"No, no, I'm just going to have a look, and it's fine to participate in something." Bai Jue shook his head quickly.

"Really?" Jixia Mingshi said that he had already seen through everything.

"Speaking of which, this dance party is quite lively." Bai Jue stared at the people coming and going, and said with a menacing expression, "It's better to say...there are too many people, too many couples, why not explode?"

Zhou Sangyu smiled wryly and said, "Your focus seems a bit strange, obviously there are not a few men and women who are alone here..."

"Are you talking about those maids and sisters?" Bai Jue rubbed his chin, and a light flashed in his eyes: "Indeed, if you don't tell me, I haven't noticed that the quality of the maids here is surprisingly high. Different from those ordinary people who play cosplay, whether it is legendary dress or quality is top-notch, the maids in Britain and France are of the highest quality in the world... far from the ACG culture in the small island of Kyushu."

"Maid...?" A gleam flashed in Zhou Sangyu's eyes, and he said to himself, I thought I was the only one who noticed these girls who were of such high quality that they were even more exciting than many female guests, but unexpectedly... He actually noticed it too.

"Hmm, let me just ask." Mingshi Jixia coughed lightly: "What do you think of maid outfits?"

"Of course the traditional one is the best!"

Bai Jue replied without hesitation: "It is both practical and beautiful. The Japanese-style maid outfit is too fancy and has no practical value at all. Is it still a maid? It's as gorgeous as a young lady! Finally the skirt Swing, it’s good to wear suspenders in the absolute field, but I prefer the sense of mystery that can’t be hidden. Long skirts are even better. When the maids and sisters hold up the skirts to say hello, that kind of great sense of accomplishment... not enough It is also for outsiders!"

Zhou Sangyu closed his eyes and meditated, took a deep breath, and gave a thumbs up: "It makes sense! It is highly consistent with my opinion. Maids are not used to defile, but to be loved. Dedication is the essence of maids. "

Bai Jue was taken aback when he heard the words: "I thought that Jixia's students were masters and gods, and they couldn't even generate electricity by themselves. I didn't expect Mr. Zhou to have such a high appreciation and recognition ability for maid culture."

"Reading sage books and appreciating beauty are inseparable." Zhou Sangyu said with a smile: "Whether men or women are pursuing beauty, for me, the word maid itself represents beauty, and it is a treasure in human culture! "

"This sentence is right with my heart." Bai Jue laughed and said, "Then the question is, what are the three advantages of a maid?"

"It's great to eat and sleep with you."

The answer was extremely smooth and natural.

The two stared at each other silently for several seconds, and immediately, a burst of lightning penetrated the brains of both parties.

In an instant, the two of them suddenly realized something, and had a wonderful sense of connection, as if they had reached a consensus somewhere.

"Mr. Bai, you..." Zhou Sangyu said solemnly, "Could it be?"

"Exactly." Bai Jue nodded heavily: "Isn't your Excellency the same?"

"Of course, of course I am." Zhou Sangyu cupped his hands.

The two reached out and shook hands tightly to reach a consensus.


Chapter 83 Jealousy Makes Me Unrecognizable

The two had a very epoch-making discussion on the pros and cons of maid outfits.

No one would have thought that the dignified Jixia official would be a maid connoisseur...it was a serious one, comparable to a big whale's lolicon.

But the maid's complaint is nothing, it's not a serious illness that violates morality and ethics. Bai Jue himself has been working in restaurants for a long time, has contact with a large number of opposite sexes, and has been extremely eager for maternal love since he was a child, so he has very weak resistance to inclusive women.

After being exposed to the maid culture, I felt healed instantly, and it was out of control.

So...he kidnapped Altair back as a maid premeditatedly, don't tell me whether to forgive or not, is he really so magnanimous that he doesn't have Hercules in his heart?

Time flew by, and when he came to his senses, almost ten minutes had passed.

"Oh, the pleasant chat time always passes by so fast. I never expected to meet someone with the same interests." Zhou Sangyu smiled from the bottom of his heart: "It's a pity, I have a task, so it's too inconvenient If there is an opportunity, I hope to discuss it more."

"This is no problem." Bai Jue reported a series of numbers: "This is my 古尧 number, just remember to go back and add me as a friend."

"Remember." Zhou Sangyu left contentedly.

Although he had some doubts about Bai Jue's identity at first, but now he doesn't mind anymore.

Because... There are definitely no bad people who like maids.

Watching the comrades leave, Bai Jue looked at the dogs and men who were still dancing on the dance floor...they.

He covered his forehead and sighed softly: "If you stay here, I'm afraid that I will directly comprehend the incredible fire element knowledge, so I'd better go out and enjoy the sea breeze."

However, when Bai was about to leave the hall, a beautiful figure appeared.

"Please stay."

Bai Jue looked back in astonishment, staring blankly at the three-no girl, and at her half-step in front of him.

Lan'er, who didn't know when she arrived, said in a low voice: "Master Bai...Miss Ning Xiu, please go to the stand on the second floor."

What should come will always come... Is this a Hongmen banquet?

You heroic spirits always make things difficult for me.

Bai Jue smiled dryly: "I don't like the atmosphere here very much, and I'm planning to go out to enjoy the sea breeze, so, I'm sorry, I appreciate Miss Xiuning's kindness, please say hello to her for me."

After speaking, he turned around and wanted to slip away.

But Lan'er took a step forward, and the long skirt drew a circular arc with her figure. She stood in front of the boy, stretched out her hand to block her way, and repeated expressionlessly: "Please go to the second-floor stand."

The surrounding crowd was attracted a little attention.

Bai Jue frowned: "Miss Lan, I'm afraid it's not good for you to be so rough. I think I have the right to refuse this invitation."

"Shop Manager Bai, you don't know who you are rejecting." Lan'er didn't do what he thought, she just wanted to complete the task ordered by her master and invite Bai Jue up. As for the means and how to invite him, it doesn't matter. On the contrary, if he was allowed to leave, he would not be able to reply to the master.

"Miss Xiuning is very polite. I don't think she will be angry because of my refusal once. Please tell her and ask her opinion before coming back, is that okay?" Baby, I'm really helpless.

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