"What is lost? Dignity, pride, or the heroic soul in the comfort monument? If you want to take it away, no one will stop him." The beautiful woman said lazily: "The elders said, everyone who comes is a guest, reasonable request We will not refuse, and we will never agree to unreasonable demands... What we owe you will be repaid one day, it's just a matter of time."

"I'm afraid you still don't pay back." Dion said in a cold tone, "My father said that you will never pay back what you owe."

Li Xiuning squinted her eyes: "What Miss Dieng's parents said doesn't seem to be human feelings, dignity, or weapons."

"Miss Ning Xiu's elders are also very clear that what we lack is not the so-called human affection, what we need is..." Dieng's words stopped abruptly, and he shook his head lightly, with a sharp momentum withdrawn: "I'm sorry , Sure enough, we should let them talk about the matter of the fathers in person, now is not the right place, nor the right person."

"Well, it's not a good time to talk about these things." Li Xiuning smiled and said, "The Memorial Monument is coming soon."

Lan'er followed silently at the end.

And Bai Jue, who was walking in the forefront, was full of complexities - do you really think I don't understand?The elder on the left and the father on the right, I almost believed it, they were referring to yourselves!I always feel like I've heard something incredible!

Tired of good intentions... Tired of good intentions pretending to be salted fish.

Why are the heroic spirits smart for a lifetime but confused for a while?

A certain white is full of hope that someone can see through his disguise, not to pretend to be tough, but to go home early for dinner!

Finally, the long ramp came to the top.

Bai Jue let out a long sigh of relief, thinking that he could finally breathe a sigh of relief, but...

A loli approached with dignified steps, her long platinum hair was like fine silk, her noble temperament made people want to worship her, and her quiet smile was also full of powerful appeal, as long as she was there, it was enough to touch people's hearts.

Her voice was like the ding-dong of spring water, and the larks sang. Just listening to it made her feel relaxed and happy. She waved her hand gently: "Dion, where did you go just now? I have successfully recovered... eh? Who are these other people?"

She looked at the visitors curiously, her eyes were lively and interested.

This loli, Bai Jue knows... It's [-]% similar to the figure that the old gentleman took away!It looks like a real person who came out of the second dimension!

So, she is the first French idol Marie who visited the Chinese Empire this time?

Another Heroic Spirit!

Bai Jue was afraid of avoiding it, so he took a step back subconsciously, don't come here!

This step back stunned everyone present...

No matter women or men, their heads are full of doubts, and they don't know what to say.

My friend, I suspect that you have a problem here. Such a cute loli is approaching, and you will be scared back?Is she some kind of scourge?Or is there something wrong with your orientation?

"Huh?" Mary was puzzled, and took another step closer.

Bai Jue took another step back.

"Why hide!" Mary puffed up her cheeks. This was the first time she was rejected by others.

"Because..." Bai Jue quickly gained wisdom: "You are a heroic spirit."

"What's wrong with the heroic spirit?" Mary wondered, aren't Dion and Li Xiuning both heroic spirits?

A certain white face is serious: "Actually... I have a phobia of heroic spirits!"

Hahahahaha, why is the debt getting more and more paid, I must be hallucinating, stop it, you guys!

Chapter 76


Over the years, a new type of incurable disease has appeared on human beings.

Bai Jue opened his eyes and said nonsense: "So, keep your distance as much as possible, respected number one idol of France."


Mary blinked her eyes, not knowing what kind of play this was playing, she turned her suspicious eyes to Dion and Li Xiuning, could these two heroic spirits be fake?

Does this child only know me, but not Dieng and Princess Pingyangzhao?

For a moment, Mary's gaze became subtle. Should she lament that her popularity is too high, or should she lament that the idolization of Heroic Spirits is too successful.

Loli cast a puzzled look at the knight and asked who this young man was.

The knight shook his head lightly, expressing that he didn't know either. This young man seemed to be just a commoner, but he also knew Li Xiuning, so his identity might not be simple.

Dion is not surprised that Bai Jue recognized Mary at a glance. Even if young people are not interested in heroic spirits, they will be more or less exposed to related idol culture. Mary's popularity is too high. After all, she is the number one idol in France. The strange thing is Bai Jue's attitude, what the hell is Herophobia?

Perhaps, only Li Xiuning knows.

The beauty in men's clothing glanced unobtrusively at Princess Pingyang Zhao.

Li Xiuning couldn't help laughing. She is one of the people who know Bai Jue's personal information best here. After leaving Hongyu Tea House, she directly sent a document to the government agency to ask for his personal information. In the past seventeen years of her life All the records of him are vivid in his memory, he is just an ordinary boy.

No matter how suspicious these heroic spirits are, she is not afraid that the other party will see something.

No one would have guessed that he was the unnamed heroic spirit ten years ago, and his age didn't match.

As for the phobia of heroic spirits, it is naturally a random nonsense. He has no interest in heroic spirits and even instinctively avoids harm. Li Xiuning is naturally aware of it. Otherwise, how could he be so ignorant that he doesn't know himself?But this is not a bad thing, if you don't want to contact other heroic spirits, then don't contact them... As long as you don't realize your identity, the opinions of other heroic spirits don't matter at all.

Her Highness the Princess couldn't help raising the corners of her lips, her eyes glanced at the blond knight, and the contempt in her eyes was short of writing four words.

——Golden Retriever.

——What are you thinking, of course Ben Gong knows, the side-talking before also proved that you foreign little bitches are still evil-minded, but give up, eat it up and leave you a mouthful of soup!

Dion didn't know why, and felt restless for a while, and Yingling's sixth sense told her that she was going through a conspiracy.

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