"Stop arguing with me, you already told the group members to talk about the management." Bei Gao turned around, walked into the white mist, waved his hand, and left in a cool way: "I'm already planning to travel around the world. I can't control the matter, I think Quincy will practice with you soon, you should think about how to cut off the moon... If this thing falls, everyone will be buried in the sky and buried in the sea together."

"You just don't care about anything?" Bai Jue's eyelids twitched wildly.

"I can't control it, I can't control it...it's better to be happy and happy." Bei Gao encouraged weakly: "I have nothing to do, so you can do it yourself, the savior hero, the future of mankind is on your shoulders, come on .”

"Crap!" Bai Jue spat: "Damn this dog cake..."

Bei Gao left the cemetery and connected the phone.

"Hey, it's me... Don't worry, it's done." Bei Gao's voice calmed down, without any hint of ridicule: "I've made it clear to him, and he will take the initiative to contact you soon."

"That's good, to be honest, I can't stand it anymore..." Quincy smiled bitterly: "It's too difficult... It's really too difficult. Now I have a headache, not only insomnia but also irritable, and I can only draw cards. Ka to ease the stress."

"I suddenly feel a little empty, and the emptiness of successful revenge makes everything boring." Bei Gao said lightly: "I have other things to do next, and I can't help you... I just heard what he said I think of some past records, maybe I can find something..."

"Found what?"

"The way to decipher the theory of evolution..." Bei Gao laughed himself after he finished speaking: "I'm just talking, it's not necessarily true, I can only say my best, do what I can, and the rest..."

"Fate?" Quincy asked.

"I don't believe in destiny, and I will rely on you to make up for the rest." Bei Gao looked back at the tombstone in the fog of his eyes: "I will bring the big whale together, don't worry about our safety, some things have to be done..."

After speaking, the phone was hung up.

Bei Gao patted his cheek lightly, giving himself some spiritual encouragement: "Man, you have to find something to do. When I come back next time, maybe I can tell you what I have experienced with a smile... When I come back .”

The traveling around the world he said was just a pretense, a pretense to keep Bai Jue from being distracted.

Maybe it's because the first two crises were only on Earth, and the next one is outside the Earth, so there's no room for distraction.

Or maybe, I just don't want others to see my reluctance, and I don't want to be a drag on others.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was almost evening, and the sky was burning with clouds.

The afterglow fell on the conference room, Li Shiming leaned back on the chair, her face was full of exhaustion, she was carrying out the meeting with a cold face before, after the crowd dispersed, she couldn't hold on anymore, full of The face is full of fairy spirit.

"Thanks for your hard work." Li Xiuning put a slightly cold drink on her cheek: "Drink a little to replenish your spirits... I admire your perseverance for the seven-hour meeting to survive until now. back home."

"Well, there is still a celebration banquet..." Li Shiming sat up, took a sip of her drink, walked out the door, stretched, exhaled comfortably, looked at the sunset glow in the sky, and squinted. I closed my eyes, and suddenly felt a sense of relief in my shoulders: "Finally, this problem that has plagued me for most of my life has been solved. Now I feel... very relaxed, very relaxed."

Since she was a child, she has known in her dreams that the end of the not-too-distant future will eventually come, and she has been urging herself every moment. Relying on the ability of the prophet, she has been going all the way up, and she can't allow a moment to stop. Now... ... She even felt that she would directly take the blame and resign tomorrow, and she could find any reason, such as... failing to deal with the sewer leakage problem in Yanjing City.

Although she could think of the astonishment, astonishment and panic expressions of that group of people, she no longer had the mind to think about these issues.

Now my mind is full of thoughts about tonight's celebration banquet.

"Perhaps the house is full of all kinds of dishes now..." Li Shiming said softly, walking on the road, her steps were a little brisk.

"Shi Ming, it's like a different person. In the past, you wouldn't go home at this time." Li Xiuning looked at her happy sister, but her mood was a little subtle: "What changed you?"

"Then what changed my sister?" Li Shiming stopped, and she turned around on the street in the afterglow of the setting sun: "I haven't actually changed, I have always been myself, but now... I can try Let go of some, and look for something else... Isn't my sister the same? You didn't have too much self-will before, but now you know what you want. "

"...I probably...don't know." Li Xiuning looked confused, "I'm not as decisive as you."

"It's not good, sister..." Li Shiming shook his head lightly, his eyes full of seriousness: "You only have one life, don't let yourself regret it, you can say what you want... It's okay if you don't say it, just stay with yourself in our hearts, because we are free now."

"I haven't thought about this." Li Xiuning said softly, "But as a sister, I hope you don't fall in love with someone who is impossible. He is not a resident of this world, and he will leave sooner or later."

"I don't think about what happens after I lose it." Li Shiming turned around, his back stretched long in the afterglow: "It's like I never think about what will happen after the world is destroyed. If I try my best, I won't regret it... ..."

The sisters of the Li family returned home and smelled a very fragrant smell through the door.

Sure enough, Bai Jue had already prepared the meals and was waiting for them to come back.

They pushed open the door, approached the restaurant, saw a dazzling array of dishes, but did not see anyone... The soup in the kitchen was simmering, but the chef was nowhere to be seen.

Li Shiming walked into the kitchen strangely, and looked at the toilet, but there was no one there.

"Has he gone shopping?" Li Shiming asked strangely.

"No..." Li Xiuning took out a message note from under the goblet on the dining table, she glanced at it, and after a moment of silence said, "He's gone."

Li Shiming's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly grabbed the note and took a quick look.

[Dear Sister Su, Li Xiuning, Li Shiming: When you read this message, I should have already left Yanjing. Preparations for the celebration banquet started at noon, but you didn't come back, so I left these until evening... ...I wanted to say goodbye to you in person, but it was urgent, so I had to leave early, please don't worry about my safety, I just went to meet a friend...Bai Jue word]

Li Shiming bit her lip, she just said that she didn't think about seeing each other again, but she didn't expect the parting to come so soon.

"Maybe he just went out to meet a friend, and he might be back soon." Li Xiuning said softly.

"...It's just written language." Li Shiming shook his head and denied: "He is a person who walks the talk, so he won't say what he can't do. This message has everything, but it's missing something. 'I'll be back' line."

Li Xiuning opened her mouth, but she looked at the first line: "Yuhan is still here...he even left Yuhan behind."

Su Yuhan's strength is obvious to all, but Bai Jue has no reason to keep her. If it's just to meet a friend, it doesn't matter if she follows or not, and there is no need to leave without saying goodbye in this way.

A bad premonition rose in the hearts of the two sisters.

At this time, the door on the second floor opened, and Su Yuhan, who was a little sleepy, sniffed the smell in the air: "It smells so delicious... Is the meal ready? Morning, no, it's evening, good evening, Xiuning, Shi Ming... ahaha."

She walked down from the second floor, looking a little dazed.

"You just woke up?" Li Shiming asked.

"Yeah, I slept for a long time, and I'm obviously not very tired." Seeing their dignified expressions, Su Yuhan asked, "What's wrong?"

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