"Oh grass..." Bai Jue complained: "What the hell? The sudden increase in gravity or is there an acceleration engine on the moon?"

"That can't be explained by science." Quincy thought for a while: "I just have the impression that when the moon fell, half of the islands in Australia and the world sank, and then there were tsunami and earthquakes and other shitty things... that's what happened. It is the most direct fuse."

"So when the moon falls, is it a day of tears?" Bai Jue probably understood, and took a sip of his drink: "So how to solve it? Are you going to let me chop the moon with a sword? I'm afraid this is not the case. It's within my ability now..."

"The current one?" Quincy wondered if you were bragging. Could it be that you will be able to chop the moon with a sword in the future?

"I used to be quite strong, but now my strength has regressed." Bai Jue used an analogy: "It was not difficult for me before to sink the mainland or something... Don't look at me with that look, I Is it necessary to brag? I am already very strong now."

"Strong is very strong, but you are still short of Kakarot's level. You can consider adding something to py, maybe..." Quincy changed the subject while talking.

"Why don't you say that what I lack is the knight transformation belt?" Bai Jue rolled his eyes: "If I had a Jiadou voice changer, the moon would be just a stone, let me push it back with super space-time acceleration. "

"Kids only believe in Kamen Rider, but a real man will drive a Gundam!" Quincy retorted.

"Hmm..." The driver coughed, "It's down to business."

"Dig, this driver is so arrogant, why don't you drive him?" Bai Jue pointed to the person in the driver's seat. He actually noticed early in the morning that the person driving was not the driver, and he was clearly a sand sculpture of unknown orientation. group of friends.

"Fuck you, sir, I'm not his personal driver." Ling Dao rolled his eyes: "I heard that if you continue to chat, you will be diverted thousands of miles away. I just came to Australia to see the situation. Just come with Quincy by the way... touch the car by the way."

"This person is obviously a cop." Bai Jue continued to complain: "There is an inner ghost, cancel the transaction."

"You are the ghost! Is Mengxin so arrogant!"

"Sorry, we Mengxin can really do whatever we want."

"As expected of you, you are enough sand sculptures to be my group friends." Quincy gave a thumbs up: "Both of you are."

"Damn it!" Ling Dao cursed angrily.

"Why!" Bai Jue coughed.

"Let's talk about the business... Even if you can really make the moon into a sashimi with one sword, I won't let you do this kind of thing. Without the moon, the ground will be affected to some extent, such as waves and tides. It's..." Quincy raised his finger: "What I want you to do is to go to the moon and find the location of a tree."

"...Shouldn't the Apollo be responsible for things like landing on the moon?" Bai Jue was startled: "Is it really going to go to the sky?"

"Are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid of that. The water pressure can't kill me. Even if I go to a vacuum environment, I'll be fine even if I rely on internal energy to operate. It's just that I'm not used to it in space." Bai Jue said that it doesn't matter, he is already strong enough to sneak in without wearing a device The deep sea fought with the mosasaur, and he can walk casually in space, but what he expressed doubts was: "Do you really have the technology to send me up there?"

"It's OJBK that will send you up." Quincy spread his hands and said without any psychological pressure: "If you think about how to land safely, to be reasonable, I really can't figure it out, because it requires very complicated technology. None of them can reach this level, but if you just launch a rocket to the moon and send you there, it will be relatively simple, as long as the propulsion of the rocket is strong enough, social security will be over."

"It makes sense, but..." Bai Jue was keenly aware: "How will I come back then?"

"Can't you just fly back?" Quincy asked strangely: "Don't you know how to fly? Isn't it over when you come back with jet acceleration?"

"But if I don't come back, I will become Katz." Bai Jue raised his middle finger: "It's really killing me..."

"At that time, I will prepare some supplies for you to ensure that you can stay on the moon for a few days, and there will be some air." Quincy said that the problem is not big: "And according to my speculation, if you find the specific location, there will be no problem at all. Don't worry about survival."

"Explain more clearly." Bai Jue couldn't understand.

"The back of the moon." Quincy raised his finger, with a serious expression: "There is a tree."

"Tree?" Bai Jue had an idea: "Osmanthus?"

"You're such a clever little ghost... Do you want to ask if there are Wu Gang and Chang'e in the next moment?" Ling Dao raised his hand and raised his middle finger: "Please be a normal person."

"I don't know if it's a laurel tree, but it must be a big tree of life." Quincy changed his sitting position and patted his knees: "Its roots are likely to spread under the entire moon. When I saw When the moon fell from the sky, most of the moon was disintegrated and shattered by the impact, and the roots of the tree extended from the shattered moon, and these roots grew on the earth.”

Moon tree, rhizome?

"What you want to say is that... this tree will cause this time of tears?" Bai Jue asked.

"It is very possible that such a huge tree can survive on the moon for such a long time. It must be quite old. It feels that it cannot survive on the moon, so it wants to return to the earth, so it will actively push the moon to fall..." Quincy picked up an orange at random: "But it's just my speculation. I'm not sure whether this is the case. It's probably [-] to [-]% likely."

"Sixty to seventy percent is okay." Bai Jue rubbed his eyebrows: "Sixty to seventy percent will take me to heaven..."

"You have to try, otherwise everyone is waiting to die." Quincy shrugged his shoulders: "We don't have much time, and the weeping day you mentioned probably only has less than seven days. We must prepare within two days." Alright, let’s send you up there... Before you came, we were still undecided about the candidate... because no one really wants to go up there to die, and after that..."

"I voluntarily said that I wanted to go up and have a look, and so did Le Luo." Ling Dao hummed: "Now that we have you, we probably won't be able to go up. There are not many places, so if we insist on going up, it will be a hindrance."

"It's pretty good." Bai Jue smiled: "Haven't you been there before?"

"I've been there, but I couldn't find it." Lingdao thought for a while: "I felt unlucky last time, maybe I can find it this time."

"The question of tone is always uncertain." Quincy sighed: "It's like I have ten orders to be full... There is no European spirit, only krypton gold can sustain life..."

"You are a krypton gold sow. It's normal to do this. Ordinary people can't do it, and they can't continue to close without luck." Lingdao drove the car and said casually: "This kind of chance is only one time, so let it be trusted. bring it on."

"You can be regarded as saying something human, as long as you trust me." Bai Jue said.

"You took care of the other two places, I don't want to admit it... Old Beigao was persuaded by you." Lingdao thought for a while: "Why didn't you bring that one here this time?"

"This is our business." Bai Jue didn't want Su Yuhan to get involved, he said, "Let us do it."

"That's right...it's actually good." Ling Dao narrowed his eyes: "Although I can't remember what she looks like, but... I seem to have seen her before."

"Reincarnation can only be broken by people outside of reincarnation. Don't think about the past." Bai Jue stretched his waist: "Leave it to me. You are responsible for watching the fireworks. I will go to the sky to cut down trees. It's as simple as that. Think of it as a day trip to the moon.”

As soon as these words were uttered, several people in the car laughed out loud, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Then Quincy's cell phone rang.

He picked up his cell phone, looked at Lao Beigao's phone number, and connected the call.

"Hey, Beigao, what's the matter? He's already arrived..."

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