Li Shiming silently handed over the letter in his hand.

Su Yuhan glanced at it after taking it, and the hazy sleepiness and confusion were swept away in an instant. She whispered: "He left without saying goodbye? But why..."

"Did he tell you anything this morning?" Li Shiming asked eagerly.

Su Yuhan recalled the previous conversation, and suddenly frowned, recalling Bai Jue's words that she must go back, she felt a pain in her heart, she pursed her lips, and shook her head slightly: "I didn't say anything special ..."

"Then has he met anyone? Or who is he going to meet?" Li Xiuning tried to ask: "If he wants to leave Yanjing, he should be familiar with people, but he doesn't know too many friends in this world. , that might be..."

"In the group?" Su Yuhan asked suspiciously.

"Go to his group friends first..." Li Shiming left as soon as he said that, turned around and pushed the door out.

The efficiency of the three heroines was extremely high. Thirty minutes later, Bei Gao was locked in the interrogation room of the central department.

Li Shiming, Li Xiuning, and Su Yuhan stared at him with serious expressions.

"Am I committing a crime?" Bei Gao asked innocently.

"Your likely to commit a crime." Su Yuhan made no secret of her jealousy as a woman: "Stop talking nonsense, report your name, date of birth, place of origin, and gender!"

"...Master Li, is it suitable?" Bei Gao looked at Li Shiming and sighed: "At least tell me, what did I do wrong...Beautiful and breaking the law?"

"Yes!...Although I really want to say that, I think you should know why you came to me in your heart." Li Shiming stared at Bei Gao delicately: "I think you are a smart person, so you shouldn't know .”

Bei Gao was silent for three seconds.

He tried to ask: "Is it related to the surname Bai?"

"It seems that you really know something." Li Xiuning had a strong sense of counter-reasoning.

"The three women... who else could be related to them? I was accidentally injured." Bei Gao raised his hand: "We are all friends, so we have something to say."

"Whoever is friendly with you, you gave me your face." Su Yuhan said seriously: "No... what did you say to him."

"Just talk about the past, talk about a few friends, nothing special." Of course, Bei Gao couldn't explain all those things clearly, so no matter how they asked, he just smiled and didn't answer.

"He left a note and left." Li Xiuning finally took the initiative to back down and said, "We want to know where he went."

"Just for this?" Bei Gao said with a strange face: "So you locked me up for a while and tortured me. I thought he was doing something wrong, and he was dancing ballet in People's Square in women's clothing."

"What kind of weird idea is that!" Su Yuhan said angrily, "If you want to jump, you can also jump into a black swan!"

"Calm down, your thinking is a little bit off now." Li Xiuning comforted the anxious Su Yuhan: "This is not a small matter, at least it is very important to us. If you know something, I hope you can tell us."

"This is his kindness. If I tell you, it will be a waste of his kindness." Bei Gao put his elbows on the desk, his expression was silent: "He really didn't want you to worry, so he chose to leave alone... It is not necessarily beneficial to catch up, and in many cases, even if you know something, it will not be helpful, and this is no longer something you can handle."

Li Shiming and Li Xiuning felt restless for a while, but they couldn't refute.

"I'm different." Su Yuhan said seriously: "I can help, I'm very strong."

"But he cares about you very much, so he is willing to take this risk for you." Bei Gao looked at Su Yuhan and sighed sarcastically: "Although in my opinion, this kind of behavior that takes the risk for others without asking for anything in return is a brain-dead behavior , but...he is willing to do this, as a friend, I can't take the initiative to betray him, I'm sorry...I can't help you with this matter. "

Bei Gao's attitude was firm, and the three heroines were powerless for a while, unable to knock Bei Gao's mouth, what should I do?

At this time, the peak turned around.

Ye Yu carelessly pushed open the door of the interrogation room and walked in, saying hello to Old Beigao: "Old Beigao, I just heard that you were released for spitting chewing gum, and I'm here to bail you... Eh? Everyone else is here, are you here to bail him too?"

Li Shiming watched this scene, suddenly, she had an idea, and asked Ye Yu: "Do you know where Bai Jue went?"

"Bai Jue? You know." Ye Yu replied casually, "He went to see Quincy."

Bei Gao's eyes burst out suddenly, and he stared at Ye Yu: "You?..."

Ye Yu shrunk his neck hastily: "What's wrong? Everyone in the group knows this, it's not a secret."

"Damn it..." Bei Gao couldn't help but hammered the table: "You pig teammate is as good as a certain Gu Gu chicken!"


I reviewed the plot of Ysuba a little bit, listened to music, played a few times on Anna's wife, and then saw that it was one o'clock in the morning, so I quickly coded Chapter 5.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The private plane slowly docked at the airport.

The descending ladder was attached to the ground. When Bai Jue stepped off the plane, the first thing he saw was a young man with baby fat on his cheeks. He looked somewhat similar to Yang Guang, but also a little Subtle difference.

"Quincy?" Bai Jue tried to ask.

"You can call me Yang Guang." The young man turned around and opened the car door: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I'm getting impatient, come with me, let's make it clear on the way, my car has air conditioning. "

"Which car doesn't have air-conditioning now." Bai Jue then got on the extended version of the car.

Today's weather in Australia is still a bit hot, and the hot sun shines on the skin and there is some burning pain.

The two are not very familiar with each other, but there is no time for greetings now.

Bai Jue is very familiar with another Zhengtai version of Quincy, but he did not expect that Quincy in this world is an adult youth.

"It's been a long journey. If it's not an emergency, I want you to relax and have a celebration party or something." Quincy scratched her hair, sighed, opened the refrigerator in the car, and took out two bottles of drinks: " But my hair is almost gone... If we continue to delay, we may not know when the earth will really go wandering, and we will have a trip that we can leave as soon as we say it."

"Beigao didn't explain the specific situation to me clearly." Bai Jue pointed to the sky: "He said that the moon might hit the earth or something. This is a disaster from the sky. Let me confirm..."

"It's true." Quincy nodded, looking at the sky speechlessly: "It's really true...the moon dragged the people of the earth to die together."

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