Those are all old monsters. There are even sages of the moon who may be a few circles older than the moon. It is a strange thing that this group of monsters can marry people. Many monsters advertise like this, Gradually, things spread more and more widely, and even people in the world knew about it.

"Hmph, if you marry, you marry. It's none of my business." Fujiwara Meihong put her hands in her pockets, stood in the courtyard of Eternal Pavilion, looked at the dressed women behind the screen, feeling unhappy and depressed, even a little Subtle taste.

"Oh, are you so reluctant to marry me as a concubine?" Penglai Shan Huiye smiled and covered the corners of her mouth behind the screen, "Little sister Hong is really cute, but don't act like a baby to my sister, after all, my sister is getting married what."

"Hmph! Anyway, marrying a sweetheart, what's the big deal, sooner or later she will become a yellow-faced woman and be disliked by others." Fujiwara Meihong mocked.

"But that's better than no one wants it?" Kaguya stood up from behind the screen, wearing a gorgeous twelve-single Tang suit, and her face was so beautiful after light makeup, even making the eternal princess suddenly mature a lot : "I'm very happy to get a small piece of it. I was supposed to be without me, but the master said he wanted me to marry together, so I could only reluctantly agree."

It's hard to say, but in fact, the expression of showing off is overflowing.

"I'm gone."

A ball of flames rose above Fujiwara's red head, but she was about to leave, Kamishirasawa Huiyin hurriedly grabbed her, and persuaded her with a dry smile: "Don't, don't do this, sister, just take a look... They invited us to go, and they all received invitations."

"I'm not going! It's an eyesore if I go, why should I stay there? To see her show affection?!" Fujiwara Meihong was about to say something.

But one hand was placed on her head, and she stroked the burning hair.

"Your temper is still as hot as ever, and you started to run away after being ridiculed by Kaguya. If you can bear it a little bit, Miss Bai Ze won't grow old all night because of it." The clerk sighed and said: "Please You go to testify, are you so unhappy?"

Fujiwara-sister was stunned for three seconds, raised her hand to knock Bai Di's hand away, and snorted coldly: "It's been decades since I came back, I don't know you well! Don't pretend to be like an acquaintance, you dare to marry this woman, Be careful if you give birth to a son..."

Shangbaize Huiyin hurriedly covered Meihong's mouth, and smiled cautiously: "That, that...Happy newlyweds, happy newlyweds, I'll watch this child, you go in and pick up the bride."

At this moment, she raised her head and saw Bai Di followed by a young man, who smiled at her politely: "Hello, Miss Bai Ze."

"Are you... Mr. Bai Di's illegitimate son?" Shang Bai Ze Huiyin couldn't help asking.

"Pfft, cough, cough... why do you ask that? My surname Bai is not related by blood." Bai Jue choked.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I just feel a little similar, no, it's too similar, it's fine if it's not, I believe Mr. Bai Di is also a responsible person."

"Yeah, I'm too responsible and can only marry a dozen or so." Bai Jue couldn't help squinting.

"This is also an advantage. It's audacious to dare to do so." Shang Bai Ze Huiyin smiled softly: "But you are the same as Mr. Bai Di."

"Where's the same?"

"It's written all over his face that he will be hacked to death sooner or later." Kamishirasawa Huiyin smiled and pulled Fujiwara Meihong a few steps away.

Bai Jue was could this orc be so rude!


On the other side, Bai Di took off his shoes and walked into the girl's boudoir. He stepped sideways over the screen, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The girl wore an incomparably luxurious twelve-single Tang suit, and sat kneeling on the ground, smiling quietly, bending down slowly with the utmost meekness, pressing the index and middle fingers of both hands on the tatami, her forehead half against the back of her hand, following the bending As he moved, his night-long hair fell down like a waterfall, and his voice was extremely gentle.

"Little girl is not talented, in this life, please give me more advice."

Bai Di was like a dream for a while.

Unexpectedly, this Neet Ji's lineup is so deep, it should not be underestimated.

He also sat down solemnly, for a wedding that is only once in a lifetime, he must show enough respect and attention.

"Are you serious?" Bai Di asked softly, "Marrying me won't do any good."

"Of course there are benefits." Penglai Shan Huiye said with a light smile: "You can play the latest released games, you can stay in your room without going out and you won't be lectured, you don't have to cook or do housework, and you can find A good teammate plays a double row game together, compared to the same generation as the master..."

She listed a lot of benefits, and the grace and luxury she had just pretended collapsed in half in an instant.

But in the end, she still blushed slightly and said: "And most importantly, I am really happy, whether it is Yonglin or you, if you leave me behind after getting married, then I will be so lonely to death... ...that way we don't have to be apart."

For her, it is also a kind of happiness if the most important people in the world can be together.

She offered her little hand and let Bai Di lead her away.

The door opened and the first bride was sent back.

Bai Di watched Hui Ye leave, and he patted his cheek to wake himself up from a little emotional fluctuation.

Next... There is another one in Yongting Pavilion.

That was his first love.

In fact, this article is about Bai Di’s big wedding, he is the protagonist, and it should have been sent to the clerk, but I think this is actually a good ending... Of course, Bai Jue will not be lonely, he is... read on Just know.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sunny weather, blue sky and white clouds forever pavilion.

It has been a long time since I left the Moon City, and Lingxian occasionally misses the life in the Moon City, but she has no ill feeling towards Gensokyo, except that she often bullies her subordinates and the Moon Rabbit, which makes her headache, and in addition to testing the medicine for the master Other than that, there was hardly anything particularly sad.

But even in such a life of decades, there will be a good thing or two every now and then.

She looked at the silver-haired woman sitting quietly in front of the dressing table mirror, and smiled silly.

"Master, you look really good-looking today." Lingxian said enviously: "You are dressed in white and Wugou, so beautiful, I never thought that one day I will be able to watch Master get married."

"Yeah." Bayi Yonglin also nodded slightly: "I didn't expect that I would be able to wear this dress one day."

"But the princess has already shown it off." Lingxian's rabbit ears drooped; "Actually, I think the first person that lord wants to marry must be Master, you are very special to him. "

"Youtan Huayuan." The sage of the moon gently raised his hand and stroked her head: "I don't really mind it anymore. It's been too long, so I think it's my wish fulfilled. He is willing to bring me The ring that symbolizes the oath, even if I am not the only one, is enough for now, otherwise... how far will he run away? How long will I wait?"

"Will the master and the princess come back after they get married?" Lingxian asked softly, "If I stay here alone, I, I will be very lonely..." She rolled her eyes as she spoke. It became red: "Without me following, there is no one to take care of the master and the princess."

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