If Zheng Wenqian found out, he would have rushed to the stands on the second floor, grabbed Bai Jue's collar and roared: Thank you, my family!

"I haven't finished yet." Li Xiuning lightly raised her wrist and smiled slyly: "In return, can you ask me to dance?"

When she said this in front of a certain blond knight, the joy that rose in her heart was probably the refreshing feeling of NTR in person.

Dion's heart was blocked suddenly, and the sixth sense warned her that someone was carrying out a very cruel conspiracy against her... But apart from this strange feeling of restlessness, she had no other discomfort, and she frowned: " What's wrong?"

Mary blinked her eyes, and the principle of purity reflected Dion's trance look into her vision, slightly surprised: "Dion, your hair color..."

The knight was puzzled: "?"

"Why is it a little green?" Mary clapped her hands together and laughed happily. The innocent girl didn't know what the sign was.

"Green..." Li Xiuning turned her head away.

"Your Majesty Ning Xiu, what do you want to say?" Dion is not a China hand, so he doesn't understand the conventional stalk of a green hat.

"No, it's nothing. Green is the color of environmental protection and also the color of love. As the saying goes, love is a green light. This kind of green culture is prevalent on the Shenzhou Empire network. It represents understanding, forgiveness, kindness and other meanings, and A variety of proverbs have been born-if you want to live a good life, there is always a little green on the top of your head; when the hair color turns green, it means that the person concerned has realized the true meaning of tolerance and forgiveness, which is a good thing, Your Excellency Dion."

The few people who Li Xiuning said suddenly realized.

Bai Jue was even more amazed - as expected of a diplomat, I think this coquettish talk is quite good.

"Really?" Dion was dubious.

"Whether it's true or not, your hair color has not actually changed. This may only be visible to Her Royal Highness Mary, so it doesn't affect it." Li Xiuning smiled slightly: "Mr. Bai, you haven't answered my question yet. His hands and waist are empty."

The implication - wait for someone to make an appointment.

Bai Jue raised his hand, but immediately put it down again: "I'm sorry..."

"If you don't know how to dance, I can teach you." Li Xiuning was not surprised: "Actually, it is not difficult to learn. The characteristic of ballroom dancing is that it is easy to learn but difficult to master."

"This is also a reason, but not the most important." Bai Jue shook his head: "Before I came again, I promised someone that I would not dance with others... I haven't danced with others so far. She said, I hope I can dance with you." Save the first time for her."

As soon as these words were spoken, Princess Pingyang Zhao's smile froze halfway.

——What, there is someone who made a move earlier than my mother!

——Which little bitch deserves a thousand knives!

"Here, this lady, could it be..." Li Xiuning tried her best to maintain a natural expression: "Is it the lover of Manager Bai?"

"No, no, I'm single." Bai Jue shook his head and said, "She is... very special to me. It doesn't feel real."

Speaking of which, what is Fireproof Girl to me?

They are not lovers, but they depend on each other for life and death; they are not relatives, but they have a deep bond; they are not close friends, but they have a good heart.

In such a short time together, you get used to her existence unknowingly, and blend into your life so silently, until you can no longer leave her.

Thinking of this, Mou Bai suddenly shuddered—hiss...why couldn't he help but feel a chill in such a warm scene.

He stopped thinking about it and expressed his apology: "So, I can't dance with others. I have already promised her. If I go back on my word, although I won't be said anything, I will be very sorry."

The speaker has no intention of the listener.

Dion felt more and more pleasing to the eye. Although this young man didn't know who he had rejected, he was able to stick to a verbal promise like this. This character is worth admiring.

Mary held her cheeks and said yearningly: "It's very romantic to have someone who can keep promises for herself..."

Although Li Xiuning's expression didn't change, a raging fire was already burning in her body of steel, which was tempered and tempered. The surging blood of the heroic spirit and the roaring power of the heroic soul burned the girl's heart in her veins.

She is still careless!

Even if there is no foreign enemy, even if the heroic spirits don't know about it, who said that he has no childhood sweetheart and no love for women?

Sure enough, I haven't experienced the battlefield for too long, so my sixth sense has become dull?

It's still too late to make up for it, the Tianxiang system is dedicated to conquering all childhood sweethearts... I want to personally prove this enduring truth!

"I want to sit in Manager Bai's coffee shop more and more." Li Xiuning said with a smile: "I won't make things difficult for you this time, and treat me alone next time."

"Please don't worry, definitely." Bai Jue nodded, and at the same time said to Dieng: "If Miss Dieng has time, come too, it's a return gift for this banquet."

"If I have free time, I will." Dion responded politely. She knew very well that, as the heroic spirit of France, she had almost no chance to step into the border of the Shenzhou Empire if it was not necessary... The last time I came ten years ago.

Several people were chatting, after Bai Jue had the experience last time, now the chatting skills after the film king possessed him seem to be much more proficient, anyway, everyone is talking nonsense with their eyes open, so there is no awkward chat anymore. I never come for nothing.

Of course, the reason why he didn't counsel was not only because his acting skills became more and more proficient, but also because he noticed a fact.

I don't know why, but they seem to have a high initial liking for him?


When the ball aboard the Queen Mary II was coming to an end.

An old man in a certain park area in Shenhai City took off his round-brimmed hat.

He straightened his back, his slightly hunched body was still strong, his muscles bulged, his bones exploded, and the blood of the heroic spirit accelerated in his blood vessels. Under his feet, the bewitching blue-purple light formed a complicated logic of the heroic spirit, like a wedge , piercing the ground.

"Let's get started, this eight-door golden lock array...today, break it again!"

It took two days and one night to walk all over Shenhai City, and the sixteen marks buried all turned into battering hammers, hitting hard on the most vulnerable eyes of the formation.

The space barrier covering half of Shenhai City began to distort and deform, like dough kneaded by a palm, setting off waves... Under the meticulous control of the old man, the barrier was not completely broken, and it still shielded everything from the outside world Probing, however, the inner space of the enchantment, unstoppable mutations began to occur.

A burst of waves quietly swept across the entire Shenhai City like ripples, and the space interface was dislocated and disordered. Reality and illusion overlapped like flowers in a moon mirror in water.

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