and picked up Durandot with the other hand.Compared with his slender figure, the holy sword is too big.

What kind of strange power is hidden in this body?


Xenovia squeezed out the last trace of magic power, and released two holy swords in one day.The fruits of practice during this period are blooming today.

"how is this possible……"

The world was overshadowed.Siegfried was terrified, and was sent flying by the sword light.

"What an amazing family member. Then let's be a little more serious."

Cao Cao held up the holy spear entwined with golden snakes. It was named "Holy Spear of Dusk", and its prototype was the spear of Longinus who killed Jesus.The absolute artifact known as "can penetrate even the gods" is a true god-killing tool.

"The Huihui Spear of the Holy King of the Sky Wheel of the Extreme Night!"

With a golden light, a round wheel exuding divine light emerged behind Cao Cao, surrounded by seven spheres.Gaspar lay on the ground, anxious in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Forbidden?No, it doesn't feel the same to me, like a semi-liberated state.

Gaspar said weakly: "Be careful, Senior Xenovia!"

"Female treasure." Cao Cao said.

Xenovia only felt that her strength was rapidly losing, and she didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Cao Cao said: "Unfortunately, this trick is to seal the abilities of all the women in the field, starting with the strongest."


Xenovia collapsed to the ground, and what she saw was heartbreaking.Irina was thrown over and fell to the ground without knowing her life or death.

Joan of Arc complained: "Hercules, don't meddle in my battle."

"Too weak, a comet explosion will solve it." The burly man said.

From the beginning to the end, Cao Cao only made one move, killing Chiryuutei in an instant, and all members lost their combat power.In the face of an absolute gap in strength, there is no fighting at all.

A green light suddenly appeared, enveloping every girl.Asia's legs were weak, but she still activated [The Smile of the Virgin], remote group therapy.Everyone was surrounded by warm light and moved to tears.

"Aisia sauce..."

The blond girl said with tears in her eyes, "I'm also working hard to become stronger."

"Ah, there's another little girl."

[Female Treasure] Soon it was Asia's turn - the weakest woman on the field.The light suddenly went out, and even the [Smile of the Virgin] was sealed.

Cao Cao said, "Lunbao."

One of the seven orbs behind him suddenly lit up.Xenovia pushed herself up and was about to pick up Turandot when the holy sword shattered just as she was about to touch it.Her blood-stained face suddenly froze, it was a kind of loss of faith.

"Priority destroys the strongest weapon in the field."

too strong.

Is this the true strength of the Disaster Group?Can the terrifying power possessed by the heroes who once shone in the long river of history really be able to match it?We... are just ordinary people.

What did you say that you want to become a member of Asaha's family.In the end, one failure after another.Because you are a woman, don't you have the power to protect the one you love?Are you doomed to be weak just because you are a woman?

Gaspar moved, feeling the pink beads on his chest.Even though the armor was broken and stained red with blood, he licked his own blood from the corner of his lips.The power of the vampire is surging.


"I protect everyone."

Gaspar put one hand on the ground.Her body was trembling, and she was so frightened that she shed tears, like tears of blood, and even her beautiful eyes were stained scarlet.

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