Although she is still a loli, she has an indescribable allure... Although she is only a prototype, she is perfect.

Bai Jue silently swallowed a mouthful of spit - although I am not a lolicon, I give ninety points.

At this time, he was still appreciative, but when he saw the stunned delicate face, the smile gradually disappeared, the smile was loading, and the load of the smile failed...

"Huh? Mary...Your Highness?"

Bai Jue froze on the spot, he was not surprised at all, but rather frightened.

His dazed head was instantly sobered by the shock of the accident.

It was also the first time Mary encountered such a situation in the bath, and she was stunned for a while.



The two looked at each other silently.

About three seconds later, Mary curled up shyly: " stare at me like that, I'm very shy, can you turn around?"

"Sorry for the interruption!" Bai Jue bowed: "Please continue..."

He turned around, walked out of the bathroom, and closed the door gracefully, without any panic... Shit, the hand that closed the door was shaking non-stop.

Seeing the small figure covered by the mist, he let out a long breath—ah, what a good and polite boy, if it were an ordinary person, he would definitely pick up the washbasin and throw it at him... ahahaha ...

"Damn, how could it be possible to fool the past? Although it is not bad to see the body of the number one idol in France, but after I go out, I am afraid that I will be chopped into meat paste by three hundred knives and axes!" Bai Jue said madly: " How could such a stupid thing happen! How could such a stupid thing happen! Can I open any door and be able to open it into other girls’ bathrooms? What kind of wrong way to open the door!”

"Could it be that I have awakened the ability of the space system but can only use it to be a voyeur?" He thumped the ground: "It's hopeless! It's really hopeless!"

The savior suddenly turned into a pervert who peeped at Lolita's bath. Others might die laughing on the street when they saw it.

This is equivalent to thinking that he is a superman who can transform when he encounters danger, but in fact he is a pervert who needs to put his underwear on his head to transform... The psychological gap is too great.

Just when Bai Jue was so embarrassed that he wanted to hit the wall, the door of the bathroom was quietly pushed open, and Mary poked her head out, her face blushing: " haven't left yet?"

Haven't left yet...Let's go...Ah...

These words caused a thousand real injuries to Bai Jue, and the piercing pain pierced his heart like a knife, and he squeezed out a smile: "I'm leaving right now... Excuse me!"

"Wait..." Mary held back, "Take mine..."

"What?" Bai Jue didn't know why.

"Underwear." She said, "Pass me the clothes..."

Bai Jue looked down and saw that in the wooden basket beside her, there were neatly folded girls' obscene clothes, panties, and a loose nightdress.

As a veteran driver, a certain Bai gave a comment from the bottom of his heart: Emmmmm... Although it can't be seen, this loli seems to be well developed, and it seems to be a little bigger than Altair and Misaka Mikoto.

"Don't look at it, don't look at it!" Mary's cheeks were blushing and bleeding, she restrained her shyness and scolded: "Give me the clothes!"

What?Fat times? !

Bai Jue's expression was extremely tangled, he thought hard, smug, and finally shook his head solemnly: "I'm sorry, I can't do it!"



Chapter 87 Let's have some excitement

When Bai Jue was struggling with whether or not to give Mary fat, Zhou Sangyu received an urgent call.

This communication network is a special channel of the National Security Bureau, which cannot be used except in special circumstances.

"Say it straight, what's the matter?"

"It's a bit complicated to say, please read it directly, I have already sent the data."

Zhou Sangyu sat in the toilet and turned on his mobile phone. The 3D projection formed a miniature surrounding data space in the air. The screen has twelve parts in total, each of which has a large amount of data flowing, filled with rich color blocks and trees. The graphs are all the execution results of Shenhai City's simulation calculation formula.

Ordinary people would get dizzy just by looking at it, but Zhou Sangyu digested this huge amount of information at a high speed.

Half a minute later, Jixia Mingshi frowned: "The transportation system is almost paralyzed, the signs are wrong, a large number of users on the Internet are lost, even the operation of the subway is abnormal, and the plane can't find the landing point... In just one hour, The traffic in the entire city was completely paralyzed by a third, and even the traffic police dispatched out couldn't find the correct location. What's the situation with the traffic management system?"

"This... the traffic system shows that everything is normal, the data is normal, and it should be able to arrive, but for some reason, it deviates from the original direction." The reporter said bitterly: "We don't know what's going on... …Is this some kind of information jamming?"

"Information interference can't reach this level, and it can't be a virus. With Shenhai's firewall system, ordinary electronic elves can't invade the equations compiled by Jixia Academy, unless..." Zhou Sangyu murmured: " It's not the system, it's the city itself that's broken."

"Problem? What's the problem?"

"...You don't need to worry about it. From now on, large-scale transportation facilities such as subways, high-speed rails, and airplanes will be suspended to avoid traffic accidents. Residents should try not to take cars and go home on foot. If they are tourists, temporarily open nearby air-raid shelters and accommodation facilities, and use military reserves to provide shelter for the public, remember, the speed must be fast, and it must be completed before dawn."


"Yes, take refuge, issue a third-level disaster warning, and be prepared to deal with natural disasters."

"Sir, do special operations forces need to act?"

"No, let them evacuate as soon as possible. Your priority now is to do everything in your power to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property. Even if the sky falls and the ground splits, I will hold you back." Zhou Sangyu's voice was cold. : "Other than that, don't worry about anything."

"Then, you, sir?" the reporter asked anxiously.

"Me?" Zhou Sangyu's hair was calm and automatic: "Don't worry about my safety, I'm going to die... I will die before you. The scribes in Jixia have always taken the lead. We are ready to die for the country at any time."

After speaking, he cut off the communication, his breath was as cold as ice, but his soul was as hot as fire.

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