Only Lan'er on the side saw it clearly, but she didn't want to say anything, she just wanted to be a quiet and beautiful girl.

Mary didn't know about these twists and turns. After asking, neither Dion nor Li Xiuning responded. Instead, they sat where they were, and she had a whim.

"Since you're not going, I'll go with him~"

Chapter 82 Reaching a Consensus

"Ah?" Li Xiuning opened her eyes: "Why did you say this so naturally, Your Highness Mary."

——If it wasn't for your safety, my mother would have gone down to gain favorability a long time ago, why is it necessary to stare here?Do you have a little emotional intelligence, anyway, you are also a hero of a country, a French idol, can you be a little more self-respecting!

"Because it's so pitiful for him to be alone, no one to talk to, and everyone is dancing, but he doesn't even have a partner." Mary leaned on the railing of the stand, and said softly, with a girl's pity and sympathy in her eyes :

"Your Highness, you made him look like a cat abandoned in a cardboard box." Dion sighed softly, "Please take our inconvenience into consideration."

"Even if I go, I won't expose it, and he won't know." Mary put her hands together, tilted her head and said cutely: "Just once, okay~"

There was a little helplessness in Dion's eyes.

Of course she understood that Mary didn't just say that out of sympathy. She was essentially a girl who liked proms. A restless girl's heart.

Her heroic soul is an extremely rare and pure principle in human history, which also represents her unrestrained and free-spirited character.

Normally, as a knight, she couldn't refuse Mary's request, but this time the situation was different. Even if she nodded, Princess Pingyang Zhao would never agree... From her pretty face with a bit of coldness, it can be seen It can be seen that her mood is definitely not beautiful.

The previous level was still tolerable, but if Mary pried the corner of her wall in front of her...


Dion imagined for a while, then shook his head with a wry smile: "Your Highness, your safety is the most important thing."

"Hmm..." Mary puffed her cheeks, opened her eyes, and reflected the things in the ballroom in her eyes.

Amongst the overlapping figures, every ordinary person looked gloomy, only the young man exuded a silver gleam, although it was very faint, but she did see it, the flickering light in Bai Jue's eyes golden awn.

She just wanted to find an opportunity to get closer. With such a distance, she couldn't judge whether it was a momentary illusion or not with her current perception.

The three heroic spirits in the stands became quiet again, this time the atmosphere was a bit quiet, everyone looked in different directions, and if there were any sights, they always looked in the same direction, the subtle expression was quite guilty of guilt Funny.

In the dance hall below, Bai Jue, who was sitting in the corner quietly eating soy sauce, also met an acquaintance who was not an acquaintance.

"Mr. Bai..."

Jixia Mingshi wore Hanlin Confucian shirt, which looked very different in the attire of suits and leather shoes everywhere. He didn't take the eyes of others seriously, smiled and said, "Why don't you stay in the corner and dance with beautiful women?"

Hearing this, Bai Jue raised his head and looked at the familiar young man. He was silent for three seconds: "Old Tie, who are you?"

Zhou Sangyu was embarrassed for [-] seconds, and his expression returned to the original: "It's true that I didn't say hello to my husband last time. I was rude. I Zhou Sangyu, Jixia student..." He lowered his voice and controlled the sound waves Diffusion, talking to Bai Jue in a way similar to sound transmission: "We met once in front of the memorial tablet."

"I remembered, you are the brother who was reprimanded by Miss Xiuning who dared not speak." Bai Jue suddenly realized.

Zhou Sangyu, who was poked at the pain point, said with a wry smile: "Your Excellency has a good memory. What Miss Xiuning taught me at the time was that I admitted the wrong person."

"I don't believe that a famous official in Jixia would admit the wrong person." Bai Jue sighed: "You have worked hard..."

Zhou Sangyu raised his eyes, what's the matter with this sympathetic tone... subconsciously shook his head and said: "It's not hard work, it's just a matter of duty."

"I know, you don't need to say it, I understand, I understand..." Bai Jue said vicissitudes, the heroic spirit is really too difficult to deal with.

Only then did Jixia Mingshi notice Bai Jue's complicated gaze, and his heart ached, and he sighed, "Oh, it's hard to describe..."

The two unlucky people who suffered from the heroic spirit sighed for a long time.

After having the revolutionary friendship of the same class, the conversation became a little closer.

"Why doesn't Mr. Bai go dancing? There are not a few generous and enthusiastic women here. Speaking of which, you didn't bring a female companion?" Zhou Sangyu wondered.

"I'm single." Bai Jue squinted: "Where is the female companion, there is no... As for dancing and so on, I can't dance for one reason, and the second is that the atmosphere here is not suitable for me. Where are the common people? I’ve seen such a big scene, take a look, it’s almost enough to be happy, take the initiative to participate, let’s forget it, anyone here is a rich lady, a celebrity, I can’t afford to offend.”

Zhou Sangyu narrowed his eyes. This statement sounded true, but because of Li Xiuning's attitude, he was a little uncertain about the credibility of this statement.

"Enjoy the ball, it varies from person to person, and it's good to have a look."

"What about you?" Bai Jue asked the question back: "As a student of Jixia, you don't even have a girlfriend, do you? I want to invite you to go to Wushan together, ah bah, there must be at least three figures of excellent girls who want to dance with you."

Even if he changed his words three times in a row, why did the words still sound so black.

Zhou Sangyu's eyelids twitched: "Sang Yu's ambitions are lofty, she has no intention of indulging in the love of men and women, she doesn't love beautiful women, she only reads sage books... Taking a step back, even if I marry a wife in the future, I won't be in these places. People choose, not to mention, individual marriages may not be in their own hands."

"Ah? This is modern society. Isn't free love very normal?" Bai Jue was puzzled and said, "Could it be that Jixia Academy still obeys the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers, such childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts are bound to fail." Is it a policy? They say that Xun Youran can't beat the Tianxiang department, and marriage is far worse than elopement... I'm afraid the escape rate of your Jixia students is astonishingly high."

"No, no, no." Zhou Sangyu denied, "There are many Jixia students who are obsessed with studying, and five or six of them have no intention of getting every year, Jixia Academy will hold a blind date meeting. , rich daughters, family members, princes and nobles will all participate in it."

"The place is on the mandarin duck stage of the golden boy and jade girl. As long as you make a couple from the mandarin duck stage and make a marriage contract, your marriage will be guaranteed for a lifetime. The meeting itself is also held by the three sages by default, so the marriage contract can also be called a saint." Being a matchmaker is a great joy and great fortune."

"If I'm still single in the future, I can only sign up for a blind date meeting, and go to the Mandarin Duck Stage to ask for a marriage contract." Zhou Sangyu said without shame: "So, there is no need to rush for a moment at all."

"Oh my god..." Bai Jue was startled: "Is this the highest level live version of If You Are the One in the Shenzhou Empire?"

"No, no, there are rules in the blind date meeting. It's not so easy to get a marriage lottery. Each Jixia student can only participate three times at most, and there are more than a hundred people who sign up every year, but only [-]% of them get married in the end." Zhou Sang Yu smiled and said, "If you don't have a marriage, you can only grab it."

"Stealing a wife? This is... Where are you barbarians." Bai Jue's eyes widened.

"Although it is robbing, there are naturally rules. When two men fall in love with a girl, or when two girls fall in love with a man, if they don't fight for it, they will be lost in love in this life."

"What you said... I suddenly want to see it." Bai Jue patted his thigh: "The scene must be very lively."

"Maybe, you do have the opportunity to participate." Zhou Sangyu glanced at Bai Jue meaningfully.

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