No one should know about all of this... Only in an ordinary coffee shop, a girl with long silver hair was lazily lying on the bed, and she noticed the mutation and looked out the window. It seemed as simple as a Fourier transform, so she closed her eyes and continued fishing.

"Let him have a headache..."


High energy ahead

Chapter 86 Opening the Door is Welfare

They don't know the strange changes in the whole city.

The banquet was going on in an orderly manner. After the eight o'clock dance, Bai Jue dragged Zheng Wenqian, who was exhausted from dancing for an hour, to the bar, and temporarily separated from Mary and the other three heroic spirits.

Under the influence of the highest level invitation card, Bai Jue got his wish and had a good drink.

After all, he grew up in a restaurant. He also has a certain interest in wine, and he also uses it in cooking. A small amount of alcohol is good for the human body, but poverty limits his level. Many wines are only seen in books. had, but never actually tasted.

His cheap father's uncle once said with emotion that if Bai Jue grew up in a different environment, he might be a master bartender of the generation, and he would have a great chance to obtain the international bartender certification.

This opportunity is rare, he is rarely greedy, and ordered every kind of wine, anyway, he does not need to pay, presumably with the level of local tyrants of Heroic Spirit, he would not care about this little expense, and the wine he ordered It's not a hoard. Although the actual price is high, it can't be called expensive without a market.

After all, he still has a lot, and he didn't directly ask for a bottle of 82 Sprite to embarrass the staff.

Looking at the dazzling array of drinks on the table, the corners of Bai Jue's mouth twitched. He really didn't expect that there were as many as [-] kinds of drinks on this cruise ship... Excluding those expensive cellars, there were nearly [-] wines. More than seventy cups, for a normal person, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it even if I get drunk to death.

In order to avoid embarrassing himself in public by pretending to fail, Bai Jue dragged his bad friend without hesitation, waved his hand, and said proudly: "Come on, Big Whale, I'll buy you a drink!"

Zheng Wenqian was moved by the sentence MMP, but hesitated to speak.

The result is as follows...

Bai Jue had already taken off his dress coat, unbuttoned his neckline, half loosened his tie, his face was flushed, and he was breathing heavily. On the table, there were a row of glasses stacked upside down into a tower, a total of thirty-nine.

But now, he raised his head and drank the fortieth glass of wine, causing the surrounding onlookers to exclaim.

A group of young people were gearing up, but because of the face of the upper-class elites, they could only watch around, holding wine glasses, pretending to look over casually.

On the other hand, women are much more free and easy.

From celebrities in their thirties to girls in their teens, they all stood at a distance, admiring the duel between men.

The older mature women looked at the two teenagers with charming eyes, or they looked at the young bodies that were wet with wine and sweat. After all, old cows love to eat tender grass, men and women are no exception .

Younger girls are not interested in the mannerisms of those young heroes, but are keen to watch the excitement. In bars, compared to well-dressed gentlemen, enthusiastic and unpretentious men are more popular, and... The invitation cards in their hands showed that their identities were not ordinary.

This is an invisible gap and a subtle irony.

——You need to pretend at the banquet to show the open-mindedness and calmness of social elites and consortium tycoons, but we don’t need it, we drink as we want, and we don’t need to care about other people’s eyes, because we have more confidence than you.

At this time, it is only natural that women's eyes are more eager.

Zheng Wenqian's confidence stems from his identity as a disciple of his family, as well as his outstanding talents. He served as the commander of the battleship of the Beiyang Navy at a young age. A ship wife is a strategic force comparable to the army.

And Bai Jue's confidence stems from his self-confidence...I'm not afraid of being poor, anyway, we won't see each other again in the future.

"Huh..." Bai Jue drank his fortieth glass of wine, his body swayed slightly, he seemed to be dying, but in fact he was as stable as poi. He looked at the opposite friend whose face was so red that his face was turning purple, and smiled triumphantly: "It's up to you gone."

Classmate Zheng picked up the glass with difficulty, raised his head and drank half of it, his expression turned aside, and he said with difficulty: "CNM...I admit defeat."

After the words fell, the wine glass in his hand slipped, and he also fell backwards.

Zhenyuan had quick eyes and quick hands, borrowed the wine glass and at the same time supported Zheng Wenqian. This scene made a group of girls and young women behind who were about to help others and profit by the way grit their teeth jealously.

She naturally supported the big whale that was already drunk and fainted, and looked at Bai Jue: "Do you need help?"

"No, you can take care of him." Bai Jue shook his hand and took a deep breath. Although the alcohol paralyzed his mind in his blood, his mind was still clear.

There is only one reason, he cheated.

His hair was faintly silvery white under the light, and his eyes also had a little golden flow. A kind of evil and cold temperament circulated on his body, which seemed to be just an illusion... It was fleeting, but it still attracted many people inexplicably. look.

He picked up the gown and draped it over his shoulders, shook his head lightly, and said casually: "I have fulfilled the promise, I agreed to throw him on your bed tonight and leave him alone." Throw it on your bed, you can do whatever you want with him, do whatever you want, young lady."

Zhenyuan's cheeks were slightly red: "...Thank you."

"You're welcome." Bai Jue smiled and said, "Who made him my good friend? Of course we will hurt each other."

Looking at Zhenyuan's joyful face like a newlywed daughter-in-law, Bai Jue smiled happily, and it took him a few minutes to walk out from among a group of women. They clearly thought that Bai was drunk and pretended to take care of him In his name he was led to his room, and a little pleasant misunderstanding ensued.

It's just that Bai Jue left quickly, and his attitude was very decisive. It didn't look like he was drunk at all. They could only leave their business cards regretfully. The generous girl directly handed over her room number, looking forward to an all-night party long conversation.

Ignoring the group of women, Bai Jue went to the deck to blow the sea breeze for a while, and after dispelling the smell of alcohol, he asked the waiter to take him to the resting room.

This is a separate apartment for VIPs. The room is large and empty. The sound insulation is excellent, and no one is seen.

"It's nice to have money."

Bai Jue pushed open the door with emotion.

Then...a white mist floated in front of me.

"Hypnosis gas? Poisonous gas?" He concentrated his mind, subconsciously covered his mouth and nose, held his breath, and looked around vigilantly.

However, the expected attack did not come, and the mist was just ordinary water vapor, warm water vapor blowing toward the face.

He quickly noticed that the doorknob he was holding was still a little wet, and the wooden floor under his feet had turned into a high-quality warm stone at some point... Most importantly, as he pushed the door and entered, the water vapor gradually dissipated , a petite figure looming in the bathroom.

She noticed the gaze behind her, and turned her head suspiciously. The white foam of the shampoo covered one-third of the young girl's white and tender skin, and slowly flowed down the skin like fine silk. The silver hair was scattered, a beauty The catalog of bathing is slowly displayed in front of my eyes.

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