This kid, as a fighter among the rich second generation of social elites, doesn't even have the basic idea of ​​throwing money away. Education has failed!

Bai Jue stared at Situ Qing and urged, "Well, do you have anything else to say?"


"You really have nothing else to say to me?" Bai Jue looked expectant.


"You should have something to say, you're welcome, and vent all your anger through krypton gold." Bai Jue earnestly induced.

"No, get out!" Situ Qing said frantically.

At this time, Lan'er walked out of the corner ghostly, staring at Bai Jue with a pair of ancient and calm eyes, afraid that he would disappear in the next moment: "Three minutes are up, follow me...don't run away."

Bai Jue smiled wryly and said: "You are really timely, Brother Situ, let's meet again by fate, I hope you can use money to insult me ​​as much as you want next time..."

next time?And next time!

Situ Qing took a deep breath, took a step forward, and finally couldn't help it anymore: "Forgive me, Miss Lan'er, this kind of vulgar common people is really not worthy of your status. You are the disciple of Princess Pingyang Zhao. Quasi-heroic spirits will sooner or later become the mainstay of the Shenzhou Empire, and having contacts with such people will lower your evaluation, not to mention how you think about it, the high-level officials of the imperial capital will never sit idly by..."

Lan'er tilted her head, and a few question marks seemed to appear above her head.

The three-no girl looked confused. She didn't know what Situ Qing had misunderstood without authorization. As the person involved, she had no sense of that at all.

Oh, it's started, it's started, it's finally started!I've been waiting a long time, and this drama came late enough.

Bai Jue beat the gongs and drums and ran happily, with a look of anticipation on his face - old iron, please start your performance!

"So?" Lan'er said indifferently.

In Situ Qing's eyes, this plain look was a kind of stubbornness and persistence. He gritted his teeth and knew that he shouldn't talk too much. Talking too much would not only lower his evaluation, but also be a meddling and unreasonable way of making trouble. He didn't say anything, but he was too aggrieved, his tone was stagnant in his heart, and he couldn't go up or down.

"I just want to ask Miss Lan'er to see his true face clearly... He is definitely not a good person worth entrusting to your life. Even if you think it's nothing right now, you will never get together in the future."

"..." Lan'er frowned, what was this man talking about?Why can't I understand it at all?

Bai Jue held back his laughter and coughed lightly: "Well, Mr. Situ, don't you think you're a little nosy? Anyway, this is all Miss Lan'er's personal matter. You have no jurisdiction over it, nor The power to judge without authorization."

Situ Qing said viciously: "Maybe so, but I can't tolerate her being deceived by you! Beauty is only for the strong. As long as the news of tonight gets out, you will make countless enemies in the Shenzhou Empire... surnamed Bai, you can't be too arrogant." Long!"

Bai Jue covered his face, am I arrogant?I'm obviously not pretending to be this pushy...

"Brother, calm down, I understand your current mood very well." Bai Jue comforted: "But your current performance, I don't think so."


Chapter 85 Changes

After leaving these words, Bai Jue and Lan Er walked into the ball hall, leaving Situ Qing alone.

The two of them acted calmly as if nothing had happened, and Bai Jue was not angry at all, but he was extremely happy inside. The unhappiness that was forced by Lan'er had long been forgotten. Sure enough, a rich spiritual life still needs some seasoning and harmony star.

Situ Qing followed without giving up, but he didn't dare to get too close, so he could only watch from a distance.

Climbing up to the second floor stand, the three heroic spirits are all here.

Bai Jue thought that he was about to turn on the actor mode again, so he took the initiative to say hello: "Miss Xiuning, Miss Dieng, Your Highness Mary, good evening."

Mary nodded in return: "Guian, why did it take so long? Could it be that you were too nervous?"

"I have a phobia of heroic spirits, so I was so frightened that my legs were weak for a while. Miss Lan'er helped me walk over." Bai Jue spread his hands: "On the way, I met a man with a personality who shouted, 'No Help him', just rushed over, and then taught me the principles of life together, I almost believed it."

"What? It sounds very interesting." Mary blinked her eyes and took a step closer as she spoke.

Bai Jue took a step back: "I really have a phobia of heroic spirits, Your Highness, please respect yourself."

"Hmm..." Mary puffed up her cheeks unhappily.

"Did you have a good time at the banquet?" Bai Jue, who was nominally invited by Dion, apologized, "I'm sorry that I can't take the initiative to entertain you. After all, I have a job and there are many people at the banquet. next to His Highness."

"It's understandable, the banquet was very lively, and I also met a few friends." Bai Jue pointed to the center of the dance floor: "That pair of dogs and girls dancing, no... that pair of golden boy and jade girl who are born to be a pair are my friends, They have been dancing for almost ten minutes without stopping, it is love."

"Yes, look at that young man's happy face..." Mary also smiled and blessed, "Young love."

"But it's a pity." Bai Jue sighed: "His family doesn't seem to agree with that girl very much, and the two of them are sneaking together."

"Really? France advocates free love, doesn't the Chinese Empire?" Mary asked in surprise.

Li Xiuning took a deep look at Zheng Wenqian and Zhenyuan, and pointed out: "Under normal circumstances, it is free love, but for the heirs of the family, or the blood of the heroic spirit, the fiancé must be in the same family... the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker , has been so for many years.”

Bai Jue agreed: "Yes, if someone can be a matchmaker for him, there is no need to be so sneaky, but ordinary matchmakers don't have enough influence at all, and those who have enough influence may not be willing to be matchmakers..."

Li Xiuning's beautiful eyes moved slightly, and the corners of her lips raised: "Are you very concerned about this friend's marriage?"

"Of course, he is my close (wan) friend (wu)." Bai Jue said from the bottom of his heart, "I hope he can live a happy life amidst the blessings of everyone. This is what a friend of mine should do."

"Yes, it would be great if I could be blessed to step into the palace of marriage." Li Xiuning's eyes were slightly blurred, and he murmured: "That's great..."

For a while, she looked at the two dancing lightly in the middle of the dance floor, and was slightly lost in thought.

What is reflected in the blurred eyes is not others, but her own future.

"Miss Ning Xiu?"

"I'm fine, I'm just looking forward to it, please don't worry..." Li Xiuning looked back and smiled: "They will be happy, I predicted it myself."

"Thank you for your blessing." Bai Jue replied politely, silently giving a thumbs up in his heart - I think OJBK.

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