But at the very beginning, he stood outside the window, watching the lights and shadows on the TV, his eyes filled with an indelible sense of loneliness.

From that moment on, she clearly realized that he was so similar to herself... There was a loneliness that she couldn't help but care about.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The sky was bright, with some mist in the morning after a night of heavy rain.

Bai Jue came to the cemetery with a bouquet of flowers in his arms.

Bei Gao had been waiting for him here a long time ago. He was standing in front of a tombstone, wearing black clothes.

Bai Jue silently placed the condolence flowers in front of the tombstone, looked at the name on the tombstone, and sighed in his heart, it really was the sick girl.

"Today is her death day."

Bei Gao looked at the tombstone with a look of loneliness in his eyes: "Time flies so fast, it has been three years in the blink of an eye... I even almost forgot what she looked like, so I come to the cemetery to look at it from time to time, will forget."

"It's time that is cruel, not you." Bai Jue said calmly: "If you don't look at it, you will naturally forget that this is not a betrayal of the past, but a gift from heaven, otherwise no one can move forward to the future, only Bury everything in sorrow, and never get over it."

"I'm not here to talk about philosophy with you." Bei Gao lowered his face that made countless women envious, and said, "I've already let go, and if I don't let go...it won't work anymore, right? The insect swarm is gone, and my revenge is gone." That's it..."

"What happened in the past?" Bai Jue finally asked.

"The earthquake caused the collapse, just an earthquake and a collapse, no bugs, just a weird earthquake, maybe an accident, maybe it was caused by bugs moving underground, but no one can prove it."

Li Qinglian didn't continue to hide it, he said: "Actually, I don't know whether the target of my revenge should be the underground bugs, but I just used this as the motivation for my revenge, and it lasted until the end of the heavy rain yesterday."

"It's not a random disaster. Judging from the result, maybe Li Shiming should give you a medal." Bai Jue didn't mean to make fun of it. Although his anger and venting may be a random disaster to the bugs, it does have an effect .

"What do I want a medal for? Can I sell it for money?" Bei Gao sarcastically said, "It's useless to give it to me. I just need to exchange these things for money, and then travel around the world. I don't want to think about other things for the time being." Think about it, the world is so big, I want to see it.”

"I believe that with your face, you can travel around the world without doing anything, just take pictures with others." Bai Jue's words are sincere compliments, without any derogatory or mocking meaning.

"But you can't buy wine." Bei Gao said lightly: "Restaurants don't accept credit now... You give me a black card, and I can travel abroad now. Don't worry, I will definitely max out your card."

"In my world, I can give you a black card, but not here now." Bai Jue spread his hands: "Sorry, I'm poor, and even wolves can't afford it, so you still tell me about the black card? Paint the meal card black and give it to you, would you like it?"

"Tsk, forget it...Anyway, if you don't send it, someone will." Bei Gao said disapprovingly.

"Who, such a big dog." Bai Jue's eyes widened suddenly: "Can you fix one for me too?"

"You said it yourself, big dog, who else could it be?"

"Could it be..." Bai Jue pondered, "Quincy?"

"Otherwise, do you think it's Lingdao? Is it Le Luo? It's impossible for these two poor people. They can't even afford fgo. It's too sad. Let me tell you that Quincy is still showing off his two ceremonies full of treasures in the group today." It's gone." Bei Gao suddenly had a burst of thoughts, and after finishing the matter, he said with emotion: "It's nice to have money..."

"He still has time and he's okay. Generally speaking, shouldn't he be busy saving the world?" Bai Jue rolled his eyes: "It's been a long time since I touched a mobile game. Heroic Spirit Full Treasure Full Skill Account."

"You can ask Li Shiming to contact the Japanese side, and the other party will offer it with both hands." Bei Gao said casually.

"Do you think I look like the kind of person who eats soft food from women?" Bai Jue smiled disdainfully, and then silently took out his mobile phone: "What is Li Shiming's phone number... I don't seem to have recorded it."

"Shame." Bei Gao shook his head and said, "Quincy only plays games for fun, and he's so anxious that he's about to lose all his hair."

"The bald Quincy is okay." Bai Jue said with a slightly serious expression, "That's why you came to me today... What's the matter?"

"Disasters in the deep sea, black dragon...disasters in the depths of the earth, insect swarms...you have solved both of these, and there is the last disaster." Bei Gao raised his head, looked at the sky and pointed to the sky, as if someone was walking on behalf of the sky The iconic pose of a man who punishes rape and deworms.

"A disaster from the sky."

It's rare for Bai Jue not to complain about whether he is cosplaying with the Director of Heavenly Dao, and all his attention is on the third disaster.

"The disaster in the sky... you want to talk about meteorites?" Bai Jue pondered: "It was the accidents caused by the impact of meteorites on the earth that destroyed the era of dragons, so the meteorite this time is also because of meteorites?"

"What is the day of tears?" Bei Gao naturally didn't know about it.

Bai Jue didn't hide anything, and briefly recounted the conversation between himself and the Queen of the Swarm.

"This is not fundamentally different from the doomsday theory mentioned in religion." Bei Gao was very calm: "But I also understand why there are so many huge disasters... This is the rule of the world, the principle of evolution It makes sense to move hands and feet, but as long as the principle of evolution still exists, the day of tears will definitely come, and the demise of human civilization will be sooner or later..."

"I have my own ideas, and I will survive the third disaster first." Bai Jue touched his chin: "Is the future that Quincy encountered is the fact that meteorites fell on the earth? But there is no such thing observed so far." Realistically... if there is really a meteorite approaching the ball of shame, all kinds of news should have been spread in other countries."

"Based on the current scientific and technological observations, even meteorites located at the edge of the solar system can be predicted in advance... The time to fly here should theoretically take a long time. If it is a meteorite, once the news spreads."

He thought for a while: "Then the current situation can't be so peaceful, it should become like that drawn in a certain cartoon, everyone is crazy to death, and all human beings go crazy together... News on TV, all kinds of funny materials of ghosts and animals are available in one pot Well, in the end, a certain superpower lifted the meteorite away..."

The corner of Bei Gao's mouth twitched a few times: "You have a rich imagination, but you're wrong, it's not a meteorite..."

"I'll just say it." Bai Jue said that his deduction was correct.

"But it can also be said to be a meteorite." Bei Gao said again.

"...What the hell is it?" Bai Jue looked at this pretty face, a little upset: "Don't tell me, believe it or not, I will make your expression into an emoji package and send it to the group? Just talk to the real Bai in a certain cultivation chat group It’s the same as my emoji!”

Bei Gao pointed to the sky: "With your eyesight, you should be able to see."

Bai Jue raised his head, his eyes looked far away, through the thin clouds.

He... saw...

"The moon... is actually the moon!"

Bai Jue's expression suddenly became extremely exciting: "Damn it, why... the moon hit the earth? Who came up with this script, such a coquettish operation! This human being is so cold! Find a master who can blow up the moon with one punch! Hurry up!" Go to Class E of the third year and ask for the yellow octopus spirit! Go and ask for Kame Senjin! Go and ask for Konoha Village Chief Uzumaki Naruto! Go and invite the super villain Gru!"

"Calm down..." Bei Gao patted him on the shoulder: "It's useless to panic, why don't you think about the survivors... You give me all your property, and then I'll buy you an urn, just lie in it. "

"I suddenly feel that the blank cemetery next to Du Mi is quite suitable for you...you think about it?" Bai Jue responded with disdain.

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