"Why are the big men talking so much! Questions and answers are useless!" Altair stretched out his hands trembling, and slowly placed them on Bai Jue's thighs. The cold touch made him tremble inexplicably.

"Why are you shaking!" Jun Ji blushed up to her ears.

"Damn it, you lie down and replace me, see if you are shaking or not!" Bai Jue's legs were also shaking in various ways, because her hands hadn't given up the idea of ​​going up: "Mop, you you you you you you normal , I am afraid! Really... You are only one step away from being a moron now, it is not too late to rein in the precipice! The people of the whole country will forgive you! Give you a chance to reform!"

Bai Jue began to struggle, but he couldn't break free without the holy soul.

"Don't make trouble, be good." The fire prevention girl said, "It won't hurt, it will be over in a moment."

"You treat me as a child, this is coaxing an injection!" Bai Jue's neck was stiff: "You let go—!"

"If you miss this time, you really have no chance!" Altair stared, she took a few deep breaths, pinched Decade's cheeks with both hands, and began to pull Kamen Rider's face down.

Her face was flushed, but her intentions were firm. She had waited two million words for such a chance to sleep. How could she let it go? Don't care if the timing is right, don't care if you are a lady, don't care if Bai Jue agrees or not!Take off your pants and you're done!

Yes, as long as I use a little force, I can become the heroine of the new era!

Altair felt that he couldn't let go!

The shaking of the hands stopped, and the eyes became determined!Just one last push!

... Although there are still many important steps between taking off the pants and going to bed, let's give her some friendship and encouragement because of her innocence.

So the audience who came to watch the play came.

The gate of Myriad Realms lit up with blue runes, and the light lit up. A girl pushed open the door, and the bell rang, and the blond loli approached the door panting, shouting: "Master! Is the Master there?" !Master, Abby is back, Abby misses you so much, Abby wants to eat the muffins you baked by yourself, Abby worked hard to help, Abby..."

Abigail turned her head to the side, watching the scene on the sofa on the right.

The handsome, gentle, kind and powerful perfect Master in her mind is lying on the sofa, staring down with a serious face, while her respected sister Altair is pulling the "Kamen Rider Mask" under Bai Jue's crotch with a serious face , the fire prevention girl on the right also looked at the 'Kamen Rider's mask' expectantly, as if she wanted to see the face of this Kamen Rider!Down!What the hell is hiding.

This scene can be called weird.

"What are you doing?" Three question marks rose above Abigail's head.

"Abby, don't run so fast, even if you can come back..."

The next person who walked into the door was Matthew. She was wearing ordinary house clothes. When she saw Abigail looking to the right with a puzzled face, she also followed the sound, and immediately the scene fell into her eyes.

In her mind, the gentle, handsome and kind-hearted perfect senior is lying on the sofa, panting like a peach blossom, with sweat dripping from his forehead, staring down with unwillingness but irresistible, she has always had a pretty good impression of Miss Altair Staring at the senior's 'Kamen Rider's mask' with a rather seductive expression, dragging it with both hands, as if he had mastered something, the fire prevention lady on the other side also clasped senior's hands back expectantly, that is... The eyes of a mature woman!

Se Eggplant's body was stiff, his expression was stunned, and he petrified on the spot.

"What are you doing to senior!" Matthew quickly raised his hand.

Thought it was over here?

not at all!

The Gate of Myriad Realms lit up again. At this time, a silver-haired loli nun passed by with snacks in her hand. She was carrying Judas on her back, walking like a grandpa even if her relatives did not recognize her, with a smile without numbers on her face.

"Captain! Teresa is here to play with you! Awesome skipping work..."

Teresa walked to the door and was a little unhappy when she saw the two guests who had arrived first. She rushed over immediately, seeing that the two of them were looking at the other side, and they immediately tilted their heads. Looking over, she immediately saw a scene that shocked her not young heart.

In her mind, the African captain who likes to touch the Valkyrie is lying on the sofa, staring at the girl below with a face full of enjoyment. She has always thought that Altair was the reincarnation of the Sneaky Cat. He was squatting in front of him, pulling the 'Kamen Rider's mask' under the captain's crotch with both hands, how skillful and skillful that movement looked!The fireproof woman on the other side didn't clasp his hands too hard, it was almost like a performance, it seemed to be resistance, but it was actually enjoyment!

Teresa was struck by lightning, and her heart turned into a stormy sea.

"What kind of special play are you playing!" Teresa even lifted Judas out.

Three different spectators saw three different Hamlets. Whether the actual situation is what they saw in their eyes, no one knows, but the mask of the Kamen Rider is indeed about to fall off, and Decade's face is gone. It was stretched to the extent of a horse's face, and thanks to the good quality of the underwear, otherwise it would have been torn.

But no matter how good the quality is, it is about to be torn off.

In the end, Altair was unable to resist the sense of shame in her heart. Because of the audience watching again, her inner scale exceeded the limit of tolerance, and she subconsciously squeezed her hands hard and closed her eyes.

With a stabbing sound, the Kamen Rider tore apart and galloped out. At this moment, a gust of wind whizzed by, and Altair's long silver hair swayed, reflecting the silver light, forming a very delicate pattern by coincidence. At the same time that the coding technology blocked everyone's sight, the mask of the Kamen Rider flew outside the door with the wind...decade fluttered with the wind.

The fire prevention girl also subconsciously let go of her hands.

Bai Jue broke free immediately, put on his pants as quickly as possible, and rushed directly to the second floor like a storm, and returned to his room. The door slammed shut and locked at the same time.

Judging by the results, his underwear was gone, but no one saw it except the Fireproof Girl.

But he shut himself up on the spot.

After Bai Jue closed himself off, the atmosphere in the entire coffee shop hall suddenly became very strange.

Everyone came to look for Bai Jue happily, but when they encountered such an incident, they opened the door and saw such an exciting scene. A layer of green floated above everyone's heads, and their good mood suddenly turned into a green arrow. Green mood.

"I'm just changing the pants for the store manager." Altair stood up with an expression that nothing happened.

"Do you think I will believe this kind of words!" Teresa crossed her arms and said, "You must want to do something! Tell me, are you playing a game with the captain that only adults can play!"

"Pants off game?" Abigail tilted her head: "What kind of game is this?"

"Don't believe it, Abby, I think they are forcing seniors, they just want..." Matthew blushed, she shook her head and said, "Isn't this a bit too much? Catch people and take off their pants on the spot or something. "

"When did you have the illusion that I was just taking off my pants?" Altair said disapprovingly.

"You admit it?"

"There's nothing to admit." She tossed her hair lightly: "I want to fuck him, is there a problem?"


"Hold on!" Altair walked in front of several people, his expression unchanged, and his tone seemed to remind him: "We can't really divide the store manager, so we can only have a little more. It belongs to me. I Won't let go."

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