"Then this boy is really slow enough." Mary blinked: "Is Your Highness planning to have an ordinary love?"

Zhou Sangyu frowned: "Your Highness Mary, this question..."

Questions related to the heroic spirit's private life are prohibited. This involves the safety and privacy of the heroic spirit. A careless conversation between the two of them will rise to the level of a national issue, so we must be as cautious as possible in our words.

"No problem, we are just communicating as ordinary women, and have nothing to do with the position of the country or the status of a heroic spirit." His Highness Xiuning interrupted Zhou Sangyu, with a hint of girlish sentiment in his words: "My answer... yes."

Zhou Sangyu pressed her temples, meow, what did I hear!Ah, the brain is shaking!

Dion's expression was weird, her eyesight was complicated and uncertain, she seemed to be suspicious of something.

On the other hand, Mary clapped her hands, full of girlish sentiments, longing and yearning: "Love...is really wonderful."

Compared with the gap between the position of family and country and identity, for a girl of this age, this kind of brave love that transcends the barriers of status and identity is more attractive. It fills her with joy, satisfies her curiosity and wants to support her , to give spiritual support.

"Are you serious about this?" Zhou Sangyu covered his heart. If this news spreads back to the imperial capital, it might cause an earthquake!

"I never make such jokes." Li Xiuning glanced at Dion indiscriminately: "Since I said it, I'm not afraid of being coveted by others."


ps1: I recommend a book, Yakumo Haku's new book "Problem Protoss Comes from Hakoniwa"

This book is also called "Protoss: Hakoba Prequel"

From the establishment of Little Garden, it is full of stories that happened between the unknown protoss, the pure blood of the dragon that carries the world, the gods who created Little Garden, and even the humans guided by the gods.

Protoss: White Night King~Dragon King~Halloween Queen

Timeline: The Beginning of Hakoniwa--Egyptian Gods Arc--Sunset Arc--to be determined

Let me tell you, this book is good-looking, good-looking, good-looking, good-looking, and the first order is [-]. If there is no book, it will be suppressed!


Chapter 77 Overthinking

"You can't be too absolute." Dion raised his eyes lightly: "From my point of view, Mr. Bai and you don't seem to be in a relationship, and you can't take the initiative to interfere with the other party's decision before you confirm your relationship. "

"Let me correct it, it's not yet." Li Xiuning raised the corners of her lips and said to herself.

Dieng frowned: "Then this young man is really worthy of sympathy. As a heroic spirit, shouldn't he exist as a model of moral vanguard? Could it be that the heroic spirits of the Shenzhou Empire can do whatever they want in the country?"

"Sorry, the heroic spirits of our Shenzhou Empire can indeed do whatever they want, because this is our land, and it is our citizens who inherit it, and this level of privilege is justified." Her Royal Highness smiled contemptuously: "As for morality and ethics, I forgive you. ...Whether those things have binding power on our heroic spirits, don't you know from the bottom of your heart, Your Excellency Dion?"

The so-called heroic spirits are already superior to others.

So what if the law and morality are regarded as nothing?So what if he bullies women and dominates men?

In this world, the principle of the weak is always followed. Since ancient times, even if they put on a layer of civilization, the essence will not change, and the heroic spirits are the top of the food chain pyramid. Whether they admit it or not, they are all privileges. the privileged class.

Dion couldn't refute it, but she was definitely unhappy. As a knight, she was seriously at odds with the three views of the high-ranking royal princess.

Li Xiuning pursued the victory and continued: "Besides, this is the border of the Shenzhou Empire. I don't need to report to you what I do. You have the right to observe, but not to interfere."

Overwhelm others with potential, home court advantage.

"Very good." Dion took a deep breath. For some reason, she felt extremely unhappy, not only because of being provoked, but also with a strong anxiety and anger, as if some of her own treasures had been stolen. He said coldly: "I have seen the demeanor and long history of the so-called ancient civilization. I really hope that you can come to France to see what is called basic human rights protection."

"If there is a chance, I will go... Paris is also a good choice for my honeymoon trip." Li Xiuning smiled slightly.

Dion became even more unhappy, and became angry for no reason.

She felt a little strange, this had nothing to do with her, why did she care so much?

She also didn't use any dirty means, instead, she approached Bai Jue and captured him in an ordinary way, which was quite peaceful.

As a privileged class, the heroic spirits are not a violation of human rights at all, but those who are favored are luckier, right?

After awakening the blood of the heroic spirit, the daughter of the Impaler of Romania raised three hundred beautiful boys and placed them in the palace, enjoying their flesh and blood all day long. This is known all over the world. Did anyone say anything?No, except that Kyushu island country has published more than N books.

After much deliberation, she couldn't find the correct answer, so she could only attribute the reason to the 'incompatibility of the three views'.

However, is the other party's statement credible?Li Xiuning had never pretended to anyone, but suddenly she was so eager to a young man, it was too weird.

Dion seemed to grasp the point.

"Then, I wish you happiness, but...at least before you get married, I have the right to invite him to the banquet." Dion countered silently: "And he also has the right to know the true identity of his future wife."

"Do you know the price of angering a peak heroic spirit?" Her Royal Highness said with a smile, "You can't afford it."

"For an ordinary boy, would you go to war with a heroic spirit?" Dion asked back.

"You can try."

"No need." Dion shook his head: "I already got the answer."

Li Xiuning asked vigilantly, "What do you know?"

After all, Dion is a compound senior talent with both EQ and IQ. She boldly speculated: "Princess Pingyang Zhao, you pretended well, but the credibility of the lies you told earlier is almost zero. You have been single for so long, and suddenly you will If you fall in love with a young man, no one will believe this sentence if it spreads all over the world. The only explanation is that there is some secret in this young man that makes you try to protect him in this way...or, in other words, who are you paying back? Favor."

"..." Li Xiuning remained silent, with a subtle expression on her face. The knight really misunderstood something.

Or is it so unbelievable that my wife wants to get out of the singles?

"Please rest assured that if it involves the interior of the Chinese Empire, I will not interfere. It's just that I have a certain interest in this young man personally, and I don't want him to become a victim of political struggle."

Dieng's remarks made Zhou Sangyu, who was flying in the sky, come back to his senses.

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