He hastily tidied up his appearance, wiped his face, wiped off his cold sweat, and the secret path was so dangerous that he almost went to heaven in shock, right, this is the correct explanation, Princess Pingyang Zhao wanted to get out of the order or something Impossible, does not exist!This boy's origin is probably unusual, and he doesn't seem to be of the blood of a heroic spirit. His Highness should have made such a high-profile statement in order to protect him comprehensively.

Thinking about it this way, I immediately feel refreshed.

Mary tilted her head, but her intuition was different from these two experienced and wise Heroic Spirits and Jixia Mingshi. She felt that Li Xiuning was not lying, she was indeed tempted, and the possessiveness in her words was not false.

This kind of misunderstanding mixed with anti-misunderstanding dialogue is really brain-burning.

"Let's stop here." Mary interrupted the conversation and changed the subject: "I'll make it clear at the dinner party tomorrow, and now I have something to explain."

Li Xiuning changed her stance: "Has the holy sword been contained?"

"Yes." Zhou Sangyu cupped his hands and said, "The containment was successful. Everything went according to the calculations, and no accidents happened. As long as the armillary seismograph is implemented, the Shenhai dragon veins will be re-suppressed into the earth veins. Before that, the dragon veins will Temporarily banned, the eight-door golden lock formation blocks the space, the Big Dipper's sky is covered, and the eyes of the formation cannot be moved within three days, and Shen Haizhong's vision cannot be detected by the Tiantingdi Observatory..."

"In short." Li Xiuning waved her hand: "They can't understand."

"Well, to put it simply, Shen Haicheng is currently in a huge formation enchantment. The outside world cannot observe the interior, and the inside cannot leave. Ordinary people are not affected, but heroic spirits, innate warriors, and bachelors cannot be free. In and out, you must stay temporarily."

"Three days? Today, tomorrow, and the day after." Li Xiuning nodded and said, "It's not too long, it's acceptable. Then, where is the holy sword?"

The importance of the holy relic cannot be overstated and it must be kept in the safest possible place.

"The me now is the scabbard." Mary unbuttoned a button on her collar, and there was a sword-shaped imprint on her fair skin: "Joyeuse is in my body, and I can't go out with ordinary methods." It, I am not qualified to pull out the holy sword."

"In this way, you use yourself as the scabbard to carry the holy sword, so you have no time to mobilize excess power." Li Xiuning saw Mary's problem at a glance: "You are now weak or even worse than ordinary people, not only can't use the holy sword The power of the hero will be suppressed instead, do you know what this means?"

A heroic spirit that has lost its strength has no ability to protect itself. Even a stronger mortal is enough to take her away, and regardless of how valuable she is as a heroic spirit, the holy sword in her body is enough to make countless forces covet her. up.

At this time, Mary is simply a piece of sweet pastry that few people in the world can resist.

"Please rest assured, this was decided from the very beginning. As long as the holy sword can be brought back to France, what is the power seal in just a few days?" Mary smiled disapprovingly, and she was already mentally prepared: "I It is the royal family of France, everyone's idol, for France, for the early awakening of Charlemagne, this level is not even a sacrifice."

This determination...maybe it is the reason why France can deter Germany and Italy.

Li Xiuning's eyes were sharp: "Zhou Sangyu, this matter must not be spread to the outside world. If a little bit of information leaks out...you should be very clear about the outcome."

Zhou Sangyu said solemnly: "Yes, I will keep it strictly confidential."

The world pattern is ever-changing. The great war ten years ago exhausted the national power of the great powers. Although the Chinese Empire rose rapidly, why not other countries?

The whole world has been diversified for a long time, and there are as many as [-] organizations that are secretly doing things. Excluding the unpopular ones, there are three new forces that have risen rapidly in the past ten years: North American Dark Dynasty, South African Beastmaster Domain, and Nordic Hall of Valor. .

They are all eager to expand, and there are no rules at all.

The war ten years ago caused half of the North American continent to fall, and most of the heroic spirits also fell, leaving only three cavalry. It is estimated that it will take twenty or thirty years to recover after the tragic victory... However, they rejected the aid from other countries, and played with a tough attitude. In order to close the country and cut off all contact with the outside world, the speed of development occasionally revealed is jaw-dropping. In fact, it took only seven years for North America to return to its heyday, and now three years have passed and it has completely overtaken it.

Half of the North American continent is shrouded in darkness, mysterious and unpredictable. The total number of heroic spirits and the level of development can only be glimpsed... Although the country is closed to the outside world, it always grasps the world's intelligence. In the dark, like a spider weaving a web, it is called the Dark Dynasty.

The domain of the South African Beastmaster also originated from the great war ten years ago. Almost all of the South African continent fell, fell to the outside of the world, and merged with unknown alien domains. Finally, when the rift was closed, the South African continent had been completely reduced to monsters, mythical beasts, The paradise of monsters and alien beasts has almost become a restricted area for civilization, but there are also a certain number of residents of other worlds here. They fear the beasts, hunt them, drive them away, and establish a primitive but powerful hunting civilization.

Now the one who dominates the South African continent is the contemporary Beastmaster. He controls several divine beasts with extraordinary combat power. Recently, he is also very interested in the outside world and has a tendency to cause trouble.

The last Nordic Hall of Valor is very special, this will be discussed later.

Apart from these three rapidly rising behemoths, there are many more turbulent existences in the international situation.

The most famous of them is nothing more than the number one troublemaker, the emperor of Interpol, and the most hated opponent of countless national border agencies - the Assassin Order. This group of people always haunts the edge of the shadows. To be able to fool even electronic equipment is one of the most disgusting skills.

In addition, the Assassin Church in the new era has established a killing net covering the whole world, giving assassins a platform. Countless killers from all over the world, even if they belong to different organizations, will habitually obtain information from the killing net and sell intelligence. Accept missions—and the number of real elites belonging to the sect is so small that you can't even tell who are members of the organization and who were tricked into dying!

It is conceivable that once the news of Mary holding the holy sword leaks out, a new row of hunting orders will be refreshed immediately on the Killing Net, and it is more likely to be attacked by multiple forces, even if there are two heroic spirits in the territory of the Shenzhou Empire Even if she is well protected, absolute safety cannot be guaranteed.

Because, Holy Sword + Heroic Spirit is too tempting.

Chapter 78 The Eve

When Bai Jue returned to the coffee shop with a lot of notebooks, it was already late.

He dragged his tired body into the store, and almost fell into the arms of the fire prevention lady for comfort... If there was no Altair watching the garbage with his eyes.

When Ms. Jun Ji noticed the filthy books in the package Bai Jue brought back, her eyes became deeper, from looking at garbage to looking at cockroaches: "Hey... "

"I'm not Lolicon, don't stare at me. I bought this for my friend. He urgently needs these items as a spiritual sustenance, and I will send them to him tomorrow." Bai Jue rubbed his eyebrows: "But if my plan goes well , he should be having a candlelight dinner with the ship's sister at this time, I'm afraid he will have a bed sheet if he takes advantage of the trend, and the incurable disease of lolicon will be cured soon."

He couldn't help but let out a series of barbell-like joyous laughter.

Big whale, big whale, don’t blame me for selling my teammates, I’m doing this for your own good.

The Fireproof Girl doesn't mind Bai Jue's preference, even if she is a lolicon, it's fine, she is a generous and good girl, as long as she doesn't take away her position, Bai Jue will not be able to control Cthuluniyazi King of Yellow Clothes question.

Taking advantage of Altair and Bai Jue's exchanging emojis, she took a black box: "Before Bai came back, we received a courier here, and a group of people in black uniforms came to deliver it. It seems to be very valuable. items."

Bai Jue's face twitched, and he secretly thought that he couldn't.

He carefully opened the package, and there were two things that caught his eye. They were a high-end custom-made suit that was neatly folded to every corner, and a beautiful platinum-gold card.

A certain white narrowed his eyes, the card was written in French he didn't know, and there were a few Chinese notes below it.

—Queen Mary II.

This is exactly the invitation letter that will be required when boarding the ship tomorrow. It is made of rare metal itself, and its surrounding decoration is expensive gemstones.

The value of the card itself has surpassed all of Bai Jue's assets, even if he sold his coffee shop.

Bai Jue closed the box indifferently, and uttered a word: "Gah!"

It's only been three hours, how could it be so fast... How did you find out my address? I obviously didn't tell you!

Can Heroic Spirit check people's account at will?Can you do whatever you want?

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