Bai Di on the other side of Karma frowned, if Bai Jue continued to persevere, he himself would be pulled back here.

"Unfortunately, it seems that he is not strong enough to pull the clerk out of the other side of cause and effect, perhaps because of insufficient strength, which is beyond the scope of his responsibility." Wanxiang's voice also sighed: "He worked very hard, but if this continues... "

Bai Di was silent for a while, he raised his head and looked at the two tightly clenched hands, the palms showed signs of loosening, his slightly frowned brows let go again, and he said, "Then I'll let you go..."

He is a good man, a good man, and he will not let Bai Jue take extra risks for nothing. Even if he continues to stay on the other side of karma, it is better than letting him fall into this abyss together.

He knows that Bai Jue is not dead, is still alive, and even repaired the seventh singularity, and came to rescue him, which has already made Bai Di feel pleasantly surprised and even ecstatic. Self-pity and self-pity, you can even sing and dance here to live a comfortable little life, just like a long life of squatting at home.

So, let it go.

Keeping his optimistic thoughts, Bai Di's five fingers began to loosen, and the palm of his hand slid down after the release. The power of cause and effect pulled him into the deep pool below, not allowing him to escape, nor allowing him to escape.

But the moment Bai Di put down his hand and fell towards the bottom, Bai Jue seemed to go crazy, and firmly held his wrist again, and more than half of the hand that had only sunk into a small part of the arm had already disappeared.

This means that the danger is even greater.

Bai Di's eyes widened: "This he so stubborn? Doesn't know how to give up?"

Wanxiang said in a low voice: "He can't hear what we're saying...he just wants to rescue you out, he doesn't think about anything else at all, and he doesn't care if he will fall here, he also knows, maybe there will be no chance to try again. "

"... Vientiane, I have been helping others for so long. I think I don't owe anything, and I don't lack anything. Rewriting the tragedy has always been my inner thoughts, so I will be more nosy, Being ridiculed is a good old man, and good people always die quickly, so I died many times, many times..."

Bai Di raised his head, and once again held Bai Jue's wrist with his relaxed hand.

The beating of the pulse is also so clear.

Secretary Vientiane clenched his hands tightly, and he continued: "I have never regretted my choice, and I have changed through so many deaths. I am no longer pursuing the principle of sacrifice for one person, and I also know how to sacrifice to others. Others ask for help...but so far, few people...see me as a person who needs to be saved...I have been rewriting the fate of others, and cared little about my own fate..."

"Of course, there are people who care about me. Master, Jiuyu, Yan, Zi, Yonglin, Teacher, Nero... They care about me very much. As long as I open my mouth, they will definitely be by my side. They don't even need me to open my mouth. Right next to me...but it's a different feeling than it is now."

He stared at the sky, took a deep breath and even admired it.

"He is trying to save me, even if it has nothing to do with my own wishes... Even if I give up once or twice more, he will continue to try, even if he falls down. This may seem very similar to me. Similar, but more greedy than me, if it is not the ending he wants to see, he will not accept it..."

Bai Di said: "It's really an arrogant idea. Even I occasionally bow my head in front of the cruel reality."

"That's just when you face yourself. The clerk will never accept a cruel trial when facing the fate of others." Wanxiang concluded: "You are very similar, the so-called difference is only the difference in your eyes, I don't understand What is the difference between the clerk and him, but... when he chose to save you desperately, your hearts are no longer trapped in this cage."

The body is still here, but the heart and soul have been liberated.

Trapped in a cage, unable to escape, and ignorant of what is happening outside, all I can do is watch my body and mind decay here together.

No matter how permanent the scribe is, intelligent beings also fear solitude, and solitude leads to suspicion.

But when he saw and knew that there was such a clumsy person trying everything to save him, this suspicion would disappear without a trace, and his heart would be released, so relaxed and carefree.

"So I can't let go." Bai Di also ignited the power of the soul, and the white flame began to burn along Karma's arm. The secretary's will was fearless, and he looked up at the outside family: "No matter what I want to get out of here... not only for myself, but also to be worthy of his persistence, to let Bai Jue know...he really saved me."

At this moment, the savior on the outside and the clerk on the inside reached a consensus in their hearts

Through the clasped hands, the two soul forces resonate with each other.

Bai Jue seemed to be holding a burning flame, the silence was deep and hot.

Bai Di seemed to be holding a piece of boundless light, bright, vast and gentle.

Rays of light and flames resonate with the wavelength of the soul, and the brilliance of Pei Mo Nengyu's will illuminates the entire world on the other side of cause and effect. When this light shines on, Bai Jue's pulling power is finally a little stronger, and Bai Di is dragged out of the world.

The huge power was about to tear Baidi's soul apart, but he gritted his teeth and said nothing, Baiyan burned wildly...Suddenly, a strange fluctuation came, and I don't know what strange phenomenon, blocking the cause and effect of Baidi's entire body The restraint was dispelled for a moment like a ghost meeting the sun.

The other side of cause and effect shook violently for a moment, and in such a vague moment, the shackles of cause and effect were relaxed, and cause and effect ushered in a shock.

Bai Jue seized the fleeting opportunity. At the moment when cause and effect were disturbed and shaken, he used his strength again, like pulling a carrot from the silent and dark abyss, and pulled Secretary Vientiane from the other side of cause and effect. ……even!root!pull!rise!

Bai Di dragged Bai Jue's arm, scraped a circular arc in the air, and slammed it hard on the blank ground, and Bai Jue also lay face up on the ground.

The hands of the two are still firmly held, and the picture is a bit basic.

But they didn't let go, not because they didn't want to, but because they didn't have the strength.

"I'm so exhausted, you're almost as heavy as several earths." Bai Jue lay on the ground and didn't want to move.

"It's not me that's heavy, it's the shackles of cause and effect, holding me tightly, as if I owe him money." Bai Di also let out a long breath: "But thank you, without you, I don't know how to do it." How long will I stay below, I don't want to stay any longer, I'm going crazy... You can finally be on your own, classmate savior, I was saved by you, the gold medal achievement is good."

"I'm not here to save you, I just..." Bai Jue paused: "I need your help."

"Let's talk... As long as I don't want to go back to my hometown to get married, I will agree to anything:" Bai Di laughed and took a breath: "Ah, the outside world is really nice, I don't want to go back to that ghostly place again."

"Snake..." Bai Jue looked at the sky: "The seventh singularity has been repaired, reincarnation collapsed, the snake is on the seat of reincarnation, I am going to the seat of reincarnation, but now I don't have the power of the holy soul, so I need help."

"The seventh singularity?" Bai Di raised his legs and said, "I seem to have missed a lot of fun. I'll make up for it later. Are you really planning to go to the Seat of Reincarnation to have a face-to-face talk with the snake? Actually, I can find it now. A group of people beat it to death, very cruel."

"Of course I have to solve my own affairs with my own hands." Bai Jue clasped his left hand tightly: "He is mine...and only I can execute him."

"Aren't you going to save him? Maybe he's a bitter and hateful child." Bai Di asked jokingly.

"What are you kidding..." Bai Jue said coldly: "No matter what the reason is, I will not save him. The only person I will save is the person I am willing to save, not him. He is not a friend, a passer-by, or even an enemy. ... but an enemy."

"If you can realize this, you have already grown up." Bai Di was full of emotion: "Don't you feel that you are just an empty package?"

"I'm relieved, and I know what I want to do..." Bai Jue sat up, closed his eyes, and felt a gust of wind blowing across his cheeks: "At any time, you can only live proudly if you don't let yourself feel regretful." Go down...that's what 'save' means to me."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At about ten o'clock in the morning, the sun shone in the Clover Cafe.

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