"If you want to refuse, please explain clearly back then." Lan'er took half a step forward, with a sharp look in her eyes: "Please don't embarrass me."

Lan'er is a sword, and a sword doesn't know how to turn.

Her actions and rhetoric are too rigid, and she is far from mature enough.

Bai Jue frowned slightly, the crowd seemed to be a little commotion, and he really didn't want to cause more commotion: "Excuse me."

He bypassed Lan'er, and walked out of the hall as fast as a plague god.

But even so, the three-none girl didn't intend to let him go, she stretched out her hand, clasped his wrist, and shouted: "Don't leave!"

The power of the heroic spirit's blood is very strong. Even if it is not fully awakened, it still has the great power to subdue a tiger with bare hands. Bai Jue couldn't resist at all, and sighed angrily and funny: "Male and female can't kiss each other, please let go."

These two lines of dialogue were clearly heard by the surrounding crowd.

As a result, there were bursts of thoughts in the crowd, and a series of brain supplements began.

"What's going on here? Are you robbing men in public?"

"No, I look at it like a quarrel between lovers."

"You are wrong above, this is more like a question after breaking up for no reason."

"No way, are you saying that this girl was cheated by that boy? They don't look like a good match."

"This young man looks okay, but his temperament is a bit vulgar... Excuse me, he is not good enough for this girl."

Every time you say something, a group of people make up a romantic drama without authorization, and there is a burst of thoughts, Bai Jue can't laugh or cry.

The trainee savior looked helplessly at the three-no girl: "If you don't let go, maybe they will just think about whether I cheated your money and body, and finally eat up and throw away your hands and refuse to admit it. Scum, to you It has a bad reputation."

"I don't care about that, Miss wants to see you."

After speaking, Lan Er dragged Bai Jue to the dance floor, intending to go straight through the central hall.

She was straightforward...but in this way, the two of them were even more exposed to the public's attention.

"The world is going down, the world is going down!"

"This is really an unsightly scene, why can't I come across it?"

"So that girl just invited people to dance together? But why do I feel that she has a murderous look on her face?"

"You read that right, if that girl had a knife in her hand, I would wonder if she was dragging this boy to the execution ground."

"This girl is clearly becoming angry from embarrassment. Going to the theater to watch the theater, although it's hard to say that it's an elegant thing to do, but it's a good thing to watch some good plays."

A group of people snickered.

Bai Jue couldn't help it: "Hey, are you clearly here to lower my reputation?"

Lan'er didn't speak, and continued to move forward, her five fingers clenched even tighter, leaving five bright red fingerprints on his arm.


Bai Jue was a little angry, but he couldn't release his power in public, not to mention, the white tiger's berserk thunder power couldn't be controlled freely.

Once out of control, the entire cruise ship will be baptized into scrap iron by Thunder.

You three no daughters, wait for me, I will see your master later, let her punish you to copy the Tao Te Ching three hundred times!

When the two were crossing the dance floor, a young man in a white suit suddenly came over. He looked at this scene in a little astonishment, his eyes ignored Bai Jue, and landed on the girl. A look of surprise and surprise flashed in his eyes. He stepped forward quickly and said, "Isn't this Miss Lan'er? It's frightening that you will come to this ball alone and meet me in person."

Lan'er shifted her gaze: "You are?"

"My surname is Situ, Situ Qing." The young man introduced himself: "The young chairman of the Situ Group was once fortunate enough to pay homage to Miss Lan'er's face at a related diplomatic gathering, and he was immediately astonished. It's been more than a year, but I still remember it clearly."

The superficial skills are extremely well done, he is smiling, while moving his steps, putting on a close-up.

No one knew that this young hero was singing Gong Xi Fa Cai and Waiting for a Millennium crazily in his heart, laughing wildly, how lucky I was.

From the outside, this Situ Qing is undoubtedly an elite in the industry. His birth, experience, and education are all one-of-a-kind. He is definitely an upper-class person in society. But in the end, he is just an ordinary person, far away from the top power class. He couldn't lift it.

Although money can do whatever one wants, but... that is the power of money, not the power of individuals.

Only heroic spirits, wealthy families, and hereditary nobles are the real power class of the Shenzhou Empire... It is almost impossible for him to get in touch with him in his life. blood.

Then there is only one way, marriage.

Even if it is just marrying an ordinary woman from an aristocratic family, it is extremely difficult, let alone marrying a heroic spirit directly, which ordinary people dare not even think about.

But Situ Qing has this ambition. He has investigated the heroic spirits who have not yet awakened in detail. The first among them is Lan Er. This seemingly mysterious girl is actually not secret. As a disciple, it was widely circulated in the upper echelon of power, but the upper echelon's information was well blocked. If it wasn't for an unexpected encounter, Situ Qing would never have known that Lan'er was an unawakened heroic spirit, and...she had no engagement.

Isn't that an excellent goal?

Thinking about him, Mr. Situ, who has been in love for many years and has a good grasp of girls' minds, wouldn't it be easy to deal with a fifteen-year-old innocent girl?

It's just that the method must be well grasped, and the pursuit must be done in an upright manner, and the strangeness and greed cannot be revealed, Li Xiuning can't afford it!

He beat his chest for a long time because of the missed opportunity last time, but now that he has lost it, and Li Xiuning is not around, when will he wait if he doesn't make a move now?

"It's really a coincidence that we met today, Ms. Lan'er, do you have time to catch up with me?" Situ Qing displayed the charismatic aura of a successful person, and smiled gently. , it just so happens that this is a dance hall, can you do me a favor and dance with me?"

"I still have something to do." Lan'er pulled Bai Jue to go upstairs, not caring about the other's embarrassing expression.

Situ Qing took a deep breath: "Is Miss Lan'er very busy? It's really inconvenient to disturb me... But can you tell me, who is this?"

He stared at the hands that the two 'held' together, his eyes were full of jealousy and anger.

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