"Shut up! I'm all about loli, I don't have the time to send dog food!"

"Me? You gagged me at the end of the last chapter! One mouthful!"

While making eye contact, the two lowered their voices to hurt each other.

Zhenyuan smiled at the side, she had almost never seen a commander let himself go so freely, seeing his true side, it was great to follow him this time.

Well, I also harvested a lot of black history by the way, so I feel more at ease now.

When the two of them finished making eye contact, Zheng Wenqian held the back of his head with his hands, and his carefree appearance did not have the demeanor of a nobleman at all. He looked at the endless crowd and said quietly, "When will we find Miss Mary?"

Zhenyuan also said helplessly: "This can only depend on luck, if the heroic spirit wants to hide, we can't help it."

It is not easy to find Mary on the cruise ship.

If a heroic spirit wants to hide herself, it is impossible for ordinary people to notice it. Even if she is by your side, you will not be able to feel the other party's existence.

But Bai Jue believes that as long as he stays here, the heroic spirits will definitely find him... Don't ask why, it's just so confident.

What's more, as a humanoid radar, it is easy for him to perceive the existence of heroic spirits.

When he walked into the hall, he noticed the familiar mental fluctuations, three strands, no, four strands, three heroic spirits and a three-no girl, all four of them were in the stands on the second floor, they just pretended to be aura, and others didn't notice it at all. less than their existence.

Even if they come into the sight of everyone, they will not attract attention, and only a very few people with excellent spiritual sense can see through their disguise.

And the eyes of these three heroic spirits all fell on someone Bai.

"Meow, I shouldn't have come." Bai Jue suddenly felt very tired. Being stared at like this was really stressful.

"Stage fright?" Classmate Zheng's eyes lit up, thinking that he had found an opportunity to hit Bai, so he said with a wicked smile: "That's right, this is a dance hall, and you don't even have a dance partner, so I'd be embarrassed if you were me. Do you want me to call and borrow a ship girl for you?"

Looking at the big whale's heartless smiling face, Bai Jue shook his head with a complex expression, and it was written in his eyes - you know a jb.

"No need, just keep it to yourself."

"I know you're not popular with women, why don't you try to strike up a conversation, the young lady next to you is nice." Zheng Wenqian began to point fingers casually.

Bai Jue looked at his little friend with caring eyes. He patted each other's shoulder, pushed Da Jing and Miss Zhenyuan into the dance floor, then turned around and waved lightly: "Fat!" Your dog food, little BB, I'll go sit aside and watch your performance."


In the stands on the second floor, three heroic spirits sat on chairs, listening to the vocal music, and watching the men and women dancing together on the dance floor.

Only Mary dragged her chin in great interest, leaning against the railing, her eyes gleaming with longing. She is the daughter of the royal family and a heroic spirit. .

The heroic spirits in their infancy have no self-protection ability and do not have much freedom. Fortunately, the two heroic spirits here are both female. They have more or less experienced the time of being under strict supervision, so they indulged her a little The waywardness allowed her to watch the dance floor at close range.

Dion looked at the men and women on the dance floor, and for a while, his thoughts drifted away.

Li Xiuning, on the other hand, looked at the dance floor with one eye closed. She didn't have any romantic and romantic past worth remembering, so she didn't have much emotion.

Lan'er sat on the side, closed her eyes and meditated, and other people's affairs did not affect her meditation at all.

The lazy trio passed the time bored...until a teenager arrived.

"He's here." Li Xiuning opened her eyes, staring at Dion with her long and narrow eyes, as if she was saying - what did you do?

"I sent the invitation letter. Mr. Zhou is very efficient and timely." Dieng looked at Bai Jue from above: "He also has friends around him... It seems that I don't need to entertain him." She noticed Zhenyuan's difference: "That woman is a subspecies heroic spirit?"

Li Xiuning was also slightly taken aback: "Jianniang Zhenyuan?"

She took a closer look, surprised in her heart, isn't that Zheng Chenggong's son?How did you meet Manager Bai?

Dieng put away his surprised expression, and looked at Li Xiuning with great interest. This scene further confirmed her previous guess. The identity of this young man was by no means ordinary, but it must be very complicated, involving disputes within the Divine Empire, so Princess Pingyangzhao is so cautious, maybe she is the illegitimate son of a heroic spirit, or the prince who fell into trouble ten years ago.

Yes, I knew I was right.

The beauty in men's clothing confidently gave a conclusion, no doubt about him, since it is an internal dispute in another country, then there is no need to worry about it.

Dion felt much better. She lowered her eyes and looked at Bai Jue, silently thinking that the familiarity she felt before might be an illusion.

But... they are really similar, this golden hall, this singing and dancing...

Li Xiuning didn't know that Dion had made up so much at once, she was just caught in a tangle, and now she had to protect Mary's safety, but seeing that Bai Jue was right below, it would be too much to just let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to flirt. Pity!

Since ancient times, dance parties and dinners have been an excellent event to increase your favorability. As long as you step forward and give full play to the charm of women, wouldn't it be easy to capture this immature boy?Don't talk to me about being reserved or not, a lady is not a lady, fast hands are fast, slow hands are not!I suffered a loss back then, and now I have to lose again?

But it happened to come across this kind of escort mission!

Her Royal Highness is like a cat who just wants to steal but can't reach it. She can only stare greedily.

It was precisely because she had clearly prioritized what was important, that she could only endure it... She was so anxious that she wished to immediately throw the resignation letter on the right minister's old face, but she could only sit here with an MMP in her heart and a smile on her outside.

Because...she is a heroic spirit, and a heroic spirit is for the public and not for selfishness, for the country and not for the family.

"Aren't you going to stay with him? See how pitiful he is alone." Mary's words interrupted their contemplation.

I saw that Bai Jue stretched out his hand and pushed the two companions onto the dance floor, then turned around lonely, waved his hand, and found a corner to sit down.

This lonely scene, for some reason, is heartbreaking.

Dieng's eyes were in a trance, and the strange familiarity became more intense. She seemed to have returned to ten years ago and saw the lonely back walking past the Palace of Versailles.

She shook her head silently, this is just an illusion, it cannot be true...

Li Xiuning gritted her teeth secretly, she knew how many heroic spirits were jealous of the vacant position beside Bai Jue... If that woman beat her to the front, she would lose completely.

She raised her long black silk legs and tapped her toes on the ground, her heart gradually becoming restless.

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