"No, I mean come on."

"...I managed to mislead the topic, please don't answer me so honestly." Bai Jue cupped his hands: "Farewell! Remember to give the bookmark to Li Xiuning, she was sleeping just now, and I didn't wake her up."


It took nearly a week to travel all over the world, and visited all the friends of sand sculpture group and heroic spirits.

Bai Jue returned to the coffee shop in the early morning of the second day.

Altair realized that what she had done might really be a little too much, she said to Bai Jue seriously: "I know I was wrong, but I will never apologize! Because I don't regret it! I even want to continue!"

The uprightness of the mop moved Bai Jue, so Bai Jue locked her in his room door and thought about it, do you hear that this is still human?It must be because she watched too many live broadcasts.

The Fireproof Girl apologized naturally, and said that she would not do this again in the future, but Bai Jue always believed that there was a mystery hidden in this sentence, and that she would not do this again does not mean that she would not do more excessive things in the future.

So he couldn't stay in the coffee shop at all, and felt inexplicably uneasy. After losing his strength, his majestic savior was actually pushed down on the chair by the waiter in the shop and took off his pants, what a shame!So he put on a business-like attitude without even warming up his chair, hurriedly opened the door of the myriad worlds, and headed for the last destination.

The last destination, or rather, the last person to come back.

Naturally, it was the Secretary of Wanxiang, Bai Di.

Bai Di probably doesn't know anything about the current situation. Will he feel relieved when he knows it, or will he have other thoughts.

But it will be clear if we go to see each other... He is not in any of the matters now, and he cannot be found in the matters of seal script compilation and editing, and he exists on the other side of cause and effect.

And the other side of karma is already a place I have been to once, and I can naturally find contact with the places I have been to. The snake also pulled Bai Di out of the other side of karma, proving that it is possible to pull out the consciousness in the other side of karma. It can be done, but in a special way.

First of all, only those who have been to the other side of cause and effect can know how to open the path to the other side of cause and effect, but once they enter the other side of cause and effect, they cannot leave. Rescuing people from the other shore... This is a dead loop, but Bai Jue is out of this cycle, he is outside the other shore, so he can do it... but there are also risks, just like rescue The person in the water will be dragged into the water by the drowning person, and if he is not careful, he himself will be pulled into the other shore again.

Although he doesn't know where his confidence comes from, Bai Jue thinks he can do it.


The flow of time in Karma Beyond is distorted and abnormal, and the elapsed time cannot be calculated at all, so that Baidi is so bored that he starts to look through his memory, and even directly takes out the game in his memory and plays it again.

"Wanxiang, do you think I have failed..." Bai Di asked while lying on Wanxiang's lap.

"Secretary, this is the one thousand six hundred and seventy-second time you have asked this question." The black-haired scholar replied calmly: "No matter how long it has been, my answer is the same...it's not your fault .”

"I just feel like I've failed." Bai Di covered her face with her hands: "I tried to save people, but I couldn't... I thought I was out of control, but in fact I was in the hands of others. I felt like I remembered something. I forgot something... I used to think that I could do whatever I want with the ability to read files, but in fact such a huge reincarnation has even surpassed my ability."

"You can leave here sooner or later...someone will come." Vientiane said, "After leaving, it will be its nightmare."

"Who is that snake?" Bai Di said to himself suspiciously: "I have never figured out who he is, and why he hates Bai Jue so much...even painstakingly creating a huge samsara to trap him , although the clerk is immortal, but Bai Jue has a way to kill... as long as the coffee shop is destroyed, no, even as long as he is on the night before he becomes the savior."

"There was a night when he had a chance. If he reincarnated once at this time, as long as he reincarnated for the second time, he would be able to find the flaw of Bai Jue and then revise the script. But after so many reincarnations, his script It has always remained the same, no matter how wonderful the scene has been repeated six or seven times, can’t you still not get tired of watching it? How deep is the hatred, or what else does it mean?”

Bai Di really couldn't figure it out, and what he couldn't figure out, Wanxiang couldn't figure it out either.

The two were silent for a while, and Bai Di smiled wryly: "Forget it, if I have the opportunity to go out, these things will be cleared up sooner or later. I probably have an idea, but I should go out if I want to verify it... After so long in confinement, I'm almost autistic, although I'm not that lonely, but it's really a kind of torture, hey, I have a headache... I'm almost hallucinating..."

He moved his palm away and looked up at the sky, and a hand grew out of the overlapping space of cause and effect.

Bai Di smiled wryly: "Damn it, are you really hallucinating?"

"Secretary...that's not a hallucination." Wanxiang said firmly: "That's..."

Bai Di took a closer look, and saw a bookmark that was as light as a feather in that hand. The familiar force resonated, and Wanxiang clutched her heart. She said with certainty: "That is the bookmark, the seventh bookmark. bookmark!"

"The seventh singularity was repaired? But I didn't find it at all... Good boy, it's Bai Jue. Damn, he's not dead!" This silver-white book emerged, and the resonance of the two forces became stronger. He resisted the joyful thought of laughing, put everything in his palm, and jumped up.

The moment Baidi jumped up, countless hands were stretched out from the earth on the other side of karma. The powerful force of karma bound his body and pulled his arms, shoulders, thighs, knees, ankles, and his whole body was pulled by the huge force. However, Bai Di still flew upwards, even though the speed slowed down, he still stretched out his palm as hard as he could, throwing everything behind him.

There was a crisp sound, and the two hands clasped tightly.

The past cannot be conveyed by voice, but there is no need for dialogue, and both sides understand each other's wishes.

"Waiting for you for a long time!"

"I'm here to pick you up!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Bai Jue took a deep breath and exhausted all his strength.

"Come up to me!"

He lifted his right hand upwards... It seemed that his entire arm was about to be torn off, but this hand had no scars at all, and even the muscles and bones did not have the slightest sign of being pulled or injured, because the arm was motionless, as if it was fixed in the rock .

This is normal, because it is impossible to pull Baidi out of the other side of karma by relying on strength. If he really has such strength, then this fierce man has already smashed the entire universe with one punch, and he has truly proved the truth with strength... But in reality Even if a certain bald head comes up, it is absolutely impossible to pull Baidi, and this karmic confinement cannot be broken away only by strength.

The propulsion engine with tens of thousands of seats will not work either.

A ray of resentment can turn Feiyu into a rock. A curse is a heavy thing. The power of thoughts and obsessions is already so terrifying, let alone the end of cause and effect?Even if there is a certain vajra warrior who can lift the grievances of [-] million evil spirits and escape from hell, the power of cause and effect is something that cannot be compared with the grievances of [-] million evil spirits.

Only an extremely strong will and a tough enough soul can break free from karma.

This is a test for both Bai Jue and Bai Di.

If Bai Jue couldn't hold on anymore and chose to let go, Bai Di could only fall down.

If Baidi couldn't bear the pull from the power of cause and effect, he could only choose to let go.

This is a long tug-of-war, and it is really difficult to win back Secretary Vientiane from the other side of karma, but no one except Bai Jue can do it, and even the wheel cannot immediately find the way to the other side of karma , I don't know how long it will take to open a path, so he can't let go, and he will never let go.

But he couldn't pull it, he didn't move at all, and even sank a little below.

Bai Jue clenched his teeth, but still did not give up his efforts.

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