The sense of disobedience made her look a little strange.

The eye contact of the three heroic ladies lasted only a few seconds.

Zhou Sangyu, who was on the other side, saw several people exchanging glances, stepped forward at the right time, and bowed to Li Xiuning: "Under Xiaji, Zhou Sangyu..."

As a famous official in Jixia, he is a dragon and a phoenix among scholars. He has the qualification to see the emperor without kneeling in the Jinluan Hall, but he still needs to have the proper etiquette. More than one chip.

"See the temple..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by His Highness the Princess.

Li Xiuning tilted her head, pretended to be stupid, and tried to pass the test: "What hall? Mr. Zhou, you probably have the wrong person?"

wrong person?

Zhou Sangyu frowned, thinking to himself, no, no, how is it possible... If I admit this wrong, I'm afraid I'll be hung up and beaten by Xun Sheng when I go back.

He tried again: "Dian..."

"This gentleman..." Li Xiuning smiled kindly, and her voice was sweet, but the temperature of the surrounding air dropped sharply: "You misidentified the person."

Jixia's famous official kept silent, he didn't know what went wrong with him, and he offended this strong lady, this was clearly an order!

Soon he noticed Bai Jue who was watching as a soy sauce party on the other side, and suddenly realized.

--I see!

Classmate Zhou, whose EQ and IQ were all over the top, hurriedly put away his demeanor and coughed lightly: "Sorry, sorry, Sang Yu identified the wrong person. I didn't expect there to be such similar people in the world. Take a closer look, although they are similar, they are not the same person, girl , Your Majesty is sorry, I will visit you another day to express my apology.”

"It's okay, I just admitted the wrong person." Li Xiuning nodded lightly: "Just don't admit the mistake next time."

"Definitely, definitely..." Zhou Sangyu's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Bai Jue was in a complicated mood: "..."

Go on, go on, I'll just listen.

He also saw that the situation here is very complicated, and it is not appropriate for him to stay here, so he said decisively: "Miss Ning Xiu, Miss Dieng, it has been a long time, and I should go back. I am not inconvenient if you have something to do." disturb……"

——Sneak away now.

His being so knowledgeable also made the others relax a lot.

"Lan'er." Li Xiuning ordered: "You can send one to Manager Bai, I will stay here to pay homage to the monument before leaving."

The short-haired San Wu girl with a huge sword on her back nodded, turned to Bai Jue, and said with care like gold, "Follow me."

"...Yes." Bai Jue once again recalled the fear of being dominated by the teacher during the elementary school spring outing, and obediently followed the girl one step behind.

Seeing that Bai was about to go far away.

Dieng caught a glimpse of Li Xiuning's upturned lips, and felt more restless and restless in his heart, as if some hard-won opportunity was going away.

She doesn't have a personality that believes in intuition so much, but this time, someone in the dark will say - if you miss it, you will regret it for life.

The beauty in men's clothing had a slightly strange expression, as if she was struggling with something, her expression was filled with a little irritability, then she took a deep breath, called Bai Jue to stop, and said: "Please wait a moment."

Mary's puzzled expression became even more confused.

Li Xiuning's calm gaze, which had the winning chance at his fingertips, added a few strands of vigilance.

"What's the matter?" Bai Jue asked puzzled.

"I didn't handle today's affairs well enough, it seems to have caused you a lot of trouble..."

"I don't mind these small things, let alone it's not your responsibility. After all, you are here to protect Miss Mary's safety this time. I can understand the heavy responsibility." Of course Bai Jue didn't mind, he just wanted to hurry up slip.

"Thank you for your understanding." Dion's exquisite facial features showed a faint smile: "As compensation, there will be a dinner party on the Queen Mary II tomorrow, and I hope I can invite you to attend."

Mary's eyes widened, her small mouth opened slightly, and Dion took the initiative to invite others to the ball. This unsmiling knight will be enlightened one day!

Li Xiuning was even more vigilant, and made an uneasy, unrecognizable staggering sound: "Tch!"

Zhou Sangyu's eyes were subtle, and he took a step back silently, as if he could smell the familiar smell of gunpowder when several seniors in Jixia Academy fought over a classmate surnamed Li.

It's hard to see how good this young man is, to make multiple heroic spirits care about him so much.

Bai Jue's expression was stiff, how should he answer these words?

One time is not enough, are you going to cheat me a second time?I don't want to plunge into the pile of heroic spirits anymore, please let me go, young lady!

"Thank you very much for your invitation." He was very moved and refused: "But, no need... People like me will be lowered if they go to such a high-end banquet."

"Don't worry, it won't." Dieng insisted: "The invitation will be delivered on time, please come."

"I... try my best." Bai Jue's moved hands were trembling.

Lan'er led Bai Jue away, and the two disappeared at the corner of the ramp.

Looking at the young man who left, Li Xiuning breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest lightly: "It was almost exposed, so now..." The gentle smile disappeared, replaced by the majestic expression of a high-ranking person and the expression of a soldier. With the breath of iron and blood, the whole person has transformed from the painting style of the big sister next door to the iron lady.

She said flatly: "Your Highness Mary, Your Excellency Dion, Zhou Mingshi, I am very polite."

"See Your Highness." Zhou Sangyu's belated salute arrived.

"Your Highness, you are very polite." Mary smiled, "I have heard about Princess Pingyang Zhao's reputation for a long time, but seeing her today is extraordinary."

"I made you laugh." Li Xiuning said, "There is no shady relationship between me and Manager Bai, it's just that he doesn't know my real identity, and I came into contact with him as an ordinary woman..."

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