Bai Jue picked up a cup of coffee, looked at the white mist floating on the coffee, with a silent expression, quietly waiting for the time to pass, like an old man basking in the sun, quietly enjoying the peaceful time.

Fireproof woman and Altair sat on the other side, also kept silent, watching the pendulum quietly.

Bai Di, secretary of Vientiane, was holding a cup of tea, with an inexplicably elegant expression, and said with a smile, "I really like tea better, coffee and the like are too strong."

"Of course young people like to drink coffee. Only old people can taste tea. Who knows if you are pretending?" Bai Jue rolled his eyes: "You can drink whatever you like, if it is not bad for your body early in the morning. No, I'd rather have a glass of Bing Kuo Luo."

"Drinking too much happy water in the fat house is not good for your health, but your body is already at the peak of human beings." Bai Di squinted: "If you are afraid that it will be bad for your kidneys, I can prescribe some medicine for you."

"No, I'm a virgin." Bai Jue cupped his hands.

"What a coincidence, so am I." Bai Di also said with a smile.

The two sighed at the same time.

"Suddenly I feel that this is not a topic worth boasting about...Let's forget it and stop hurting each other."

"Virgins are also pretty good. There is nothing to worry about. Many works have shown that only virgins can save the world. It is tantamount to a death flag to do it before dying." Bai Jue said seriously.

"That's why you wear the Kamen Rider under your crotch?" Bai Di picked up the teacup and showed a playful smile.

"Damn it, how did you know that!" Bai Jue wondered if you were still living in the other side of karma at that time.

"I'm a clerk. If you take a casual look at historical records, I can only say that you're still stunned." Bai Di recalled back then: "Back in the day, I shared baths with other girls, and there was a screen between me. The very real man directly opened the screen, you, Congxin, why not obey the desire of the lower body sometimes? It’s actually nothing special.”

"No matter how much you say, you can't change the fact that you are a virgin." Bai Jue put down the quilt, and he had already finished his cup of coffee. He glanced at Bai Di's quilt, and the tea was also empty.

"Refill?" Bai Jue asked.

"No." Bai Di looked at the time: "One hundred more cups, I still have to go, even if I am a virgin, I have to face the cruel future, let's go, Comrade Bai, it's time to go."

"To each other, Comrade Bai." Bai Jue stood up: "If you have any regrets, speak up earlier."

"There are no regrets." Bai Di said flatly, "But after this battle, I will go back to my hometown to get married."

"...Are you serious?" Bai Jue didn't think that the death flag would take effect at that time, even if it took effect, it would not have any effect on Bai Di. Of course, a man who dies once and can be resurrected infinitely has nothing to fear. He just thinks that Bai Di It's impossible for this coward to really go back to his hometown to get married. He ran all the way to the fifth universe in order to avoid being chased by all kinds of girls. Now he actually has the courage to go back?

"This time I'm serious." Bai Di opened the silver book: "I recalled the past in the Karma Beyond, seriously reflected on what I did, and suddenly realized that I should really be responsible. Anyway, this is the last time. Stand up, after dealing with the seat of reincarnation, I should go back... Even if I go back to lead the death, I must make clear what I want to say."

"Stop, stop..." Bai Jue raised his hand: "If you continue to talk, you will really be an old general on the stage. The audience is happy to see you roll over on the spot. Don't you have any points in your heart... You shouldn't say these things right now Things are going to ruin the atmosphere.”

"Don't worry, let's talk about the last thing." Bai Di asked, "Do you want to be the best man?"

"...Okay." Bai Jue stood in front of the Gate of Myriad Worlds and nodded, "As long as I'm not cold."

"That's good." Bai Di also stood outside the door.

Fireproof Girl and Altair watched the backs of the two disappear into the door. They were temporarily unable to get through, waiting for Bai Jue's support signal. This time they did not need to continue to be spectators.


Time turns, go to the seat of reincarnation.

The Seat of Reincarnation is located at the top of the concept of the fifth heavenly universe.

It is formed based on the reincarnation phenomenon of the huge and macroscopic fifth heaven universe, which can be understood as being out of the dimension of time and space, and the universe of beasts created by a certain earth antivirus software Getia? Time Temple are almost similar structures.

But the existence of the Seat of Reincarnation is actually much more fragile. Because of the collapse of reincarnation and the restoration of the time axis, it is already on the verge of crumbling. kill.

It has been on the Seat of Reincarnation before, and all the troubles are clones and projections, which is equivalent to killing players in the game. No matter how many times the npc kills the player, the player can be resurrected infinitely. If you want to kill Player characters that cannot be killed can only come to reality along the network cable, take out a hammer and kill the player, but the premise is that they can break through the dimensional wall.

The Dimensional Wall is so easy to break... So the snake is almost invincible before the seventh singularity is repaired. No matter how Bai Di chases and kills him, he always chases false characters. No matter how many times he kills Also meaningless.

That's why it's only now that the entrance to the Seat of Reincarnation can be opened, and it's the first time I see the snake's body before I can face it head-on.

The space-time leap this time took a long time, because the location is too special, as if it is difficult for a mortal to ascend to the sky.

The clerk and the savior stand at the entrance of the Seat of Reincarnation.

They looked up and saw that the Seat of Reincarnation looked like a huge spiral body in terms of physical structure, as if a huge silver snake coiled its body, twisting its body until it reached the upper end.

There are seven different nodes in the entrenched body.

The starting point where they were standing was a section of the tail of a snake that had collapsed.

Because the Seat of Reincarnation is almost on the verge of collapse, this silver Ouroboros has also collapsed to varying degrees, looking like a crumbling tall building.

"This is the seat of reincarnation." Bai Jue glanced at his right hand: "The current signal is still very stable. Although it is not full, it can call for helpers."

"Help, do you think it's really reliable?" Bai Di asked, "If you die here, you will be wiped out conceptually."

"So I left security measures. The bookmark is a medium to ensure that they can move here, but it can also block a fatal attack for everyone when necessary." Bai Jue said: "At the same time because the bookmark is broken, they will also be evicted immediately."

"You're a chicken thief, where did you learn this trick?" Bai Di asked curiously, "Who taught you?"

"I programmed it myself." Bai Jue thought for a while: "Isn't it very simple? Since I can see the law of causality and the principles of the world, rewriting a bookmark is just a matter of double-clicking. Isn't the secretary good?"

"Don't talk, I'm sour." Bai Jue didn't want to say anything except to eat lemons.

If anyone can easily understand the law of cause and effect and the principles of the world, and even rewrite them easily, then what basic training and graduation assessment do the clerk need?

It is precisely because this talent can only be possessed by a very small number of people that it is so precious. Although Sen Luo claims that even a fool can be cultivated into a clerk, who would spend hundreds of years to cultivate a fool.

Bai Di suddenly felt that his vision was really vicious, and this kid was actually a hidden genius.

"In the future, you can go to Senluo to get a blank book and start learning programming from scratch, starting with C language." Bai Di patted him on the shoulder: "Now, let's get down to business."

"Climb the stairs." Bai Jue looked at the gigantic mouthpiece that was a thousand meters high: "Why do you always have to walk through a huge maze at the end?"

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